







汉语拼音:yàn shī






  1. 亦作“ 验尸 ”。检验人的尸体,追究死亡的原因和过程。

    清 蒲松龄 《寒森曲》第四回:“官府的意思,是指望你几两银子,説验尸是个拿法。” 清 许秋垞 《闻见异辞·龙图断狱》:“二役取起尸首,回衙报命。比 龙图 验尸,面色如生。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第十一章:“经过察看现场和验尸,县令终于作出了判决:‘尼姑之死,乃是天意。’”

  2. 见“ 验尸 ”。



  1. A report in The Sun gave harrowing details of the body, but we've learned the "autopsy report" was fabricated and completely false.


  2. The scale of the cruelty to which Baby P had been subjected became apparent at the postmortem examination.


  3. This came out of the British coroner's inquest where driver Henri Paul's drinking is a key issue.


  4. The coroner's report is expected by early January and with it, a ruling on whether the financier committed suicide.


  5. Most county coroners, she said, require concrete evidence about a death before they rule it a suicide.


  6. Unfortunately, AD is difficult to diagnose, especially early in the disease course, and a definite diagnosis is possible only postmortem.


  7. The official report listed the cause of death as heart failure, but no autopsy was performed because there was no sign of foul play.


  8. Now, when a death has an "Article 2 dimension" , a high court judge is often drafted in as coroner, as in the July 7th terror inquest.


  9. She was buried in secret but an autopsy later showed that she had been raped and sodomised.


  1. 验尸陪审团

    A jury of inquest.

  2. 他要验尸。

    He wants an autopsy.

  3. 法医报告。验尸报告

    forensic report

  4. 你看过验尸吗?

    Have you ever seen the necropsy

  5. 你是验尸官么?

    You from the coroner's office?

  6. 我也在河边验尸。

    I was there for a lot of the necropsies on the riverside.

  7. 验尸官同意这个鉴定。

    The coroner concurred with this assessment.

  8. 使用了 模拟验尸技术。

    that has been undergoing virtual autopsies in the past four years.

  9. 验尸官嗯, 这么说吧。

    Coroner Well, let me put it this way.

  10. 验尸官嗯,这么说吧。

    Coroner Well, let me put it this way.

  11. 这就是一次虚拟验尸。

    So this is from a virtual autopsy.

  12. 很显然 他们想要验尸

    Well,apparently,they want to do an autopsy.

  13. 很显然 他们想要验尸。

    Well, apparently, they want to do an autopsy.

  14. 这是验尸的常规程序。

    So this will be the typical workflow situation.

  15. 在验尸官到达现场之前。

    Before the examiner arrived at the scene.

  16. 验尸记录的结论为自杀。

    An inquest recorded a verdict of suicide.

  17. 他们正在给受害者验尸。

    They're carrying out an autopsy on the victim.

  18. 我验尸的技术还不坏。

    And I'm not bad at autopsies.

  19. 我妻子已经交给验尸官了?

    My wife's already been to the coroner?

  20. 你的验尸官不能确定。

    Your coroner couldn't confirm.

  21. 验尸的目的在发现死因。

    The purpose of a postmortem is to discover the cause of death.

  22. 我们这需要一个验尸官。

    We're gonna need a coroner.

  23. 那么是由他指挥验尸了?

    So he was directing the autopsy?

  24. 进行验尸以探究他的死因

    a coroners inquest into his death

  25. 你向验尸官隐瞒了信息?

    You withheld information from the coroner's court?

  26. 负责审查的人是验尸官。

    The person in charge an inquest is called a coroner.

  27. 负责审查得人是验尸官。

    The person in charge an inquest is called a coroner.

  28. 验尸判定她死于水中毒。

    A postmortem found she had died of water intoxication.

  29. 洛杉矶验尸官证实了这一点。

    The coroner in Los Angeles has confirmed it.

  30. 我有验尸报告所有的一切。

    I have an autopsy and document everything.


  1. 问:验尸拼音怎么拼?验尸的读音是什么?验尸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸的读音是yànshī,验尸翻译成英文是 perform an autopsy

  2. 问:验尸官拼音怎么拼?验尸官的读音是什么?验尸官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸官的读音是,验尸官翻译成英文是 coroner

  3. 问:验尸室拼音怎么拼?验尸室的读音是什么?验尸室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸室的读音是yàn shī shì,验尸室翻译成英文是 autopsy

  4. 问:验尸所拼音怎么拼?验尸所的读音是什么?验尸所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸所的读音是yànshīsuǒ,验尸所翻译成英文是 mortuary

  5. 问:验尸的拼音怎么拼?验尸的的读音是什么?验尸的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸的的读音是,验尸的翻译成英文是 postmortem

  6. 问:验尸官法拼音怎么拼?验尸官法的读音是什么?验尸官法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸官法的读音是yàn shī guān fǎ,验尸官法翻译成英文是 Coroners Act

  7. 问:验尸法庭拼音怎么拼?验尸法庭的读音是什么?验尸法庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸法庭的读音是yàn shī fǎ tíng,验尸法庭翻译成英文是 coroner's court

  8. 问:验尸法院拼音怎么拼?验尸法院的读音是什么?验尸法院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸法院的读音是yàn shī fǎ yuàn,验尸法院翻译成英文是 coroner's court

  9. 问:验尸官法庭拼音怎么拼?验尸官法庭的读音是什么?验尸官法庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸官法庭的读音是yàn shī guān fǎ tíng,验尸官法庭翻译成英文是 court of the coroner

  10. 问:验尸官法院拼音怎么拼?验尸官法院的读音是什么?验尸官法院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸官法院的读音是yàn shī guān fǎ yuàn,验尸官法院翻译成英文是 coroners'court

  11. 问:验尸官调查拼音怎么拼?验尸官调查的读音是什么?验尸官调查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸官调查的读音是yàn shī guān diào chá,验尸官调查翻译成英文是 coroner's inquest

  12. 问:验尸陪审团拼音怎么拼?验尸陪审团的读音是什么?验尸陪审团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸陪审团的读音是yàn shī péi shěn tuán,验尸陪审团翻译成英文是 coroner's jury

  13. 问:验尸官陪审员拼音怎么拼?验尸官陪审员的读音是什么?验尸官陪审员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸官陪审员的读音是yàn shī guān péi shěn yuán,验尸官陪审员翻译成英文是 jury of coroner

  14. 问:验尸官陪审团拼音怎么拼?验尸官陪审团的读音是什么?验尸官陪审团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸官陪审团的读音是yàn shī guān péi shěn tuán,验尸官陪审团翻译成英文是 coroner's jury

  15. 问:验尸官选举令状拼音怎么拼?验尸官选举令状的读音是什么?验尸官选举令状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验尸官选举令状的读音是yàn shī guān xuǎn jǔ lìng zhuàng,验尸官选举令状翻译成英文是 de coronatore eligendo


