







汉语拼音:nuǎn qì









  1. 暖和之气。

    晋 张华 《杂诗》:“重衾无暖气,挟纊如怀冰。” 唐 孟浩然 《家园卧疾毕太祝见寻》诗:“冰室无暖气,炎云空赫曦。” 冰心 《晚晴集·瞻仰毛主席纪念堂》:“我顿时觉到有一阵清香和暖气,迎面扑来!”

  2. 利用锅炉烧出的蒸汽或热水,通过管道输送到建筑物内的散热器(俗称暖气片)中,散出热量,使室温增高,然后流回锅炉,重新加热,循环不已。管道中的蒸汽或热水叫做“暖气”。这种设备也称“暖气”。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致增田涉》:“目前暖气已开放,但天气还不怎样冷。” 丁玲 《奔》:“他们都因为车厢上的暖气和车外的奇异的景致弄活泼了一点儿。” 孙犁 《澹定集·<幸存的信件>序》:“那时,正值严冬,住室的暖气被拆毁。”

  3. 煖氣:温暖的气流。

    《礼记·月令》:“﹝仲春之月﹞行夏令,则国乃大旱,煖气早来,虫螟为害。” 陈澔 集说:“午火之气所泄也。”



  1. She entered the apartment and closed the door, glad that the day was over and that she could relax in front of the radiator.

  2. My daughter just asked me to turn on the heat after she got out of a shower.

  3. She lived in a small room near the college. It had no lights, no water, and no heat, Sometimes Marie only had bread and tea to eat.

  4. "She said she had no heat and they were very cold, and I said , sure I'll come and get you, " Ford said.

  5. When you own a home, you'll have to pay for electricity, heating, cooling, water and sewer. While utility prices vary widely across the U.

  6. 'There was no heating and no sewage and our aim was to put nothing new in it at all.

  7. We usually turn down the heat before going to bed.

  8. The adjustments that tenants themselves are able to make can be controlled too, so that heating or air-conditioning is not used to excess.

  9. The sun's daughters kissed him: they want to put the ice princess printed on his face with the BingWen heat melt, make it disappear.


  1. 打开暖气。

    Turn on the heat.

  2. 暖气盘旋管

    heating spiral.

  3. 装暖气设备

    install a heating system.

  4. 打开暖气冷气

    Turn on the heaterair conditioner.

  5. 暖气不加收费。

    There is no extra charge for heating.

  6. 中央暖气系统停了。

    The central healing is off.

  7. 你们教室有暖气吗?

    Does your classroom have central heating ?

  8. 你们教室有暖气吗??

    Does your classroom have central heating ?

  9. 谁把暖气关掉了?

    Who turned the heating off?

  10. 鸟利用暖气流助飞。

    Birds use warm air currents to help their flight.

  11. 坐在暖气旁边,暖和暖和。

    Sit by the radiator and get warm.

  12. 暖气坏了,房顶也漏了。

    The heat failed, and then the roof began to leak into the bargain.

  13. 暖气靠定时开关自动供热。

    The heating is on a time switch.

  14. 好, 暖气还说我钻牛角尖?

    Okay! Heat, heat, heat! And Im the obsessive one

  15. 我们的暖气炉烧油。

    Our furnace burns oil.

  16. 我们得暖气炉烧油。

    Our furnace burns oil.

  17. 那个暖气一定有什么问题。

    There must be something wrong with that heater.

  18. 暖气坏了,感觉要冻死了。

    I’m freezing to death cuz my heater’s not working.

  19. 房子里装有煤气和暖气。

    The house is fit up with gas and steam heater.

  20. 真希望我知道怎么开暖气。

    I wish I knew how to turn on the heating.

  21. 租金包括水费和暖气费。

    The rent is inclusive of water and heating.

  22. 房子里装了电灯和暖气。

    THe house was fitted up with electric lights and steam heaters.

  23. 暖气一定是出什么问题了。

    There must be something wrong with the heater.

