







汉语拼音:yōng zhǒng








  1. 痈疽;肌肉肿胀。

    明 无名氏 《赠书记·旅病托栖》:“行不上,悲双足,都臃肿。我头炫晕,好似在雾云中。” 清 李渔 《巧团圆·防辱》:“只因巴豆的性子极狠极烈,莫説喫下肚去,要泻死人,只消皮肤粘着了,也就登时臃肿起来,令人吓死。”

  2. 形容物体粗大笨重。

    南朝 梁 何逊 《夜梦故人》诗:“已如臃肿木,復似飘颻蓬。” 宋 梅尧臣 《和江邻几咏雪二十韵》:“庭槐高臃肿,屋盖素模胡。” 俞樾 《茶香室续钞·翁鞋》引 朱点 《东郊土物》诗注:“北人冬月,履纳绵絮,臃肿粗坌,谓之翁鞋。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部五九:“靠东方的海上堆积着一层层灰色的云彩,臃肿而又厚实,迟缓地浮动着。”

  3. 形容身体或衣着过分肥大,转动不灵。

    清 汪懋麟 《洗象》诗:“自媿臃肿形,难为耳目赏。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六二回:“当头那人生得臃肿肥胖,脣上长了几根八字鼠鬚。” 冰心 《分》:“他两臂直伸着,头面埋在青棉的大风帽之内,臃肿得像一只风筝!”

  4. 谓文章、书法等显得笨重呆滞。

    南朝 梁武帝 《答陶弘景论书书》二:“点掣短则法臃肿,点掣长则法离澌。” 明 李东阳 《麓堂诗话》:“世人学 杜 ,未得其雄健,而已失之粗率;未得其深厚,而已失之臃肿。” 清 戴名世 《宋嵩南制义序》:“今之文支离臃肿,夸多斗靡,而决裂先正之规矩者至矣。”

  5. 比喻机构庞大,调度不灵。

    康有为 《公民自治篇》:“故国之无地方自治者,其国臃肿頽败不生活,虽庞然大物,亦号之曰废国。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·“推事”种种》:“光从推事的这许多名目上,就可以看出当时的官僚制度庞大、臃肿、腐败、落后到何等惊人的地步。”



  1. One compresses space and increases opportunities to connect; the other is all about density and snacking on doughnuts.


  2. Kaka seems to be on the fringe of a Madrid Squad which already has a midfielder too many.


  3. She felt sluggish, bloated, and unable to run at an intense pace--except when a Port-a-Potty came into view.


  4. A diplomat is a man who can convince his wife that she looks stout in a mink coat.


  5. His mother came into the room with more plates of food and he saw how soft and shapeless she was.


  6. Name and money are an extremely fat body and a burden of spiritual progress, which make us no longer lithesome and unable to go ahead.


  7. The portly sales manager was getting ready to leave his doctor's office after a routine examination.


  8. The prize is a state that, by 2015, could look rather different to the bloated, top-heavy Leviathan bequeathed to the coalition a year ago.


  9. She seemed a little odd with her hair dyed red and fasted by a glowing clip as well as a overweight body.


  1. 臃肿的文体

    a clumsy style.

  2. 比如,我们现在机构臃肿。

    For instance, our departments are overstaffed.

  3. 穿着棉袄使她显得臃肿。

    Her padded coat made her look very bulky.

  4. 她的脸是臃肿和拘谨。

    Her face is bloated and squarish.

  5. 它布满了血,而且十分臃肿。

    It was bloody and swollen.

  6. 比如,我们现在机构臃肿,人浮于事。

    For instance, our departments are overstaffed.

  7. 她的身材显得很是臃肿了。

    She was becoming very stout.

  8. 臃肿的办事机构版面上粗糙的插图

    A horsy bureauhorsy illustrations on the page.

  9. 这个单位的弊病在于其机构臃肿。

    The institution suffers from overorganization.

  10. 庞大是一件好事,臃肿就不是了。

    BIG is beautiful, bloat not.

  11. 可是出来的蝴蝶身体臃肿, 翅膀干瘪。

    But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.

  12. 快乐的三人行变成了臃肿的四人拖。

    Happy three lines a bloated four drag.

  13. 另外,我觉得谷歌管理过度,机构臃肿。

    Additional, I feel Gu Ge management is excessive, organization overstaffed.

  14. 我觉得我只是变的面色枯黄, 臃肿了点。

    I thought I was just getting yellow and fat.

  15. 诺基亚得以精简其臃肿的企业架构。

    Nokia gets to pare down a bloated corporate structure.

  16. 至于身格,他身高五英尺,臃肿,横阔。

    Physically, he was five feet in height, thickset and squarely built.

  17. 他是体型娇小的瘦子还是体态臃肿的胖子?

    Would he be thin or overweight?

  18. 现在,好多优良传统丢掉了,军队臃肿不堪。

    Now, many fine traditions have been discarded and the army is seriously bloated organizationally.

  19. 她打开门, 走进一个穿着臃肿的人。

    She unlocked the door and opened it and a heavily cloaked figure came in.

  20. 尚未改变的主要缺点是其文体臃肿呆板。

    The main fault that has not changed is the clumsy and inexpressive prose style.

  21. 我总是注意到我的肚子总是臃肿,但我不知道原因。

    I've always noticed that my stomach was always bloated, but I didn't know why.

  22. 嗓子疼脖子臃肿俩侧还有小泡, 怎么治?

    Voice is fond of neck overstaffed two side still have small bubble, how to treat ?

  23. 他体态臃肿,蠢头蠢脑,整一个米其林轮胎

    He's fat, looks terrible, Michelin man.

  24. 刻托的身体慢慢变得臃肿,可四肢依旧枯瘦。

    Ketos body slowly becomes bloated. Her limbs however stay emaciated.

  25. 发现里面有一具臃肿的尸体和一封联系信件。

    We found a corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence.

  26. 呈现里面有一具臃肿的尸体和一封联系信件。

    We searched a corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence.

  27. 这件连衣裙不错,但是下半身部分看起来太臃肿。

    It's a good dress, but the waist down part seems too puffed up.

  28. 我们一定要彻底改变这种机构臃肿、人浮于事的状况

    We must completely change the current status of overstaffed organizations and superfluous staff

  29. 我们严重的官僚主义与现在机构的臃肿是分不开的。

    Our grave propensity to bureaucracy is inseparable from the current overstaffing of our organizations.

  30. 八年过后, 钱伯斯让思科再次变得臃肿起来。

    Eight years later, Mr. Chambers brought back the bloat.


  1. 问:臃肿拼音怎么拼?臃肿的读音是什么?臃肿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臃肿的读音是yōngzhǒng,臃肿翻译成英文是 obese; overstaffed



臃肿yōngzhǒng (1) ∶痈疽;肌肉肿胀双足臃肿(2) ∶形容物体粗大笨重(3) ∶过度肥胖或肥大,转动不灵(4) ∶指机构庞大,调度不灵臃肿的机构。(5):衣服穿得多,行动不便。