


1. 争 [zhēng]争 [zhēng]力求获得,互不相让:~夺。竞~。~长论短。力求实现:~取。~气。~胜。方言,差,欠:总数还~多少?怎么,如何(多见于诗、词、曲):~不。~知。~奈。……





汉语拼音:zhēng guāng








  1. 与之比试光辉。

    《淮南子·说山训》:“日出星不见,不能与之争光也。”《史记·屈原贾生列传》:“推此志,虽与日月争光可也。” 张守节 正义:“推此志意,虽与日月争其光明,斯亦可矣。” 唐 杜甫 《成都府》诗:“初月出不高,众星尚争光。”《说岳全传》第三九回:“为国捐躯赴战场,丹心可并日争光。”

  2. 泛指比试高下。

    宋 王安石 《诸葛武侯》诗:“掉头《梁父吟》,羞与众争光。” 清 余怀 《板桥杂记·小引》:“如或遇非其偶,援 噲 等以伍 淮阴 ,玉树蒹葭,争光殊耻。”

  3. 争着承受光明。

    唐 常沂 《灵鬼志·嵇康》:“ 嵇康 灯下弹琴,忽有一人,长丈餘,著黑单衣,革带。 康 熟视之,乃吹火灭之,曰:‘耻与魑魅争光。’”

  4. 竞相显出光彩。

    吴伯箫 《菜园小记》:“青的萝卜,紫的茄子,红的辣椒,又红又黄的西红柿,真是五彩斑斓,耀眼争光。”

  5. 争取荣誉。

    邓颖超 《各行各业都来学习女排精神》:“党和国家及全国各族人民都关怀 中国 女排的成长,希望看到她们早日攀上体育高峰,为国争光。”



  1. Everyone was very excited. They believed that he was able to produce a painting that would make his time and country famous.

  2. The young prince obliged, happy no doubt to be making the kind of news that would not leave his family cringing.

  3. The company said the propaganda chief encouraged Baidu to 'continue growing and become stronger, winning honor for Chinese companies.

  4. He said: "The overseas race glory for the country was going to be performing in his hometown, the pressure even greater. "

  5. Look at the race began, the students like to go out, like an arrow, they want to get first place in open class win glory for it.

  6. People are brought up to emphasize the collective, individual obedience collective education for collective honor, etc. In Chinese.

  7. Kyle said he hopes one day to become an Olympic weightlifter and bring gold back to Britain.

  8. Your laughter filled track, winning glory for a few of your best classes.

  9. Perhaps at the time of the historical background for " create your own zhengqi for zheng guang, Chairman Mao as socialist motherland. "


  1. 为祖国争光!

    Win glory for our motherland!

  2. 你能为你父亲争光。

    You can be a credit to your father.

  3. 我愿为慕尼黑争光!

    I would certainly do honour to Munich.

  4. 我们必须设法为母校争光。

    We must try to reflect credit on our Alma Mater.

  5. 我们有为祖国争光的决心。

    We have the determination to win honour for our motherland.

  6. 我热爱我的班级,我要为班级争光。

    I love my class and I'll win glory for the class!

  7. 我们篮球队必须为国争光。

    Our basketball team should is a credit to the motherland.

  8. 但你今晚为男生争光了。

    You get the boy Award for the night, man.

  9. 胸怀祖国, 忘我工作, 为国争光

    With motherland in heart, hardworking to win honour for her

  10. 你准备好为我们争光了吗?

    Kinnik, IK you ready to make us proud?

  11. 他是一个替学校争光的人。

    He is a honour to his school.

  12. 齐声唤, 乘东风万里, 人人争光。

    Unison call, thousands of miles by wind, all glory.

  13. 熊倪多次在奥运会上为祖国争光。

    Xiong Ni has won honor for China in the Olympic Games several times.

  14. 我们将尽最大努力为母校争光。

    We will try hard to reflect credit on our Alma Mater.

  15. 农村水电誉满世界为国争光

    Rural Hydropower Development in China Fame the World Over, Do Credit for Our Country

  16. 所有的运动员都竭尽全力为祖国争光。

    All the athletes tried their best to win honor for their motherland.

  17. 我想成为一个体育明星,为国争光。

    I want to become a athlete and make China proud.

  18. 为国争光的志愿激励运动员刻苦训练。

    The desire to win glory for their country impels the athletes to train diligently.

  19. 我非常羡慕她们,因为她们可以为国家争光。

    I am very envy of them because they can make glorious for our country.

  20. 不除灌木杂草, 使其与板栗争光争肥。

    bush and weeds overgrow.

  21. 他谈不上为自己争光,也谈不上为家庭增荣。

    He is not much or a credit either to himself or to his family.

  22. 立足本厂,面向世界,提高质量,为国争光。

    Taking root in the factory, facing to the world, improving quality and winning honour for the country

  23. 他的目标就是要赢,为家庭和朋友争光。

    His real purpose is to win and to bring honour to his family and friends.

  24. 能为国争光对我而言是无尚得光荣。

    I am deeply honored to fight for the glory of our country.

  25. 能为国争光对我而言是无尚的光荣。

    I am deeply honored to fight for the glory of our country.

  26. 能为国争光对我而言是无尚的光荣。

    I am deeply honored to fight for the glory of our country.

  27. 每个篮球队员必须创造好成绩, 为国争光。

    Every cager must attain good results and win honour for the country.

  28. 她的目标是成为一名体育明星, 为国争光。

    Her goal is to become a athlete and make China proud.

  29. 在国际贸易展览会上, 我国的出口商为国争光。

    Our exporters proudly kept the flag flying at the international trade exhibition.

  30. 托马斯不论在哪个岗位上,都能为校争光。

    Thomas could be a credit to the school in any station of life.


  1. 问:争光拼音怎么拼?争光的读音是什么?争光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:争光的读音是zhēngguāng,争光翻译成英文是 win honour {或} honor for

  2. 问:争光霉素拼音怎么拼?争光霉素的读音是什么?争光霉素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:争光霉素的读音是zhēng guāng méi sù,争光霉素翻译成英文是 chenkwangmycin



争光,zhēng guāng,释义有与之比试光辉、泛指比试高下、争着承受光明等,

近义词:争气 争脸,

反义词:抹黑 丢丑。