







汉语拼音:yìn jì








  1. Behavior as it appears on the printing of two or more of the same.


  2. Zi and his team did not study the mechanism behind the classic "eye" print found within the feathers but they believe it is due to genetics.


  3. It is not easy to really know China because China is an ancient civilization and we are of the oriental culture.


  4. I'm flattered that she still misses me and remembers the date clearly. Perhaps to her, I've left something in her life.


  5. Soak for a long time the tea in the cup wall, left it had been imprinted.


  6. Imprinted - A young animal that recognizes and is attracted to another animal is said to be imprinted upon that animal.


  7. Western blotting --- A technique analogous to Southern blotting, used for detection of proteins, usually by immunological methods.


  8. Even with feather dusting or a soft cloth to a certain hardness of paint particles to scrape the surface of the ink imprinting.


  9. Make no doubt about it: These Chinese parents, whose child is their full-time pre-occupation, are proud of their battle scars.


  1. 脚后跟印迹

    the print of a heel.

  2. 棕红色印迹

    brown red spots.

  3. 墨迹墨水的印迹

    A blotted pattern of spilled ink.

  4. 到了下午,他发现了一些印迹。

    In the afternoon the man came upon a trail.

  5. 我难以从衬衫上洗去印迹。

    I can't wash out the marks from the shirt.

  6. 士的宁分子印迹整体柱的制备

    Preparation of Strychnine Molecularly Imprinted Monolithic Column

  7. 从钢制雕刻板上印出来的印迹。

    An impression taken from an engraved steel plate.

  8. 海蜇在海滩上搁浅时留下的印迹。

    The marks left by jellyfish stranded on the beach.

  9. 饰制品、运动服装行业的商展印迹

    Decorated Apparel and Imprinted Sportswear Industry Trade Show

  10. 见证澄江人奋斗历程和幸福印迹。

    Witness Chengjiang People's Struggle Course And Happiness Marks.

  11. 车轮和鞋子的印迹都被冲走了。

    Any tire tracks or shoe prints we might have had are gone.

  12. 窗子上面的印迹看上去像是水渍。

    Those marks above the window look like damp to me.

  13. 干眼症治疗中印迹细胞检查的价值

    Quantitative Impression cell test in the treatment of dry eye

  14. 从包装物印迹到装饰纹的远古陶纹

    From the Press Print of Packing to the Decorative Patterns of the Ancient Crockery

  15. 我竭力想在她脑子里刻上个印迹。

    I tried to gouge a scar in her memory.

  16. 基于刹车印迹的典型碰撞事故再现分析

    Analysis and Reconstruction of the Typical Traffic Accident Based on the Tire Marks

  17. 这是一颗没有一丝印迹或污点的心。

    There was not a mark or a flaw in it.

  18. 这是一颗没有一丝印迹或污点得心。

    There was not a mark or a flaw in it.

  19. 综述了分子模拟在分子印迹技术中的应用。

    The applications of molecular simulation in molecular imprinting technology are reviewed.

  20. 离子印迹聚合物及其在分析化学中的应用

    Ion Imprinted Polymer and its Application in the Analytical Chemistry

  21. 只要你们留下印迹,本就得把墙擦干净。

    Ben will have to wipe down that wall if you leave any marks.

  22. 抖落掉我们衣裳上得印迹及汗臭吧。

    Rid the stink and the noise from our skirts.

  23. 抖落掉我们衣裳上的印迹及汗臭吧。

    Rid the stink and the noise from our skirts.

  24. 眼干燥症的细胞学印迹分级系统评价

    Evaluating an impression cytology grading system in patients with dry eye syndrome

  25. 每走一段我都会让车子留下点印迹

    And I'm dropping a little dot for each one of these things.

  26. 敌百虫分子印迹聚合物的合成及其性能

    Preparation and Properties of Trichlorfon Molecularly Imprinted Polymers.

  27. 于术后第1个月时进行印迹细胞学检查。

    Corneal impression cytology was performed after 1 min.

  28. 在那儿,我以搜寻 我儿时的印迹作为开始

    And there, I started by searching for the footprints in my childhood.

  29. 结论免疫印迹法具有高度敏感性和特异性。

    Conclusion Immunoblot test for diagnosing human syphilis haa the highest sensitivity and specificity.

  30. 分子印迹技术是当今科学研究的热点之一。

    Molecular imprinting technology is one of the hot spots of scientific research nowadays.


  1. 问:印迹膜拼音怎么拼?印迹膜的读音是什么?印迹膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹膜的读音是yìn jì mó,印迹膜翻译成英文是 blotting membrane

  2. 问:印迹酶拼音怎么拼?印迹酶的读音是什么?印迹酶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹酶的读音是yìn jì méi,印迹酶翻译成英文是 imprinted enzyme

  3. 问:印迹作用拼音怎么拼?印迹作用的读音是什么?印迹作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹作用的读音是yìn jì zuò yòng,印迹作用翻译成英文是 imprinting

  4. 问:印迹杂交拼音怎么拼?印迹杂交的读音是什么?印迹杂交翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹杂交的读音是yìn jì zá jiāo,印迹杂交翻译成英文是 blot hybridization

  5. 问:印迹装置拼音怎么拼?印迹装置的读音是什么?印迹装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹装置的读音是yìn jì zhuāng zhì,印迹装置翻译成英文是 blotter

  6. 问:印迹记录拼音怎么拼?印迹记录的读音是什么?印迹记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹记录的读音是yìn jì jì lù,印迹记录翻译成英文是 ink mist recording

  7. 问:印迹控制区拼音怎么拼?印迹控制区的读音是什么?印迹控制区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹控制区的读音是yìn jì kòng zhì qū,印迹控制区翻译成英文是 imprinting control region

  8. 问:印迹杂交技术拼音怎么拼?印迹杂交技术的读音是什么?印迹杂交技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹杂交技术的读音是yìn jì zá jiāo jì shù,印迹杂交技术翻译成英文是 blot hybridization technique

  9. 问:印迹转移电泳拼音怎么拼?印迹转移电泳的读音是什么?印迹转移电泳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹转移电泳的读音是yìn jì zhuǎn yí diàn yǒng,印迹转移电泳翻译成英文是 electrophoretic blot transfer

  10. 问:印迹转移装置拼音怎么拼?印迹转移装置的读音是什么?印迹转移装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印迹转移装置的读音是yìn jì zhuǎn yí zhuāng zhì,印迹转移装置翻译成英文是 blot transfer apparatus



印迹engram 在西蒙(R.Semon)所提倡的有关记忆痕迹的假说(铭记论)中,把假定的、在细胞内形成的记忆的痕迹(印象)称为印迹。