


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……




1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yào shá yǒu shá








  1. na.
  2. have [

  3. get] everything one needs;want for nothing

  1. 今晚有啥戏要上演?来吧,我们来把它给排上舞台。

    What is playing tonight at here. Let's put it on stage.

  2. 有啥关系 我要跟你结婚的。

    It's okay. I'm marrying you.

  3. 他要什么有什么, 没啥可抱怨的了。

    He has everything he needs. He has nothing to grumble about.

  4. 我身边有一两个忠实的人,我要他们干啥他们就干啥。

    I have about me one of two faithful people who would do anything I ask.

  5. 太变态了,为啥有人要发给你这些?

    That is sick. Why would anybody send you this?

  6. 我能和她有啥说啥。

    I'm able to talk with her freely.

  7. 外交官对国际事务似乎很难有啥说啥。

    Calling a spade a spade on foreign affairs sometimes seems difficult for diplomats.

  8. 她对自己非常苛刻, 但对别人却有啥给啥。

    She denies herself everything but gives others everything she can.

  9. 唉,我这个人一向是老老实实,有啥算啥的。

    Well, I'm as regular as an old shoe.

  10. 有啥计划?

    So what's the plan?

  11. 猜猜还有啥?

    Guess what else?

  12. 猜猜还有啥?

    Guess what else?

  13. 猜猜还有啥?

    Guess what else?

  14. 为啥每次我一和你说话,就有一股想要去献血的冲动?

    Why every time I speak one and you, There is an impulse to want to go donate blood?

  15. 那我有啥用

    Then what the hell am I for?

  16. 嚼口香糖有啥用?

    What's the Point of Chewing Gum ?

  17. 要有激情。

    Have passion.

  18. 要有技巧。

    Secret of the trade.

  19. 你,你有啥事儿没?

    Are you, are you doin' anything?

  20. 你究竟有啥毛病啊?

    What is wrong with you?

  21. 你究竟有啥毛病啊?

    What is wrong with you?

  22. 一定要有啊

    Please say yes.

  23. 要有麻烦了。

    There's trouble brewing.

  24. 吃要有吃相。

    Mind your table manners.

  25. 我不觉得有啥好笑的。

    I fail to see the humor in it.

  26. 要有退休制度。

    We must have a retirement system.

  27. 你知道我有啥嗜好不?

    Do you know what I have a kink for.

  28. 必须要有祝酒词。

    There must be a toast.

  29. 必须要有祝酒词。

    There must be a toast.

  30. 说话要有根据。

    Statement should be made on the basis of fact.