


1. 伺 [sì]2. 伺 [cì]伺 [sì]观察,侦候:窥~。~机。~察。~应(yìng )(等候响应)。伺 [cì]〔~候〕a.在人身边供使唤;b.照料饮食起居(“候”均读轻声)。……





汉语拼音:cì hou









  1. 即斥候。军中派出侦察敌情的人。亦指侦察。

    《六韬·农器》:“ 太公 曰:战攻守御之具尽在於人事:耒耜者,其行马蒺藜也;马牛车舆者,其营垒蔽櫓也;锄耰之具,其矛戟也……牛马所以转输粮用也,鸡犬其伺候也。”《东观汉记·臧宫传》:“ 越 人伺候者,闻车声不絶而门限断,以 汉 兵大来,乃奉牛酒劳军,由是遂安。”

  2. 窥伺;窥测。

    《南史·朱异传》:“而贪财冒贿,欺罔视听,以伺候人主意,不肯进贤黜恶。” 唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·豹直》:“如藏伏之豹,伺候待搏。”《资治通鉴·晋愍帝建兴元年》:“ 刘隗 雅习文史,善伺候 睿 意,故 睿 特亲爱之。”

  3. 守候观望。

    南朝 宋 刘敬叔 《异苑》卷三:“﹝ 虞德 ﹞乃具以语 蛮 ,於是相与执杖伺候。须臾虎至,即格杀之。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·书记》:“占者,覘也。星辰飞伏,伺候乃见。”《警世通言·俞伯牙摔琴谢知音》:“或是贼盗伺候更深,登舟劫我财物。”

  4. 供使唤;在身边服侍;照料。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十五:“须臾便有礼部衙门人来伺候,伏侍去到鸿臚寺报了名。”《红楼梦》第五五回:“这不是我们常用的茶,原是伺候姑娘们的。” 谢冰心 《斯人独憔悴》:“五六个仆役,出来进去的伺候着。” 老舍 《全家福》第一幕:“您岁数大了,我们都该伺候您!” 浩然 《艳阳天》第八二章:“老饲养员这几天真是控空了心思伺候牲口。”

  5. 备办待用;准备。

    《水浒传》第九九回:“却説 卞祥 伺候兵符,挑选军马,盘桓了三日。” 明 刘若愚 《酌中志·饮食好尚纪略》:“七月初七日七夕节……兵仗局伺候乞巧针。” 周信芳 《鸿门宴》第十二场:“ 项羽 :‘亚父休要多言,我自有主意。--溶墨伺候。’”

  6. 等待;等候。

    唐 韩愈 《送李愿归盘谷序》:“伺候於公卿之门,奔走於形势之途。” 廖仲恺 《国民的努力》:“那飞似的光阴,一转眼又成过去,决不会慢慢地伺候我们。” 周信芳 《鸿门宴》第八场:“ 曹参 :‘今有 赵高 差 訚乐 前来,现在营外伺候。’”

  7. 杂役;衙役;当差的。

    元 马致远 《荐福碑》第二折:“[曳剌云]洒家是 吉阳县 伺候,教小人接新官去。”



  1. And Joseph found favor in his sight, and he ministered to him; and he made him overseer of his house and put all that he hadin his charge.


  2. And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.


  3. There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.


  4. Here, while getting a pedicure and a comb-out, she fondles one of her breasts and gives us a smug, seductive glance.


  5. He said they did not "make good pets at all, " have sharp talons and can "nip quite badly" .


  6. You can't expect me to fetch and carry for you all day! Hang on your own uniform!


  7. Everyday she wants me to call her, every night she wants me to give her a massage, she's really high maintenance.


  8. With its Ford engine, the Pantera was supposed to be easier to maintain than something with a finicky Italian engine.


  9. If Yes is theected, the e-mail address to send to is required as well as the name of the company SMTP mail server.


  1. 丈夫难伺候

    Difficult Husband.

  2. 难伺候的客人

    a tough customer

  3. 他可真难伺候。

    He is hard to wait on.

  4. 她有点难伺候

    Well. she's a little highmaintenance.

  5. 照料或伺候某人。

    Wait on sb act as a servant for sb, esp by serving food and drink at a meal.

  6. 他们假装在伺候人,

    They pretend a certain subservience

  7. 保证把你伺候舒服。

    Ensure that you serve uncomfortable.

  8. 来了餐厅,我得伺候。

    over to the restaurant, and I have to serve.

  9. 老太太有人伺候不着!

    Nobody could wait on an old woman like you!

  10. 处女伺候进入天堂的人。

    Virgins await those who enter paradise.

  11. 别指望我伺候你一辈子。

    Don't expect me to run after you all your life.

  12. 你这个人可真难伺候。

    Oh, you are so hard to please!

  13. 他伺候小家伙, 有多么熟练。

    How dexterously he handled the mite.

  14. 她把男人伺候得挺好。

    she takes good care of her man.

  15. 总之,你伺候你主人多久了?

    Anyway, how long are you gonna serve your master?

  16. 女仆伺候我母亲极为周到。

    The maidservant valeted my mother very well.

  17. 他伺候主人很多年了。

    He has served his master for many years.

  18. 猫儿狗儿比孩子好伺候。

    Dogs and cats are better than kids.

  19. 就跟我之前伺候你一样

    Just like I used to do with you.

  20. 她从早到晚伺候丈夫。

    She waits on her husband from morning till night.

  21. 让我的小弟一个一个伺候我

    Had my boys posted up stoop one and two

  22. 别指望有人来伺候你。

    Don't expect anybody to wait on your hand and foot.

  23. 别指望有人来伺候你。

    Don't expect anybody to wait on your hand and foot.

  24. 有两名佣人在伺候进餐。

    There were two servants waiting at table.

  25. 当他行动时, 她追随伺候。

    when he acted, she yielded her adherence.

  26. 你把国王伺候的相当不错。

    You serve the great king well.

  27. 他真是一个难伺候的人。

    He is so difficult.

  28. 你奶奶不是来这儿伺候你的。

    Well, your grandmother is not here to serve you.

  29. 两个天使伺候他脱衣入

    Two angels undressed and bathed him.

  30. 我会派仙人来伺候你的。

    I will give you fairies to attend upon you.


  1. 问:伺候拼音怎么拼?伺候的读音是什么?伺候翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伺候的读音是cìhou,伺候翻译成英文是 wait on

  2. 问:伺候进餐拼音怎么拼?伺候进餐的读音是什么?伺候进餐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伺候进餐的读音是cì hòu jìn cān,伺候进餐翻译成英文是 wait at table


