







汉语拼音:kuān xīn








  1. 解除愁闷。

    《汉书·戾太子刘据传》:“唯陛下宽心慰意,少察所亲,毋患太子之非,亟罢甲兵,无令太子久亡!” 唐 杜甫 《可惜》诗:“宽心应是酒,遣兴莫过诗。” 元 房皞 《和杨叔能之字韵》:“遭乱重相见,宽心不用悲。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十六章:“ 兰英 和旁的几个女子给她宽心,说 石得富 上过火线,有经验,可能领着 石永公 走 张家坪 那面过了沟,到 艾家渠 去了。”

  2. 心情舒畅。

    宋 苏轼 《和田仲宣见赠》诗:“头白 江 南醉司马,宽心时復唤 殷兄 。” 元 李文蔚 《燕青博鱼》第二折:“你出门去寻些时新的果品,各色的鲜味来,等我宽心的吃几杯儿。” 清 李渔 《比目鱼·肥遁》:“他在衙里的时节,时时防禀事,刻刻听传梆,有事关心,所以不敢吃酒,今日丢了担子,宽心不过,忽然放起量来,所以醉得这般模样。”

  3. 放心;安心。

    明 高明 《琵琶记·散发归林》:“岳丈,你宽心等,何须苦掛縈。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·鹞误》:“好了,出城去了,如今宽心放线。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第三八章:“弟弟劝他在狱中宽心等候,并说宁拼上把家产花光也要将官司打赢,弄个清清白白。”



  1. Iago. I pray you, be content; 'tis but his humour: The business of the state does him offence, And he does chide with you.


  2. I found that having one pillow wedged behind my back and one between my legs was soothing and easy to move.


  3. In fact it was just a placebo, a pill with no medicine, a sugar pill, like a homeopathy pill.


  4. She pressed herself against him and wound her limbs round him, as though to reassure him with the warmth of her body.


  5. His parents already doubted Angel's religious belief, so they were almost relieved to hear this of his future wife.


  6. The face gazed up at him, heavy, calm , protecting: but what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache?


  7. Remember when eating out was a relaxing experience? Someone else cooked for you, served you and cleaned up after you.


  8. She felt a little out of place, but the great room soothed her and the view of the well-dressed throng outside seemed a splendid thing.


  9. But as the end of the president's first year draws near, his soothing words have begun to pall.


  1. 宽心口服液

    Kuanxin Oral Liquor.

  2. 吃了宽心丸儿

    be reassured

  3. 说几句宽心话

    say a few reassuring words.

  4. 放宽心好好休息

    Try and rest easy.

  5. 怎么才能使你宽宽心?

    What would make you feel good?

  6. 你现在应该感到宽心了

    Oh,you must be so relieved.

  7. 你现在应该感到宽心了。

    Oh, you must be so relieved.

  8. 老板到后他宽心不少。

    He was put at his ease by the arrival of the Boss.

  9. 对人要宽心, 讲话要细心。

    BE forgiving towards others.Be discreet in your speech.

  10. 谣言没有流传, 令人宽心。

    It is a relief that the rumour did not go around.

  11. 过日子,必须得放宽心

    The only way to live life is wildly.

  12. 过日子,必须得放宽心。

    The only way to live life is wildly.

  13. 当她安静时, 你宽心了。

    You were relieved when she shut down.

  14. 请宽心安坐,闭上眼睛。

    Please sit back and close your eyes.

  15. 请宽心安坐,闭上眼睛。

    Please sit back and close your eyes.

  16. 请喝杯茶,宽宽心。

    Please have a cup of tea and relax yourself.

  17. 你的平安让我十分宽心。

    Seeing you alive brings warm feelings to my heart.

  18. 我只是让她们放宽心。

    I was just putting them at ease.

  19. 我发现这音乐很让人宽心。

    I find this music so soothing.

  20. 她的触摸令人感到很宽心。

    Her touch felt wonderfully soothing.

  21. 请她放宽心,祝她早日康复。

    Tell her to take it easy and that I hope she feels better.

  22. 现在他特别要求你放宽心。

    Now he specifically asks that you keep an open mind.

  23. 我心神不宁, 她的话使我宽心。

    Her words gave ease to my distracted mind.

  24. 请大家宽心安坐,享受飞行的乐趣。

    Sit back and enjoy your flight.

  25. 听到这不是真的,我感到宽心了。

    I am relieved to hear that this isn't true.

  26. 知道事情的真相使焦急的父母大为宽心。

    Knowing the truth relieved the anxious parents.

  27. 使人们极感宽心的是谣言没有流传。

    To our great relief, the rumor does not go around.

  28. 使我们极感宽心的是谣言没有流传。

    To our great relief, the rumor does not go around.

  29. 它被用来描述药物使人宽心的作用。

    It was used to describe the soothing effect of medicine.

  30. 他们希望这件事过去后她会宽心一些。

    They hope she will ease up a bit after the matter is over.


  1. 问:宽心拼音怎么拼?宽心的读音是什么?宽心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宽心的读音是kuānxīn,宽心翻译成英文是 feel relieved; comforted; to relieve anxieties...

  2. 问:宽心丸拼音怎么拼?宽心丸的读音是什么?宽心丸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宽心丸的读音是kuānxīnwán,宽心丸翻译成英文是 a soothing statement.

  3. 问:宽心地拼音怎么拼?宽心地的读音是什么?宽心地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宽心地的读音是,宽心地翻译成英文是 relaxedly

  4. 问:宽心的拼音怎么拼?宽心的的读音是什么?宽心的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宽心的的读音是,宽心的翻译成英文是 relieved



“宽心”是个多义词,它可以指宽心(星云大师著作), 宽心(汉语词汇)。