






1. 曲 [qū]2. 曲 [qǔ]曲 [qū]弯转,与“直”相对:弯~。~折(zhé)。~笔(a.古代史官不按事实、有意掩盖真相的记载;b.写文章时故意离题而不直书其事的笔法)。~肱而枕。~尽其妙。不公正,不合理:~说。~解(jiě)。委……



汉语拼音:cuī mián qǔ







  1. 催婴儿入睡时唱的歌曲。

    巴金 《寒夜》尾声:“现在那个年青的母亲在小屋里抱着小孩子走来走去,唱催眠曲。” 柯岩 《奇异的书简》五:“爱人是个小学教师,她把对下一代的全部责任心和希望倾吐在催眠曲里。”



  1. I knew I would not be lonely, because there would be the sea breezes humming to me a lullaby and carrying a salty on to my face.


  2. When her mother got up, she would also wake up, but the rustling in the silkworm room would lull her to sleep again like a lullaby.


  3. If the baby grew restless , the nurse would take him out of his poland sing him to sleep .


  4. If the baby grew restless , the nurse would take him out of his cot and sing him to sleep.


  5. Their prayers roll across the water and fall upon my ears like a lullaby rocking me to sleep.


  6. And when the samba played, the sun would set so high. Ring through my ears and sting my eyes, your Spanish lullaby.


  7. Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high. There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.


  8. The mother showds her baby in her arms with a cradlesong.


  9. His mother is singing to him.


  1. 生活是首催眠曲?

    Life is a lullaby ?

  2. 低声哼唱催眠曲

    croon a lullaby

  3. 生活就像是催眠曲

    Life is just a lullaby

  4. 唱催眠曲让婴儿入睡

    Sing the baby to sleep

  5. 颓废倘若是催眠曲。

    If it is decadent lullaby.

  6. 唱催眠曲使小孩入睡

    Sing a child to sleep

  7. 和糖果云的催眠曲中

    And candy clouds of lullaby

  8. 催眠曲一种柔和的乐曲

    A soothing composition.

  9. 唱起凄寂的催眠曲时

    Starts to sing alone some lullaby

  10. 她在为孩子唱催眠曲。

    She is singing lullabies to the children.

  11. 她在为孩子唱催眠曲。

    She is singing lullabies to the children.

  12. 他妈妈正在给他唱催眠曲。

    His mother is singing to him.

  13. 毁灭的寓言不过是重生的催眠曲

    Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth

  14. 我为她唱了一首催眠曲。

    I sang her a lullaby.

  15. 我静静地听着柔美的催眠曲。

    I silently listening to soft music.

  16. 当夜风轻唱着寂寞的催眠曲时

    And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby

  17. 妈妈给孩子唱了一支催眠曲。

    The mother sang her baby a lullaby.

  18. 听着催眠曲,宝宝很快就入睡了。

    The baby fell asleep quickly while listening to the lullaby.

  19. 听着催眠曲,宝宝很快就入睡了。

    The baby fell asleep quickly while listening to the lullaby.

  20. 引来蜂儿在花园里把催眠曲吟唱。

    While bees in gardens hum the lullabies.

  21. 星光得影子轻柔胜过一首催眠曲。

    The shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullabye.

  22. 星光的影子轻柔胜过一首催眠曲。

    The shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullabye.

  23. 它可以尖叫, 可以波纹管, 它可以耳语, 可以唱催眠曲。

    It can scream, it can bellow, it can whisper, and it can sing a lullaby.

  24. 那是你听过的第一支催眠曲,我的孩子。

    It was the first lullaby you ever heard, my son.

  25. 汤姆得呼吸声就像催眠曲一样安抚我入睡。

    Tom's breathing soothed me to sleep like a lullaby.

  26. 树影婆娑的椰林低声吟唱着催眠曲。

    Overhead the slender coconut palms whisper their drowsy song.

  27. 如果你想让婴儿入睡,你得唱个催眠曲。

    You have to sing a lullaby if you want the baby to fall asleep.

  28. 我们常给孩子们常催眠曲, 为得却是自己入睡。

    We often sing lullabies to our children that we ourselves mya sleep.

  29. 我们常给孩子们常催眠曲,为的却是自己入睡。

    We often sing lullabies to our children that we ourselves mya sleep.

  30. 她唱着他曾听到的最悲哀的催眠曲。

    She was singing the saddest lullaby he had ever heard.


  1. 问:催眠曲拼音怎么拼?催眠曲的读音是什么?催眠曲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:催眠曲的读音是cuīmiánqǔ,催眠曲翻译成英文是 a song that prompts a baby to fall asleep...