


向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……





汉语拼音:jìn jiē








  1. 进升官阶。

    晋 潘岳 《闲居赋》序:“自弱冠涉乎知命之年,八徙官而一进阶,再免,一除名,一不拜职,迁者三而已矣。” 唐 韩愈 《平淮西碑》:“丞相 度 朝京师,道封 晋国公 ,进阶金紫光禄大夫。” 清 吴振棫 《养吉斋丛录》卷三:“是其时将军为提督进阶,非实有其官也。”

  2. 犹台阶。中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·武昌起义清方档案·清吏条陈》:“彼其胸中久已视忠孝为迷信,视暴动为文明之进阶。”



  1. She took Advanced Placement classes, though couldn't afford tutors and study aids like the rest of her peers, and excelled at them.

  2. It could be a chord, a progression, a lick, a melody, a sound effect, a whole sonata, or just a single note.

  3. The transform is the next step up the XML evolutionary ladder from merely processing XML data at the element and attribute level.

  4. She was very pissed off that I had pulled her from her advanced practice.

  5. The purpose of this project was to increase the rate of accomplishment on the N2 Clinical Ladder for Intensive Care Unit staff.

  6. She wears leg warmers every single day. The point is she only eats green foods because she thinks they help her phase better.

  7. Such data logging and telemetry have made what used to be more of an art into an exact science.

  8. In the push by mass media and the general attention or intense discussions, the event brings a new advance: government is force to speak.

  9. This course includes material for an extended student project, which can be found in the projects section of the site.


  1. 进阶专用。

    Java enters the step specialpurpose.

  2. 实用进阶教程

    A Step by Step Course of XML.

  3. 建筑绘图与设计进阶教程

    Drawing and Designing with Confidence

  4. 颜色系统的进阶层次老师。

    he is also an advanced level teacher of the aura soma colour system

  5. 进阶气体之高效率能源转换

    High Power Conversion Efficiency for Advanced Gas, Coal and Nuclear Plants

  6. 容易理解并非学术进阶的关键。

    Accessibility is not the key to academic advancement.

  7. 撰写自订包装函式是进阶技术。

    Writing a custom wrapper is an advanced technique.

  8. 她对我打断她的进阶练习很是不满。

    She was very pissed off that I had pulled her from her advanced practice.

  9. 操焰者是一种心灵异能进阶职业。

    A pyrokineticist is a psionic prestige class.

  10. 秘法不动咒进阶版。持续时间较长。

    Arcane Bindings it has a longer duration.

  11. 教育学生跨领域之进阶专业知识素养。

    To educate students for striding on the different domains of related advanced and proficiency knowledge.

  12. 进阶的质量材料和设计使耐久性增加。

    The premium quality materials and construction maximize durability.

  13. 有三个用户技艺水平新手, 进阶和征服。

    There are three userselectable skill levels novice, advanced and master.

  14. 进阶的使用者,可以上楼,逐步解决难题。

    As you advance you can go upstairs to tackle progressively harder problems.

  15. 要进行进一步搜寻, 请利用我们的进阶搜寻系统。

    To perform a detailed search, use our Advanced Search.

  16. 护理人员专业能力进阶项目的实施与评价

    Implementation and Evaluation of Promotion Program of Professional Ability for Staff Nurses.

  17. 所有证书课程的毕业生,均可报读进阶文凭课程。

    Graduates from the certificate program are eligible to take up the advanced diploma program.

  18. 建议同时学习一门比18。01更进阶的数学课程。

    Concurrent registration in a math subject more advanced than 18.01 is recommended.

  19. 这里有个进阶的方法让你在他面前现形。

    There is an advanced way of making yourself visible to this man.

  20. 初学者很难理解脚法对于进阶的重要性。

    Its very hard for beginners to understand that your footwork is the key to improvement.

  21. 出于高超技巧的需要,进阶演奏者必须背谱演奏。

    Advanced pianists must play from memory because of the high level of technical skill that is expected.

  22. 本课程是关于现代宏观经济学的一个进阶的概论。

    This course is a survey of modern macroeconomics at a fairly advanced level.

  23. 本课程是关于现代宏观经济学得一个进阶得概论。

    This course is a survey of modern macroeconomics at a fairly advanced level.

  24. 本科目为文学课程与女性研究课程得进阶研讨课。

    This subject is an advanced seminar in both the Literature and the Women's Studies Program.

  25. 本科目为文学课程与女性研究课程的进阶研讨课。

    This subject is an advanced seminar in both the Literature and the Women's Studies Program.

  26. 我很期待能跟你一同讨论进阶变形学的笔记。

    I look forward to comparing notes on Advanced Transfiguration with you.

  27. 这就是进阶职业眼魔法师, 它们得实力确实非同凡响。

    These are the members of the beholder mage prestige class, and the power they wield is truly impressive.

  28. 这就是进阶职业眼魔法师,它们的实力确实非同凡响。

    These are the members of the beholder mage prestige class, and the power they wield is truly impressive.

  29. 进阶搜寻选项, 以找到并载入先前保存得发票制度。

    Advanced search options to locate and load previously saved invoices in the system.

  30. 进阶搜寻选项,以找到并载入先前保存的发票制度。

    Advanced search options to locate and load previously saved invoices in the system.


  1. 问:进阶拼音怎么拼?进阶的读音是什么?进阶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进阶的读音是jìnjiē,进阶翻译成英文是 move forward, advance; advanced

  2. 问:进阶令拼音怎么拼?进阶令的读音是什么?进阶令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进阶令的读音是jìn jiē lìng,进阶令翻译成英文是 progression order

  3. 问:进阶音讯编码拼音怎么拼?进阶音讯编码的读音是什么?进阶音讯编码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进阶音讯编码的读音是,进阶音讯编码翻译成英文是 Advanced Audio Coding