


1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……





汉语拼音:fú shì










  1. 侍候;照料。

    明 李贽 《与友人书》:“自老拙寄身山寺,今且二十餘年,而未尝有一毫补於出家儿,反费彼等辛勤服侍,驱驰万里之苦。”《快心编三集》第九回:“好看话儿!做姑娘有人服侍到不好!” 老舍 《四世同堂》二三:“﹝ 钱少奶奶 ﹞坚决的拒绝了 李四大妈 的照应,而挣扎起来服侍公公。”



  1. Your primary ministry should be in the area of your shape, but your secondary service is wherever you're needed at the moment.

  2. "My man, " said he, "we want you to serve in the round-house. You and Ransome are to change berths. "

  3. Think about how our Lord Jesus loved and served us, and remember He saved you to serve Him and tell others about Him!

  4. When called to serve or to suffer, we take stock of our strength, and we find it to be less than we thought and less than we need.

  5. At the end of your life on earth you will stand before God, and he is going to evaluate how well you served others with your life.

  6. I admit nothing than to love, the more painful the bereaved, it is no more than happy to look after the matter.

  7. My neighbors speak Spanish, and I find myself trying to learn a new language among the people God has given me to serve.

  8. and that she has been brought up like an only daughter, whom everyone was ready to serve.

  9. God deliberately shaped and formed you to serve him in a way that makes your ministry unique.


  1. 服侍,侍候

    Wait on

  2. 服侍他即崇敬他。

    To serve Him is to worship Him.

  3. 服侍的服伺他人的

    Serving attendance on someone.

  4. 好好服侍你的主人

    At last! Master Lukes come to rescue me.

  5. 他喜欢他的孩子服侍他。

    He likes to be waited on by his children.

  6. 仆人服侍他们的老爷。

    The retainers attended their lord.

  7. 女服务员在服侍客人。

    The waitress waited on the guests.

  8. 她日夜照看, 服侍他。

    She watched over him and waited on him day and night.

  9. 那个老人没有人服侍。

    The old man has no one to wait on him.

  10. 她日夜照看,服侍他。

    She watched over him and waited on him day and night.

  11. 有很多仆人服侍她。

    There were plenty of servants to wait on her.

  12. 基蒂日夜服侍她母亲

    Kitty waited on her mother day and night.

  13. 皇后由两个女人服侍。

    The queen was attended by two ladies.

  14. 天使服侍者在歌唱。

    The angels ministrant sang.

  15. 天使服侍者在歌唱。

    The angels ministrant sang.

  16. 我怎样服侍你, 你都知道。

    You know how much work I've done for you.

  17. 三个底下人轮流服侍他。

    Three servants took turns to serve him.

  18. 藉着服饰他人, 我们服侍神。

    We serve God by serving others.

  19. 她日夜服侍生病的母亲。

    She waited on her sick mother day and night.

  20. 服侍作招待或女招待

    To work as a waiter or waitress.

  21. 我来这里不是了服侍你

    I come not to serve you

  22. 她从早到晚服侍伤员。

    She waited on the wounded soldiers from morning till night.

  23. 他们可不是最难服侍的人。

    They're not the hardest people to serve.

  24. 你别指望我服侍你的余生。

    Don't expect me to run you round for the rest of your life!

  25. 跟随并服侍重要人物的人。

    the group following and attending to some important person.

  26. 跑向服侍安伯莲的仆从

    Ran into the Henchman who severed Anne boleyn

  27. 他生病时,学生们轮流来服侍他。

    His students took turns looking after him when he was ill.

  28. 但是我们发誓服侍宝物的主人。

    But we swore to serve the master of the precious.

  29. 也该叫我去服侍他了吧。

    Should call me to his bed.

  30. 象征我们对神的服侍和献身

    It symbolized service and dedication to God.


  1. 问:服侍拼音怎么拼?服侍的读音是什么?服侍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服侍的读音是fúshi,服侍翻译成英文是 look after

  2. 问:服侍的拼音怎么拼?服侍的的读音是什么?服侍的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服侍的的读音是,服侍的翻译成英文是 ministrant

  3. 问:服侍者拼音怎么拼?服侍者的读音是什么?服侍者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:服侍者的读音是,服侍者翻译成英文是 handmaiden



【词目】 服侍

