







汉语拼音:yī chǎn






  1. 见“ 一剗 ”。



  1. The first scoop of the key role of the "thermometer" , the general should not be too full scoop.


  2. He was surprised at what he saw. With each shovel of the dirt that hit its back, the donkey shook it off and took a step up.


  3. In the meantime, Phoenix grabbed another scoopful of soil and planned to deliver it to its microscope later this week.


  4. Wang Ming Tang sees his air not right: "One spade, do you know this book? "


  5. If attending a funeral in the South, remember, we stay until the last shovel of dirt is thrown on and the tent is torn down.


  6. Li Yi Chan is abrupt however the back Be in fine threads to emit cool spirit, this boy estimates to be not a kind Chi son either.


  7. For now, that list includes a lamppost, a chickens foot, a spatula, and a fishing rod.


  8. While every shovelful of dirt hit his back, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt .


  9. The symphysis is sectioned into two halves by malleting a spatula osteotome into the partially sectioned interdental osteotomy site.


  1. 四合一铲斗

    four in one bucket.

  2. 只是一铲土,大功告成!

    Only a shovel of dirt and the job is done!

  3. 我该给他们一人一铲。

    I'll hit the two of them in the head with a shovel.

  4. 我要再往火里添一铲煤吗?

    Should I put another shovelful of coal on the fire?

  5. 一铲砂玩具功能还包括使走动一件轻而易举的沙子。

    A functional sand shovel toy is also included to make moving the sand around a breeze.

  6. 又一铲泥土落到枯井中,驴子出乎意料地安静了。

    Another spade fell on dry soil, the donkey unexpectedly quiet.

  7. 他把一铲雪放在凯特的床上, 以此来开玩笑。

    He put a shovelful of snow in Kates bed as a practical joke.

  8. 每一铲砸在驴子背上的土,都被驴子抖下,并往上迈一步。

    With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was shaking it off and taking a step up.

  9. 一推土机铲平这里

    with their J. Crew and abaphony and fitch.

  10. 以为他们可以一推土机铲平这里

    think they're gonna bulldoze in here.

  11. 要想除去这座污山, 你需要一次性挖走一大铲。

    To get rid of that dirt hill, you need to dig out a shovel at a time.

  12. 一把铁铲靠墙放着。

    A shovel was leaning against the wall.

  13. 他抓起一把铁铲走进花园这。

    He seized a shovel and went into the garden.

  14. 马上就要天黑了,我们需要一把铁铲。

    It's about to get dark. We're gonna need a shovel.

  15. 她拿起一把小铲, 硬塞在我手里。

    She shoved a tiny spade into my hands.

  16. 拿着不是咪高峰,而是一把铁铲了。

    And instead of the microphone there would have been a spade in my hands.

  17. 一把塑胶铲, 让满身细汗的孩子远离家园

    A plastic shovel, soft sweaty children far from home

  18. 他走向他的工具棚,回来时拿着一把园艺铲。

    He walked to his tool shed and came back with a garden spade.

  19. 花匠背着一把铁铲,以极平常的口吻回答说

    The gardener, spade on back, replied in the most unconcerned tone.

  20. 海边当我到海边时他们给了我一把木铲好去挖掘沙滩。

    At The Seaside When I was down beside the sea , A wooden spade they gave to me, To dig the sandy shore.

  21. 农夫铲土铲了一段时间, 往井里一看就傻了眼。

    A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well.

  22. 搬进新居,我置办家具他铲草,齐齐铲出一大块菜地。

    As soon as a covered wagon halted at a new homestead, the head of the family took out his spade.

  23. 那个大汽铲把铲斗放低,伸到船上,铲上一堆小石子。

    The big steam shovel lowered its scoop into the ship and pulled it up with a load of gravel.

  24. 一只青铜酒铲上绘制的淫秽图画。

    A bronze wine bucket complete with salacious decoration.

  25. 李一铲特别惊愕,看着那人的右衣袖。

    Li Yi Chan is specially stunned, looking at that persons right gusset.

  26. 就在那个星期天,我铲来了一捧雪,很快就做好了一个雪人。

    That Sunday I scooped a handful of snow and in no time had my man made.

  27. 就在那个星期天,我铲来了一捧雪,很快就做好了唯一雪人。

    That Sunday I scooped a handful of snow and in no time had my man did.

  28. 铲雪车和推土机一辆接一辆彼此凑得更近一些。

    The snowplows and heavy graders had shifted closer together.

  29. 为了所有梦想可以在这里成长铲一个好的地基。

    goals in a row. Spade the bed well for all your dreams to grow.

  30. 第88分钟,闫峰铲球犯规吃到一张黄牌。

    The 88 th minute, Yan Fengchan the ball regulation eats to a yellow card.