







汉语拼音:dàn mò









  1. 恬淡。

    《文子·上仁》:“非淡漠无以明德,非寧静无以致远。”《史记·屈原贾生列传》:“真人淡漠兮,独与道息。” 唐 吴筠 《高士咏·原宪》:“ 原生 何淡漠,观妙自怡性。” 丁玲 《母亲》二:“她以前想慕过的田园生涯,想慕过的清闲淡漠的乡居,不正是这样吗?”

  2. 冷淡,无热情。

    清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·段公子》:“昨过 李氏 新阡,墓已宿草。我尚涕泗,而妹竟处之淡漠焉!” 茅盾 《一个女性》三:“虽然她平日对于这个 何求 颇为淡漠,此时却也感激他。”

  3. 犹淡薄。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·<守常全集>题记》:“痛是也有些的,但比先前淡漠了。” 王福仲 《小虎子》:“唯有那盏车灯露在外面,发出一股微弱的淡漠的光。”

  4. 指模糊。

    冰心 《往事》九:“所以我们只是东拉西扯,比平时的更淡漠,更无头绪,我一句也记不得了。”



  1. Her face was dry and pale, as though she regarded herself in the light of a murderess.


  2. I would like to see you in your whole life behind, but do not want you back, let me see you indifferent eyes, gave me a strange feeling.


  3. An attempt to preserve life in a state of neutrality and indifference, is unreasonable and vain.


  4. That finally for the sake of a woman but threw him away the man of cool facial expression, roar loud a way almost and madly.


  5. There was something which had been crucial for you having slowly indifferent.


  6. An old friendship had grown cold. Where once there had been closeness, there was only strain. Now pride kept me from picking up the phone.


  7. She was quiet and vague, she had no contact with them and intended to have none. Clifford was extraordinarily proud of himself.


  8. I chewed on a small bite of the bread, trying to look indifferent.


  9. Long Yi coolly saw her one eye and turned round and anew arranged to leave, his persistence turned to namely die in a sudden.


  1. 欣快性淡漠

    euphoric apathy.

  2. 淡漠型欣快

    indifferent euphoria.

  3. 如此淡漠而敬畏

    So unimpressed but so in awe

  4. 他的声调很淡漠。

    His tone was casual.

  5. 淡漠型甲状腺毒症

    apathetic thyrotoxicosis

  6. 她的爱慢慢地淡漠了。

    Her love has slowly gone out.

  7. 童年的回忆渐渐淡漠了。

    Memories of childhood are gradually receding.

  8. 她这些天表现的很淡漠。

    She behaves apathetically these days.

  9. 她这些天表现的很淡漠。

    She behaves apathetically these days.

  10. 他童年的记忆已经淡漠了。

    His childhood memories have grown dim.

  11. 他冷冷地, 淡漠地站起身来。

    He arose coldly and distantly.

  12. 他感情淡漠,沉默寡言,性格内敛。

    He was unemotional, quite quiet, and reserved.

  13. 生命的对立面不是死亡, 是淡漠。

    And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.

  14. 他本可以腰缠万贯, 但他淡漠金钱。

    He had little concern for money, though he could have been extremely wealthy.

  15. 淡漠雅致而又淳朴善良的女子

    a woman of artless grace and simple goodness.

  16. 只有对财富淡漠,才湛称为神。

    No one is worthy of a god unless he has paid no heed to riches.

  17. 与其淡漠度过一生 不如全身心的投入

    Better immersion than to live untouched.

  18. 但有时, 距离和淡漠也有其作用。

    But sometimes distance and detachment have their place.

  19. 淡漠其实并不是我想要的结果。

    Be really not the result that I want indifferently in fact.

  20. 这件事渐渐从她记忆里淡漠了。

    The incident had faded from her mind.

  21. 男人淡漠的声音。他做着琐碎的事情。

    A man with an impassive voice, involving in trivial affair.

  22. 马克坐在那里,神情淡漠,闭口不言。

    Mark sat stolid and silent.

  23. 他对于口头上的真话的渴求已经淡漠。

    He had dull his craving for verbal truth.

  24. 那些淡漠褶皱的情丝,被谁等闲的扯碎。

    Those indifferent fold love, who is easy to.

  25. 这件事在我脑子里已很淡漠了。

    The event has left only faint memories in my mind.

  26. 对这件事我的印象已很淡漠了。

    The event has left only faint memories in my mind.

  27. 他的目光傲慢冷酷,痴呆无光,淡漠无情。

    His eyes were arrogantly cold. There was no light in them,no feeling, no interest.

  28. 对这位新来的人,他们好像很淡漠。

    The boy with a white hat has a new comer. Some students played a trick on him.

  29. 我想出国学英语的愿望渐渐地淡漠了。

    My wish of going abroad to study English damped down.

  30. 淡漠型甲亢的诊疗特点及临床观察

    Apathetic thyrotoxicosis diagnosis and treatment characteristics and clinical observation.


  1. 问:淡漠拼音怎么拼?淡漠的读音是什么?淡漠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡漠的读音是dànmò,淡漠翻译成英文是 indifferent; faded

  2. 问:淡漠性欣快拼音怎么拼?淡漠性欣快的读音是什么?淡漠性欣快翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡漠性欣快的读音是dàn mò xìng xīn kuài,淡漠性欣快翻译成英文是 indifferent euphoria



淡漠 拼音读“dànmò” 1. [indifferent;apathetic]∶冷淡的淡漠的感情 2. [faint;dim]∶记忆不清老早以前的事,印象淡漠了