


1. 降 [jiàng]降 [jiàng]下落,落下:下~。~旨。~临。~旗。空~。减低,贬抑:~低。~价。~职。~解(jiě)。~心相从(抵制自己心志以服从别人)。姓。基本字义● 降xiáng ㄒㄧㄤˊ投降,归顺:宁死不~。降服,使驯服。……


职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:jiàng zhí








  1. 降低职位。

    宋 叶适 《故礼部尚书龙图阁学士黄公墓志铭》:“俄知 婺州 ,坐不发 兰溪 知县赃罪降职罢。” 清 姚鼐 《<食旧堂集>序》:“先生在 临安 三年,以吏议降职,遂返 丹徒 。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第十四章:“师党委根据批判从严、处理从宽的原则,党内给以留党察看的处分,行政上降职,到第六连担任连长。”



  1. It also said the company demoted those women and replaced them with "junior" male employees.


  2. If they had known the children were going to lose their scholarships and that Alice would be demoted , they would have never done it.


  3. Man Logistics company business JiYe, deputy minister with a strong means improved performance results, and therefore be demoted.


  4. Thomas was put down from the office for not fawning upon his immediate superior.


  5. Zhuge Liang devoted himself to the prosperity of the kingdom and waited for the next opportunity to attack Wei.


  6. There will be hugs all 'round and a few surprises, a few promotions (Yes, demotions too), but above and beyond the aspects mentioned above.


  7. Some of our warriors fell at their post, some deserted us, but a dedicated core remained strong and committed.


  8. You know what? He's been relegated to a paper-pusher.


  9. F: Don't you feel a little strange taking the place of your old boss after he was demoted?


  1. 就地免职或降职

    be dismissed on the spot or demoted

  2. 你被降职了吗

    Did you get demoted?

  3. 把一个军官降职

    disrate an officer

  4. 这位官员被降职。

    The officer was reduced in rank.

  5. 由于出言不逊她被降职。

    She was demoted because she always speaks up.

  6. 不把你降职算你走运。

    You should be grateful that we didn't fire you.

  7. 她被降职为助理经理。

    She was downgraded to assistant manager.

  8. 她被降职为经理助理。

    She was downgraded to assistant manager.

  9. 总经理将那名雇员降职。

    The general manager downgraded the employee.

  10. 上尉因玩忽职守而被降职。

    The captain was broken for neglect of duty.

  11. 他因侵吞公款而被降职。

    He was put down from the office for peculation.

  12. 降低某人得级别或地位,降职

    Make sb lower in rank or status, demote sb

  13. 降低某人的级别或地位,降职

    Make sb lower in rank or status, demote sb

  14. 老板把他降职到分公司工作。

    The boss shunted him to a branch office.

  15. 小周因为业绩不好被降职了。

    Xiao Zhou has been demoted due to his poor performance.

  16. 小周因为业绩不好被降职了。

    Xiao Zhou has been demoted due to his poor performance.

  17. 军法审判后中十被降职为列兵。

    The sergeant was reduced to private after the courtmartial.

  18. 被降职的大学生升级基础的病毒计划。

    The degraded undergraduate upgraded the underlying virus program.

  19. 他们被降职去做不太重要的工作。

    They have been demoted to less responsible jobs.

  20. 降职后, 塔夫脱小姐的行为好转了。

    Miss taft's behavior improved after her demotion.

  21. 在被降职前她的工作从未受过批评。

    There was no criticism of her work until after she was downgraded.

  22. 那个军官由于不光彩的行径而被降职。

    The officer was reduced in rank for dishonourable action.

  23. 这位护士长由于玩忽职守被降职为普通护士。

    The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice.

  24. 降职同提拔,不过这次是降低公会等级。

    Demote Select a player on the list and hit demote to demote that player one rank in the guild.

  25. 我并不能让他们不得不给我提升或降职。

    I didn't put them in a position where they had to promote me or lose me.

  26. 如果你再继续胡作非为的话, 你一定要降职的。

    If you continue to act widely in defiance of the law you will be put down.

  27. 在英国, 失业是降职流动的一个重要原因。

    Unemployment is a significant cause of downward mobility in Britain.

  28. 在英国,失业是降职流动的一个重要原因。

    Unemployment is a significant cause of downward mobility in Britain.

  29. 宝贝,他们不能因为你是聋人就把你降职

    Honey, they can't demote you just because you're deaf.

  30. 托马斯因为不奉承他得顶头上司而被降职。

    Thomas was put down from the office for not fawning upon his immediate superior.


  1. 问:降职拼音怎么拼?降职的读音是什么?降职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降职的读音是jiàngzhí,降职翻译成英文是 To degrade a post.