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心地仁爱,品质淳厚:~良。~心。~举。~事。~人。~男信女。慈~。好的行为、品质:行~。惩恶扬~。高明的,良好的:~策。~本。友好,和好:友~。亲~。和~。熟悉:面~。办好,弄好:~后。擅长,长(cháng )于:~辞令。多谋~断。赞许:“……
汉语拼音:shàn hòu
谓妥善处理事情发生后的遗留问题。语出《孙子·作战》:“夫钝兵挫鋭,屈力殫货,则诸侯乘其弊而起,虽有智者,不能善其后矣。” 宋 李纲 《与秦相公书》:“今併与 岳飞 一军,徙屯他路,则某区区愚见,不知所以善后矣。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十:“ 川 、 陕 、 楚 军务将竣,其善后事宜,莫若扼形势为控制。” 罗义俊 《南市难民述略》:“南市难民区至此结束……确定善后事务委托 雅斯帕尔 等三人负责。”
宋 苏轼 《送范经略分韵赋诗》:“谋初要百虑,善后乃万全。”
"The level of support we've received has been outstanding, and it's easy to see why the company enjoys a great reputation for aftercare" .
他说:“我们收到的支持作出了杰出的水平,很容易明白为什么公司享有盛名的善后”。after the retreat , some initiates and i volunteered to stay an additional day to help clean up the kitchen.
结禅时,我和一些同修志愿多留下一天,以协助整个厨房的善后工作。However, if it decides to withdraw it must perform the related legal procedures as well as managing the aftermath of its customers.
如果选择退出,也必须履行好有关法定程序,做好用户的善后事宜。The root of the problem on both sides of the Atlantic is simple: too much debt, and too little political will to deal with its consequences.
问题的根源很简单,大西洋两岸是一样的:债务太多,又缺乏善后的政治意愿。Ignore the Reply to All button all together; never use it. The onus is on you to determine how the aftermath is handled.
忽略的按钮全部答复在一起,并没有用它来处理。责任是你对,以确定如何善后的。As the dust settles, perhaps temporarily, it has become clearer that the unrest could have been far better handled.
作为麻烦的善后者,即使是暂时的,此时它更清楚它是可以更好的处理这次的动荡局面。The Council says governments at all levels must do their utmost to deal with the aftermath of the melamine-tainted milk powder scandal.
国务院表示政府的各级官员应当尽自己最大的努力做好“三聚事件”的善后工作。Now the fire has been extinguished, the company is taking appropriate remedial measures.
现在大火已经被扑灭,公司正在采取妥善措施善后。Reported that the fire was put out, remedial work is under way, the fire is still under investigation.