




1. 愉 [yú]2. 愉 [tōu]愉 [yú]和悦,快意:~快。~悦。欢~。不~之色。愉 [tōu]古同“偷”,苟且敷衍。……



汉语拼音:huān yú








  1. but more than anything, such a profound sense of humanity, such fun and exhilaration, such melancholy and wisdom.


  2. This is a time that favors any social interaction. . . It brings out your playful side making it a pleasure to be around you. . .


  3. The Happy Prince has given his precious stones to the people to help them and yet his statue is still being torn down at the end of the day.


  4. The share market euphoria that greeted Barack Obama's victory in the U. S. presidential election did not last long.


  5. The aim of a chef's work, he said, should be to make people happy through the multi-sensory experience of eating.


  6. She wants someone who is smart and humorous and can bring her news to hear all the time so that she would never ever feel bored of him.


  7. Now this is all fine and dandy, except for the fact that you also can no longer experience the joys brought on by life.


  8. I was secretly pleased that New York appeared to be grieving along with me; that the city seemed as frozen as I felt.


  9. Instead of changing out of a sense of deprivation and guilt, it's better to be motivated by feelings of love, joy and giving.


  1. 脸上保持欢愉

    and put on a happy face.

  2. 欢愉是未带面具的忧伤。

    Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.

  3. 欢愉是未带面具得忧伤。

    Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.

  4. 他沉浸在胜利的欢愉中。

    He basked in the afterglow of his victory.

  5. 人们都沉浸在节日的欢愉之中。

    Everybody was in a happy festive mood.

  6. 大家沉浸在节日的欢愉气氛中。

    We are immersed in a joyous festival atmosphere.

  7. 无愚昧的欢愉就如无苹果的苹果酱。

    For happiness without ignorance is like applesauce without apples.

  8. 他欢愉的外表掩饰了他不安的情绪。

    His cheerful appearance belies his feelings.

  9. 今日的欢愉乃明日之愁绪。

    The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.

  10. 春日清晨得欢愉, 芥末种子得信诚。

    The joy of a morning in spring, the faith of a mustard seed.

  11. 春日清晨的欢愉,芥末种子的信诚。

    The joy of a morning in spring, the faith of a mustard seed.

  12. 欢愉的音波, 在金色的暮霭中游泳。

    The joyous sound wave drifted through the golden evening mist.

  13. 糊口是一串串的欢愉年光。

    Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment.

  14. 愿今年景功和欢愉与你相伴。

    May sess and happiness follow you throughout the year.

  15. 无论老少都发现溜冰的欢愉。

    People young and old are discovering the joy of ice skating.

  16. 劝的时候, 脸色要欢愉, 声音要柔和。

    While speaking to them, we should be gentle in appearance, and soften our tone.

  17. 面向不朽的神将使我们欢愉。

    To the immortal gods and us give joy.

  18. 我很懊恼,我但愿怙恃能让我欢愉地进修。

    I am worried and I hope I can study happily.

  19. 虽然明澈, 清新, 欢愉, 却不及你的乐曲。

    Joyous, and clear, and fresh, thy music doth surpass.

  20. 必须通过哀恸,才能有喜乐和欢愉。

    The road to joy and rejoicing is through mourning.

  21. 没有疑难的欢愉是世上最宝贵的工具。

    There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world.

  22. 不可言状的痛苦、欢愉、厌倦、宽慰等

    Unutterable pain, delight, boredom, relief, etc

  23. 想想看, 当你达到目标后的欢愉感觉。

    Inspire your imagination to see yourself already in possession of it.

  24. 生命最欢愉的是确知我们被爱著。

    Life's greatest happiness is be convinced we are loved.

  25. 成长的故事,从来都是欢愉与痛苦的交织。

    The story growing up, is happy and pained joyful intertexture all along all.

  26. 圣诞之际,祝你心里有首欢愉的歌,新年欢愉!

    Wishellong you a song in your heart all year long.

  27. 为了那所有你带给我生命的欢愉。

    For all the joy you brought to my life.

  28. 莉莎椰子可以让你感染夏威夷的欢愉。

    Lisa Coconuts will help you get into that aloha spirit.

  29. 教堂的钟声洪亮地传颂着圣诞欢愉的信息。

    The church bells are pealing the message of Christmas joy.

  30. 在万千欢愉的约束里我感到了自由的拥抱。

    I feel the embrace of freedom in a thousand bonds of delight.


  1. 问:欢愉拼音怎么拼?欢愉的读音是什么?欢愉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢愉的读音是huānyú,欢愉翻译成英文是 happy; joyful; delighted



欢愉(huān yú),意思为[delighted] 欢乐愉快。出于南朝 宋 谢灵运 《拟魏太子邺中集诗》序:“朝游夕宴,究欢愉之极。”