  24. 我是不是把暖气关小些。

    Shall I turn the heating down ?

  25. 火炉的暖气使得他感到困倦。

    The warmth from the fire made her feel sleepy.

  26. 如果你冷,就把暖气开大。

    If you are cold, turn up the heat.

  27. 那本杂志谈及各种暖气装置。

    That magazine covers all kinds of heating apparatus.

  28. 那本杂志论及所有暖气装置。

    That magazine covers all kinds of heating apparatuses.

  29. 我可以将暖气调大一点吗

    Is it okay for me to turn up the heater

  30. 这个暖气系统有自动温控装置。

    This heating system has an automatic temperature control.


  1. 问:暖气拼音怎么拼?暖气的读音是什么?暖气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气的读音是nuǎnqì,暖气翻译成英文是 "central heating equipment; warm gas

  2. 问:暖气片拼音怎么拼?暖气片的读音是什么?暖气片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气片的读音是nuǎnqìpiàn,暖气片翻译成英文是 a radiator installed indoors; mostly made of...

  3. 问:暖气机拼音怎么拼?暖气机的读音是什么?暖气机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气机的读音是,暖气机翻译成英文是 radiator

  4. 问:暖气炉拼音怎么拼?暖气炉的读音是什么?暖气炉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气炉的读音是nuǎn qì lú,暖气炉翻译成英文是 warm-air stove

  5. 问:暖气管拼音怎么拼?暖气管的读音是什么?暖气管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气管的读音是nuǎnqìguǎn,暖气管翻译成英文是 caliduct

  6. 问:暖气加温拼音怎么拼?暖气加温的读音是什么?暖气加温翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气加温的读音是nuǎn qì jiā wēn,暖气加温翻译成英文是 warm air heating

  7. 问:暖气温室拼音怎么拼?暖气温室的读音是什么?暖气温室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气温室的读音是nuǎnqìWēnshì,暖气温室翻译成英文是 heating greenhouses

  8. 问:暖气管柱拼音怎么拼?暖气管柱的读音是什么?暖气管柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气管柱的读音是nuǎn qì guǎn zhù,暖气管柱翻译成英文是 column of radiator

  9. 问:暖气装制拼音怎么拼?暖气装制的读音是什么?暖气装制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气装制的读音是,暖气装制翻译成英文是 heater

  10. 问:暖气装置拼音怎么拼?暖气装置的读音是什么?暖气装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气装置的读音是nuǎnqìzhuāngzhì,暖气装置翻译成英文是 heating

  11. 问:暖气分配系统拼音怎么拼?暖气分配系统的读音是什么?暖气分配系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气分配系统的读音是nuǎn qì fēn pèi xì tǒng,暖气分配系统翻译成英文是 Warm Gas Distribution System

  12. 问:暖气加温设备拼音怎么拼?暖气加温设备的读音是什么?暖气加温设备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气加温设备的读音是nuǎn qì jiā wēn shè bèi,暖气加温设备翻译成英文是 warm air heating installation

  13. 问:暖气鼓风机电压拼音怎么拼?暖气鼓风机电压的读音是什么?暖气鼓风机电压翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气鼓风机电压的读音是nuǎn qì gǔ fēng jī diàn yā,暖气鼓风机电压翻译成英文是 heater blower voltage

  14. 问:暖气空调系统型式拼音怎么拼?暖气空调系统型式的读音是什么?暖气空调系统型式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气空调系统型式的读音是nuǎn qì kōng tiáo xì tǒng xíng shì,暖气空调系统型式翻译成英文是 HVAC system type

  15. 问:暖气空调设定温度拼音怎么拼?暖气空调设定温度的读音是什么?暖气空调设定温度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暖气空调设定温度的读音是nuǎn qì kōng tiáo shè dìng wēn dù,暖气空调设定温度翻译成英文是 HVAC set temperature



“暖气”是个多义词,它可以指暖气(汉语词汇), 暖气(道教服气名词)。