




1. 呵 [hē]2. 呵 [a]3. 呵 [kē]呵 [hē]怒责:~责。~斥(亦作“呵叱”)。~禁。吁气:~冻(哈气使暧)。一气~成。象声词,形容笑:~~。叹词,表示惊讶:~,真不得了!呵 [a]同“啊”。呵 [kē]〔~叻〕地名,在泰……



汉语拼音:yě hē






  1. 语气助词。表感叹。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第一本第三折:“夜深人静,月朗风清,是好天气也呵!” 元 张国宾 《薛仁贵》第三折:“你也等我一等儿波,今日正是寒食好个节令也呵!” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·骂贼》:“且抱着琵琶,去走一遭也呵!”



  1. In additional, the well being of both center and the organization as a whole will be maximized.


  1. 生怕记忆也一样退色呵

    For fear that memory be weakened

  2. 呵,你们也该笑笑。

    You should too.

  3. 呵,我也只报了一项,跳高,明天决赛!

    Oh, I just reported a jump, the final tomorrow!

  4. 呵,想想也是,可我现在真的没有精力打理那些东西。

    Uh, Also, But now I really do not have energy to take care of things that.

  5. 此外,这也呵以使投资中心和整个企业的财富最大化。

    In additional, the well being of both center and the organization as a whole will be maximized.

  6. 我也想要, 呵呵, 谢谢!

    Me too FYI Thanks anyway!

  7. 呵呵龟也挺有灵性。

    Haha turtle also intelligential.

  8. 呵呵,有时自己也看得恶心滴。

    I do not refer to White Fox MM, W F is cute.

  9. 呵呵, 我对比赛一点也不担心。

    Honestly, I am not worried about this game at all.

  10. 呵呵,不过各位站长也是很无奈啊!

    Ah, nevertheless each stationmaster also is very helpless!

  11. 呵呵,你也猜到了柯帮诘问人。

    You guessed it Cabal Interrogator.

  12. 我怀孕了,很累,也很刻薄,让开,呵呵。

    I’m pregnant, tired and cranky. Stay out of my way lol

  13. 生日快乐!你也开始长岁数了吧?呵呵

    Happy birthday! Getting old aren’t you? Lol

  14. 他既懂得闭口的时刻,也就懂得开口的时刻。呵!

    As he knew the moment for silence he knew also the moment for speech.

  15. 这大白萝卜也比兰州的便宜好多,呵呵

    The big radishes are much cheaper than they are in LanZhou

  16. 呵呵下面几个不用解释大家也看得懂吧!

    The effect of very slow action by filming faster than normal then replaying the film at normal speed.

  17. 本来也没说只有学生才可以参加啊。呵呵。欢迎。

    I am too old to be a student again. Can I join your guys? Thx.

  18. 这也算本人第一次对经理职位发起冲击了,呵呵。

    This is in fact my first time to run for a manager position.

  19. 出远的地方其实也有阻碍力的。别老怨班委, 呵呵

    Even if THE ALL accuse me , I would not be sorrowful.

  20. 呵呵,你也要置信,你肯定可以找到一个真正喜欢你的人!

    Oh, you have confidence, you are sure to find a true love you!

  21. 旁边另一位买家,把剩下那张牡丹亭也买走了,呵呵。

    Next to another buyer, the rest going to have bought the mu dan ting.

  22. 呵呵,人是靠衣妆了,我也非常感谢这位好的摄影师。

    Nice evening wear. And, you have a very good photographer.

  23. 楼上三个也太不通顺了, 都是电脑翻译的吧?呵呵。不厚道。

    The output is the last step in computer operation.

  24. 他整天什么也不干,只是朝他那冰冷的手指上呵气

    He had done nothing bur blow on his icy fingers