




1. 切 [qiē]2. 切 [qiè]切 [qiē]用刀从上往下用力:~菜。~除。~磋(本义是把骨角玉石加工制成器物,引申为在业务、思想各方面互相吸取长处,纠正缺点,如“~~琢磨”)。切 [qiè]密合,贴近:~当(dàng )。~肤(切……



汉语拼音:guān qiè








  1. 关系,关连。

    明 张居正 《杂著》:“‘知人’、‘安民’二语乃万世治天下者之準则。以九德甄别人才,以率作考成保泰守业,无一语不关切治道。” 明 李贽 《史纲评要·周纪·赧王》:“不受之论,关切利害。然请受乃足以见 平原君 。” 清 王士禛 等《师友诗传录》:“此是识字学问,与诗歌古文词无甚关切。”

  2. 关系密切。


  3. 关心。

    《红楼梦》第一○四回:“ 贾政 吐舌道:‘吓死人,吓死人!倒蒙各位大人关切,且喜没有甚么事。’” 老舍 《四世同堂》二四:“他越关切 文 家,就越可怜自己在家庭中竟自这样失去信用与尊严!” 巴金 《忆鲁迅先生》:“我想着他对 中国 人民的关切和对未来 中国 的期望。”

  4. 亲切。

    巴金 《秋》六:“他无可如何地举头望天,清澄的蓝天中也现出了那同样的面貌,依旧是那一对关切的水汪汪的眼睛。” 巴金 《灭亡》第六章:“她笑着说,一双含着无限的友爱的大眼关切地望着他。”



  1. And that has heightened the biggest concern of all: that banks are so systemically important that they cannot be allowed to go under.


  2. I am at a loss in the tearful eyes full of sadness, I found a pair of eyes watching me with concern.


  3. But the old crone was looking at him in so concerned a fashion, as if it was important for her to know the truth, that Michael nodded.


  4. In an ideal society, no doubt, birth control would become the concern of the man as well as the woman.


  5. It is essential to be concerned about both the head, sound doctrine, as well as the heart, the life of faith.


  6. "I decided to give him a second chance and no one has ever raised serious concerns about how he did his job for me, " said Cameron.


  7. He said the Red Cross is gravely concerned by the growing number of civilian deaths and injuries.


  8. Normally UFO developments like this are measured out in small doses, as far as the media is concerned -- but this was an impressive cluster.


  9. Twice the count left the ranks to see whether the object of his interest had any concealed weapon beneath his clothes.


  1. 注意, 关切。讲究

    be careful about

  2. 关切的事,有关的事。

    A matter of interest or importance to sb.

  3. 人类共同关切问题

    common concern of humankind

  4. 深感兴趣, 十分关切

    take a profound interest

  5. 礼貌尊重或关切的话。

    a courteous or respectful or considerate remark.

  6. 对她健康的关切的询问

    solicitous enquiries about her health

  7. 对了解真相的关切心情

    Concern to know the truth

  8. 他对他的客人们非常关切。

    He was so solicitous of his guests.

  9. 官兵对新合同深表关切。

    The rank and file voiced their concerns over the new contract.

  10. 失业是选民们最关切的问题。

    Unemployment was the electorates main concern.

  11. 必须留意他们所关切的内容。

    Their concerns have to be heeded.

  12. 失业是选民们最关切的问题。

    Unemployment was the electorate's main concern.

  13. 安德鲁表示了他的关切。

    Andrew expressed his concern.

  14. 他脸上露出关切的表情。

    There is a concerned look on his face.

  15. 苏关切地看了看窗外。

    Sue look solicitously out of the window.

  16. 它们也关切打击贩毒的问题。

    Its members are also concerned to curb drug trafficking.

  17. 播种的季节, 我关切春雨的降临。

    Planting season, I am concerned about the advent of spring rain.

  18. 我对他的处境感到十分关切。

    I was much absorbed by his situation.

  19. 他的声音充满了慈父般的关切。

    His voice filled with fatherly concern.

  20. 而我对他们的关切也与日俱增。

    My affinity for them was growing.

  21. 他对美国的态度表示严重关切。

    He expressed grave concern at American attitudes.

  22. 次日,我向总统表示了我的关切。

    I expressed my concern to the president the day afterward.

  23. 眼下人们关切的重要问题和事件。

    Issues and events of current interest and concern.

  24. 师父对此次台风灾情非常关切,

    Upon receiving news of Typhoon Nari, Master was deeply concerned about the situation

  25. 老师若不关切或太过宽松的话。

    If we are uncaring or too lenient.

  26. 他的眼里流露出一丝关切的目光。

    A gleam of interest came into his eyes.

  27. 财政危机迫使人们更关切家庭安全。

    The financial meltdown produced more interest in home safes.

  28. 世界也对扩大安全理事会感到关切。

    The world is also concerned with the enlargement of the Security Council.

  29. 司法机关经常承认与表示这些关切。

    The judiciary has itself recognized and articulated these concerns periodically.

  30. 我们有相同的人的基本需要和关切。

    We have the same basic human needs and concerns.


  1. 问:关切拼音怎么拼?关切的读音是什么?关切翻译成英文是什么?

    答:关切的读音是guānqiè,关切翻译成英文是 deeply concerned; be concerned



