


1. 升 [shēng]升 [shēng]容量单位。量粮食的器具。向上,高起,提高:~力(亦称“举力”)。~格。~华(a.固态物质直接变为气;b.喻事物的提高和精炼)。~迁。~值。~堂入室(喻人的学问造诣由浅入深,循序渐进,达到精深)。晋~……


职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:shēng zhí







升职 [shēng zhí]
  1. 升职是指员工向一个比前一个工作岗位挑战性更高、所需承担责任更大以及享有职权更多的工作岗位流动的过程。



  1. If I took this promotion, it would be like admitting that this is what I actually do.


  2. Knowing that he would be promoted, he went back to his office with a light heart.


  3. When an executive changes jobs or is promoted, the assistant's pay is often negotiated by the boss as a part of his or her overall deal.


  4. Soon after receiving the promotion, however, Leslie learned that she was among the lowest paid employees with her job title.


  5. Would it be out of line to ask for a promotion even though I've only worked here for a month?


  6. Some of these low ACT reps had been promoted into management positions while none of the reps with high ACT's had been.


  7. He's had many manufacturing career all over his life and the company promoted him to be the Head of Marketing?


  8. Within a few weeks of her promotion, Leslie decided that she would rather quit her job than be treated this poorly.


  9. Contrary to what he expected, he failed to be promoted this time. After returning to his home, he vented his anger on his wife.


  1. 推荐某人升职

    to recommend somebody for promotion

  2. 交换你的升职

    in return for sexual favors?

  3. 负责审核加薪及升职

    Responsible for appraise salary raise and promotion.

  4. 不过现在,恭喜诸位升职

    Until then. congratulations. You've just been promoted.

  5. 那儿没有升职的机会。

    Theres no chance of advancement.

  6. 她接受升职时撒谎了。

    She lied when she took the promotion.

  7. 她接受升职时撒谎了。

    She lied when she took the promotion.

  8. 经常有升职的机会吗?

    What are my opportunities for promotion?

  9. 请允许我恭喜你升职!

    Allow me to congratulate you upon your promotions!

  10. 请允许我恭喜你升职!

    Allow me to congratulate you upon your promotions!

  11. 他为升职向老板献殷勤。

    He toadied to his boss for promotion.

  12. 能力是升职的先决条件。

    Competence is prerequisite to promotion.

  13. 他的升职招致对手的嫉妒。

    His promotion caused much heartburning among his rivals.

  14. 这不是因为我的升职吧

    This isn't because of me getting promoted?

  15. 升职是件非常快乐地事。

    Professional advancement can be a great joy in life.

  16. 珍想升职的愿望的没有实现。

    Jen's hopes for a promotion did not come to pass.

  17. 他没有全面考虑过升职的后果。

    He didn't think through the consequences of the promotion.

  18. 他没有全面考虑过升职的后果。

    He didn't think through the consequences of the promotion.

  19. 我在医院升职了。这便意味着

    Just got promoted at the hospital. That means no more swing or graveyard shifts for me :)

  20. 卡罗尔对没有升职很有情绪。

    Carol is bolshy at not getting promotion.

  21. 你得到升职,别提有多自豪了。

    You receive a promotion and are extremely proud.

  22. 迟些,在9月,会获得升职的机遇。

    Later,in September,you will be up for a promotion.

  23. 他汲汲地争取这次升职的机会。

    He is zealously competing for this promotion opportunity.

  24. 他汲汲地争取这次升职的机会。

    He is zealously competing for this promotion opportunity.

  25. 我渴望在公司里有升职的机会。

    I am eager for an opportunity to ascend in my company.

  26. 贵公司能给我提供升职的机会

    Your company provides me with the hopeful further promotion.

  27. 你认为凯罗这次会被升职吗?

    Do you think Carol will be promoted this time?

  28. 他从普通士兵升职成为检察长了。

    He rose through the ranks to become chief inspector.

  29. 他从普通士兵升职成为检察长了。

    He rose through the ranks to become chief inspector.

  30. 是得。我对她能被升职充满信心。

    Yes. I have every confidence in her promotion.


  1. 问:升职拼音怎么拼?升职的读音是什么?升职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:升职的读音是shēngzhí,升职翻译成英文是 be promoted