


平均,使平均:均~。~称(chèn )。抽出一部给别人或做别用:~兑(让一部分给别人)。~摊。……




循序移动:~行。~动。~转(zhuàn )。搬送:~输。~载。~营(交通工具的运行和营业)。~力。~销。空~。海~。使用:~用。~算。~笔。~筹(制定策略)。人的遭遇,亦特指迷信的人所说的遭遇:~气。命~。幸~。国~。南北距离:广~百里。姓……





汉语拼音:yún sù yùn dòng







匀速运动 [yún sù yùn dòng]
  1. 初中物理规定速度大小不变的运动机械运动叫做匀速运动。初中物理教学中速度即速率,不考虑速度的方向。 高中物理规定任意相同时间内通过相同的位移的运动叫做匀速运动。即:速度大小和方向都不改变的运动,或者是加速度为零的运动。



  1. If you were content to remain at rest or in uniform motion relative to an unaccelerated frame of reference, no force would be needed.

  2. When a body is at rest, or in motion with constant velocity, the external force acting upon it are in equilibrium.

  3. A rotating device in a tape recorder used to drive the recording medium at a constant speed.

  4. A new error-parameter curve for motion blurring is presented , and an automatic method for estimating the degraded parameter is addressed.

  5. It is of great significance to discuss the nature of the electromagnetic field of a moving charge.

  6. Uniform motion is only hypothetical.

  7. The house head movement of the pumping system is mainly uniform, except the alternation period of down and upper strokes.

  8. Non-circular gear is used to transmit the non-uniform motion which is between the two axles.

  9. and at the same speed unless it is influenced by a force.


  1. 移动的物体总是沿直线做匀速运动。

    Moving things always travel in straight lines.

  2. 移动得物体总是沿直线做匀速运动。

    Moving things always travel in straight lines.

  3. 绳链工作时作匀速运动, 没有动载。

    The chain works at uniform motion and has no dynamic load.

  4. 匀速运动点电荷电场的一种计算方法

    A Method of Computation of Electric Field in Uniform Motion of Point Electric Charge

  5. 重心会嘲笑我们,它忽略所有运动,它会匀速运动。

    And so the center of mass will just laugh at us and ignore all these motions and will travel at a constant speed very nicely.

  6. 基于自相关的匀速运动模糊尺度参数识别

    Autocorrelation Based Identification the Blur Extent of Uniform Motion Blurred Images

  7. 匀速运动的电偶极子的电场和磁场分布

    Distribution of electric and magnetic field of electric dipole in uniform motion

  8. 双缸单作用活塞泵中活塞匀速运动的探讨

    Research on Uniform Motion of Piston in Double Cylinder Single Acting Piston Pump

  9. 实现了图片精灵的匀速运动,图片的刷新,鼠标的输入。

    The realization of the picture Wizard of uniform movement, picture refresh, mouse input.

  10. 建议一个由双曲运动和匀速运动组成的过程。

    A process consisting of a hyperbolic motion and a uniform motion is suggested.

  11. 匀速运动只是一种假设性的运动,实际上并不存在。

    Uniform motion is only hypothetical.

  12. 匀速运动只是一种假设性的运动,实际上并不存在。

    Uniform motion is only hypothetical.

  13. 沿轴线方向匀速运动的线性电四极子的电磁场

    The electromagnetic field of a linear electric quadrupole moving uniformly along the axis of the quadrupole

  14. 匀速运动的线源荷载激励下无限长梁动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis to Infinite Beam under a Moving Line Load with Uniform Velocity

  15. 磁带记录器中用来驱动记录介质作匀速运动的传动装置。

    A rotating device in a tape recorder used to drive the recording medium at a constant speed.

  16. 什么是匀速圆周运动?

    What is uniform circular motion?

  17. 从匀速圆周运动来看。

    Remember, from the uniform circular motion.

  18. 现在我们讲讲匀速圆周运动。

    Let's now turn to uniform circular motion.

  19. 匀速圆周运动的归类导析

    Taxonomical Analysis of Circular Motion

  20. 匀速直线运动带电体的电磁场

    Electromagnetic field caused by an electrically charged body in uniform rectilinear motion

  21. 基于熵准则的匀速直线运动目标的转动补偿

    Rotational motion compensation of the target moving uniformly

  22. 匀速直线运动模糊图像的退化模型研究

    Research on the Degeneration Model of Uniform Velocity Recitiliear Motion Blur Zmage

  23. 匀速圆周运动的小球向心力突变后的轨迹

    The trajectory of a small ball in circular motion suffered a bigger centripetal force

  24. 一种匀速直线运动模糊参数的检测方法

    An Detecting Method for Fuzzy Parameter of Uniform Linear Motion

  25. 谈谈匀速圆周运动中向心力的分析和计算

    On Analyzing and Calculating the Centripetal Force in Circular Motion

  26. 从匀速圆周运动谈刚体的定轴匀速转动

    An Analysis on the Uniform Speed Circumrotation of Rigid Body

  27. 匀速圆周运动的信念已深入希腊人的思想中。

    The doctrine of uniform circular motion became embedded in Greek thought.

  28. 用投影迭代法实现匀速直线运动模糊图像的复原

    Restoration of uniform motion blurred images using the projection iterative method

  29. 相应的定位方案适用于海上匀速直线运动的目标模拟。

    The corresponding strategy is valid for all targets moving in linear trace with constant velocity at sea.

  30. 沿任意方向作匀速直线运动的电偶极子的电磁场

    Calculation of the electromagnetic field generated by an electric dipole of uniform motion in a straight line of arbitrary direction




