


1. 答 [dá]2. 答 [dā]答 [dá]回话,回复:回~。对~。~辩。~复。~案。对~如流。受了别人的好处,还(huán )报别人:报~。~报。答 [dā]义同(一),用于“答应”“答理”等词。……


1. 疑 [yí]2. 疑 [nǐ]疑 [yí]不信,猜度(duó):~惑。~问。~心。~团。~虑。~窦。~点。~端。猜~。怀~。半信半~。不能解决的,不能断定的:~案。~难。~义。存~。疑 [nǐ]安定,止息。古同“拟”,比拟。……



汉语拼音:dá yí






  1. 解答疑惑,答覆别人的疑问。

    清 吴伟业 《赠苍雪》诗:“设难 何衡阳 ,答疑 刘少府 。”

  2. 提供咨询、参考意见。



  1. Tutorials provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and to demonstrate your understanding.


  2. Below is an announcement for a Wokai event in Beijing tomorrow and a Q& A.


  3. Technical communication with customers, be able to explain and answer questions.


  4. service in the form of Q &A, and you were asking the questions.


  5. Absrtact: A distributed intelligent question answer system is a platform sharing resource among the sites.


  6. To increase matching speed, there should be an appropriate classification and index techniques.


  7. Lawyers answer : Housing developers will have to pay mortgage legitimate ?


  8. And be responsible for the explaining of the drawings to workers, as well as new employees training.


  9. Course exploitation includes design of page, the design of navigation, interactive, estimate, explanation of questions and resources.


  1. 自动答疑系统

    automatic answer system

  2. 课程答疑系统

    System for Course Answering.

  3. 网络答疑系统

    Web question answering system.

  4. 同步智能答疑

    synchronous intelligent answer.

  5. 实现在线答疑

    Use VB Winsock to Solve Problems Online.

  6. 计算机答疑系统

    answer system of computer

  7. 为各位解惑答疑。

    To dispel some of those myths.

  8. 为各位解惑答疑。

    To dispel some of those myths.

  9. 留下半小时答疑

    set aside half an hour for questions and answers

  10. 科印专家现场答疑

    Keyin Experts Answering Questions on Site

  11. 课上答疑, 现场指导。

    Answering in the class, Guidance site.

  12. 课上答疑,现场指导。

    Answering in the class ,Guidance site .

  13. 科印维修专家现场答疑

    Keyin Maintenance Experts Answering Questions on Site

  14. 就沙漠人造海可行性答疑

    The Preliminary Analysis of Different Opinions on Making Artificial Sea in Deserts

  15. 网上答疑系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of FAQ System

  16. 关于网上答疑的实践与展望

    Practice and Prospect of Answering Questions on Web

  17. 我非常乐意为他们答疑解惑。

    I'll be only too pleased to help them out with any queries.

  18. 谓词逻辑在答疑系统中的应用

    Application of Predicate Logic in Question Answering System

  19. 智能答疑系统中搜索技术的研究

    Study of Search Technology in Intelligent Question Answering System

  20. 他召集了一班专家来答疑解惑。

    He has assembled a team of experts to handle queries.

  21. 关于弘一大师绘画作品的若干答疑

    Some Issues about Great Master Hongyi's Paintings

  22. 人性化网络自动答疑系统设计探析

    A preliminary study on the design of a humanize automatic response system on network

  23. 基于问题模式匹配的智能答疑系统原型

    A question answering system based on question pattern match

  24. 基于自然语言理解的智能答疑系统研究

    Research for natural language based intelligent question answering system

  25. 测绘教学网络智能答疑系统研究与设计

    Study and Design of Mapping Teaching Intelligent Network Answering System.

  26. 智能答疑系统中语义网的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Semantic Relation in Intelligent Question Answer System

  27. 智能答疑系统中概念词典的设计与应用

    On the Design and Application of Concept Dictionary in Intellectual Answering System

  28. 中文智能答疑系统相关技术的研究与实现

    The Development and Realization of Chinese Intelligent Question Answering System.

  29. 基于章节本体和转移网络的自动答疑系统

    Question answering system in network education based on chaptered ontology and transfer network

  30. 律师答疑开发商将已付款房屋抵押合法吗?

    Lawyers answer Housing developers will have to pay mortgage legitimate.


  1. 问:答疑拼音怎么拼?答疑的读音是什么?答疑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答疑的读音是dáyí,答疑翻译成英文是 take questions




通常由助教安排一个特定时间, 回答学生关于当前所学课程内容的提问。

答疑和习题课相比,具有不同的特点, 主要体现在以下几方面: 1。答疑是由学生提出具体的问题, 由助教进行有针对性地回答; 2。答疑过程中,教师与学生的互动性比较强, 基本上一对一的直接交流; 3。答疑形式比较自由, 对教师的教学规范要求较少。

4。答疑时间不记入教学工作量中, 带有某种义务性质。