







汉语拼音:lěng jùn








  1. 冷酷严峻。

    茅盾 《子夜》十二:“ 吴荪甫 咆哮着。 屠维岳 脸上的肉轻轻一跳,他的眼光异样地冷峻了。” 李广田 《<朱自清选集>序》:“年岁大了,经验多了,情感渐渐收敛,理智渐渐开拓,于是心平气和,平正通达,严肃而不冷峻,温和而不柔弱。”

  2. 冷静严肃。

    杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第三二章:“ 道静 听完了,看着 江华 怔住了。然后又趴在桌子上双手蒙着头呆了一会儿。等她抬起头来的时候,她的神色是庄严的,也是冷峻的。”



  1. He looked calm and cold, full of self-control. His face showed he had fought against passion and won, but did not like being the winner.


  2. He said, deadpan, that this was because the appeals office closed at 5pm the previous day.


  3. She guessed that something was developing behind the silence, behind the hard, blue eyes, the almost unnatural interest in the children.


  4. One thing about Nina was certain, however; her frosty blue gaze was as penetrating as his own.


  5. Stony-faced, Mr Erdogan said he feared most for outlying villages, where houses of mud brick had been pulverised.


  6. Pug did not shout or bark. He used a dry sharp tone of command that cut through the restaurant gabble.


  7. Mr Hu grimly gripped his lectern as Mr Obama delivered a statement in which he spoke of the universality of America's human-rights values.


  8. To which Moynihan frostily replied, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. "


  9. Mathematics, rightly viewed, posses not only truth, but supreme beauty - a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture.


  1. 冷峻的表情

    a solemn expression.

  2. 他目光严厉冷峻。

    His eyes were hard and unsmiling.

  3. 总统的目光冷峻刺人。

    The President's look was cold and penetrating.

  4. 女公爵目光冷峻地盯着尼科。

    The Duchess levelled a deadly look at Nikko.

  5. 沧桑冷峻得面容更吸引人吗?

    Are rugged good looks really more attractive?

  6. 没有海,有冷峻的波浪和沙滩。

    Sea nor Cool waves nor sand there were.

  7. 沧桑冷峻的面容更吸引人吗?

    Are rugged good looks really more attractive?

  8. 她态度冷峻, 不易和人交朋友。

    She has a forbidding manner and is slow in making friends.

  9. 她脸上有种严肃, 冷峻的表情。

    There was something a little severe and forbidding about her face.

  10. 他成了保王派, 狂热而冷峻。

    He was a Royalist, fanatical and severe.

  11. 有时他神志冷峻,甚至不留情面。

    He had a peremptory blunt butting even bullying manner.

  12. 他很冷峻, 显出一种高深莫测的神态。

    He is frosty and looks unfathomable.

  13. 科技本身是冷峻而遥不可及的。

    The science and technology itself is cool and far away from us.

  14. 白色产生一种冷峻、庄重、纯洁的意境。

    White generates a kind of Leng Jun, majestic, pure artistic concept.

  15. 她细心、冷峻并精打细算。欧洲人喜欢那样的人。

    She is careful, cold and calculating; Europeans like that.

  16. 我发现许多现代式建筑冷峻、洁雅而平淡。

    I find a lot of modern buildings cold and antiseptic.

  17. 极小主义并不冷峻,它可以是温暖得。

    Minimalism't cold, it's warm and too the point.

  18. 他那冷峻的表情和硬头发都不会错的。

    His severe face and wiry hair were unmistakeable.

  19. 冷峻峭拔是鲁迅小说风格的最显著标志。

    Style of sternness is the most significant sign in Lu Xun's novels.

  20. 他神情冷峻地写着,钢笔尖重重地划着纸面。

    He worked solemnly along, his fountain pen tracing stroke after stroke on the page.

  21. 他冷峻的胡须脸给人一种呆板的恐惧感觉。

    His cold bearded face was set in a look of horror.

  22. 他冷峻的胡须脸给人一种呆板的恐惧感觉。

    His cold bearded face was set in a look of horror.

  23. 冷峻的月光诉说灵魂的寂寞与孤立,渺小或肮脏。

    There is a cold and austere moonlight that tells the soul of its loneliness and desperate isolation, its insignificance or its uncleanness.

  24. 医生们是不是总该在对待病人时保持超脱冷峻呢?

    Should doctors always remain clinically detached from their patients?

  25. 谈到企图强暴她的那个男人, 她的语调变得冷峻起来。

    Her voice harshened when she talked about the man who tried to rape her.

  26. 冷峻高傲又足智多谋的爱德华诺顿既是演员也是作家。

    Slight of frame and quick of wit Ed Norton is an actor writer.

  27. 看着我, 他终于抬起头来说, 但声音显得十分冷峻。

    Look at me, he said finally raising his head, and his voice was very quiet.

  28. 冷峻严肃,宽宏大量,她就是要让你晓得你也会犯傻犯糊涂。

    Earnest and magnanimous, she is reminding of man's occasional silliness.

  29. 伊斯特伍德先生一直以来的冷峻,冰冷最终消失了吗?

    Has Mr. Eastwood, famously flinty and coldeyed, at long last gone squishy

  30. 可好景不长,亚当斯面色冷峻,走了进来,放起一段录像。

    Adams entered, looking grim, and cued up a recording.


  1. 问:冷峻拼音怎么拼?冷峻的读音是什么?冷峻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷峻的读音是lěngjùn,冷峻翻译成英文是 grave and stern; cold; frosty


