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1. 孙 [sūn]2. 孙 [xùn]孙 [sūn]儿子的儿子:~子。~女。跟孙子同辈的亲属:外~。侄~(侄儿的子女)。孙子以后的各代:曾(zēng )~(孙子的子女)。玄~(曾孙的子女)。子~(儿子和孙子,泛指后代)。王~(贵族的子孙后……
汉语拼音:sūn ér
唐 牛僧孺 《乐天梦得有岁夜诗聊以奉和》:“惜岁岁今尽,少年应不知。凄凉数流辈,欢喜见孙儿。” 宋 朱熹 《寄题浏阳李氏遗经阁》诗之一:“老翁无物与孙儿,楼上牙籤满架垂。”《儒林外史》第二一回:“孙儿,我不容易看养你到而今。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九二回:“孙儿 惠禄 ,请祖爷爷的金安。”
But I think of my grandchildren back home, and all I want is for those kids to be able to see their own grandparents for the first time.
但我也想念家里的孙儿们,同时我也希望,那些失明的孩子能够平生第一次亲眼见到各自的祖父母。He danced with the grandchildren, but he did not ask me to dance.
他和孙儿们跳舞,但从不邀请我。According to one friend, "The marriage is in a very bad state. All the Duchess wants is to spend time with her 5 grandchildren. "
她的一个朋友透露:“两人婚姻状况非常恶劣,卡米拉只想有多点时间与5名孙儿在一起。”ike you, and today seems like a good day for telling you so and wishing you all happiness you so deserve.
今天似乎是告诉你的好日子,有你这样的孙儿,是我们莫大的安慰。祝你拥有应当得到的一切快乐。Well, I think so. I'm healthier than I've ever been. We live longer and we eat better. One day I'll be talking to your own grandchildren!
嗯,我认为是这样。我比以前更健康了,我们吃更好了,更长寿了。有一天我还会给你的孙儿们讲这些呢!As a consequence, the couple, who have three grown-up children and four grandchildren, are unable to enjoy retirement.
结果,这对有三个子女和四个孙儿的老夫妻没法享受退休生活。Brightening, Mrs McDonald remarks that all of her grandchildren remaining in India have found good jobs in call centres.
令人振奋的是,麦当唐纳夫人说留在印度的所有孙儿都在电话客服中心工作了。We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage.
我们不可能以孙儿辈的物质财富作抵押,而又不冒使他们丧失政治和精神遗产的风险。At Finland, the old grandmother would be hot a the cup red vinegar Li juice drink for the grandson of common cold.