





1. 便 [biàn]2. 便 [pián]便 [biàn]顺利,没有困难或阻碍:~当。~利。~道。~民。简单的,礼节上非正式的:~宴。~衣。~函(形式比较简便的信件)。简~。~宜。随~(适当地,看事实需要而自行处理事情)。便利的时候:~中……



汉语拼音:liǎng biàn







  1. 对双方都有好处;对两件事都有好处。

    《汉书·沟洫志》:“空居与行役,同当衣食;衣食县官而为之作,廼两便。” 颜师古 注:“言无产业之人,端居无为,及发行力役,俱须衣食耳。今县官给其衣食,而使修治 河 水,是为公私两便也。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十六:“公公常説要娶个晚婆婆,我每劝公公纳了他,岂不两便!”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二四回:“这个只得答应了他。只是 继之 这里又有事,必得要商量一个两便之法方好。”

  2. 彼此方便。多用作套话。如:您甭等我了,咱们两便吧。

  3. 指大便和小便。

    张树生 《中风·中风的表现》:“一般表现为剧烈头痛,频繁呕吐,半身不遂……两便失禁,有时抽搐。”



  1. II. Service Features Time- demand optional deposit is the most basic and conventional method of bank deposit .


  2. We offer variable term deposit, notice deposit and current deposit in our bank.


  3. We have variable term deposit, notice deposit and current deposit here? Which one would you like?


  4. Causative analysis on 156 specimens of urines and stools of orthopaedics patients returned by clinical laboratory and its strategies


  1. 我讨厌保险投资两便的


  2. 这是公私两便的事!

    Though of course, our personal interests are closely bound up with those of the company.

  3. 别等我了,咱们两便吧。

    Don't wait for me, please. That might be more convenient for both of us.

  4. 你去拜会老友,我去喝茶,咱们两便。

    You go and visit old friends, and I'll go and drink tea – that way everyone will be happy.

  5. 我行有定活两便、通知存款和活期存款。

    We offer variable term deposit, notice deposit and current deposit in our bank.

  6. 婚后第二年, 两便因感不合而离了婚。

    In their second year of marriage, they divorced because of the feelings of dissent.

  7. 两人便去公社办了证。

    Two people went a commune handling card.

  8. 最多两小时便可到达那里。

    It will take two hours at most to get there.

  9. 双轮轻便马车一种装有弹簧的两轮轻便马车

    A light twowheeled carriage with springs.

  10. 从那之后,两人便十分投缘,进而开始交往。

    After that, they that they were very compatible and begun dating.

  11. 然后两人便下起棋来, 他们杀了个棋逢对手。

    Later the two of them played chess, and they were evenly matched.

  12. 一个男孩骂另一个撒谎, 于是两人便打了起来。

    One boy called the other a liar and they set to.

  13. 和平解决争端的努力失败以后,两国便诉诸武力。

    Having failed to resolve their disputes at the conference table, the two countries went to arms.

  14. 和平解决争端的谈判失败以后,两国便诉诸武力。

    Having failed to settle their deisputes at the conference table, the two countries appealed to arms.

  15. 于是这两个人便会去享受那胡天胡地的性爱。

    Then the two would enjoy their licentious lovemaking.

  16. 杜洛瓦不顾廉耻, 竟提出一旦她居孀, 两人便结婚。

    Duroy was brash enough to propose that she become his wife if she were ever widowed.

  17. 催眠暗示的力量很大,病人不到两分钟便入睡了。

    Such is the power of suggestion that within two minutes the patient is asleep.

  18. 我讲过我两周便可以或许完成, 目下现古我做到了。

    I said I could do it in two weeks, and I did it.

  19. 自此,主办国和其他人士每两年便赞助举行该会议。

    Since then it has held conferences biennially with sponsorship from host countries and other parties.

  20. 然后, 当露丝和马丁单独在一起时两人便吵了起来。

    Then afterward, when Ruth and Martin were alone, there was a scene.

  21. 自从撒母耳在伯利恒膏立大卫之后,两人便极少接触。

    These two men do not seem to have had much contact after the brief anointing in Bethlehem.

  22. 谈判进行两小时後便陷入僵局。

    The negotiations reached a deadlock after two hours.

  23. 谈判进行两小时后便陷入僵局。

    The negotiations reached deadlock after two hours.

  24. 从这个车厢往前走两个车厢便到了。

    It's two cars ahead of this one.

  25. 两个男人便往过道走, 向餐车而去。

    The two men made their way down the aisle into the dining car.

  26. 中奖两周后她便结了婚,诞下2名子女。

    A fortnight after her win she married and had two children.

  27. 对行动进行反复的商榷后, 两个男人便往前走。

    After much consulting of mobiles, the two men start to walk.

  28. 刘琨也是个有报负的年轻人,两人很快便成为好朋友。

    One dawn Zu Ti was suddenly woken by the crowing of the roosters.

  29. 这款传感器只需两滴血清便可在十分钟内得到结果。

    Our sensor will only require about two droplets of blood serum and will provide results in about ten minutes.

  30. 英嘉和比她更小的两个弟妹便日复一日地孤独地生活。

    From one day to the next Inga is left alone with two younger siblings.


  1. 问:两便拼音怎么拼?两便的读音是什么?两便翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两便的读音是liǎngbiàn,两便翻译成英文是 be convenient for all involved



两便,指对两者都方便; 对双方都有好处;对两件事都有好处。语出《汉书·沟洫志》:“空居与行役,同当衣食;衣食县官而为之作,廼两便。”