


解说,说明:解~。注~。~文。~义。消除,消散:~疑。~怨。涣然冰~(像冰融化了一样,嫌隙和疑虑都完全消除)。放开,放下:~放。保~。手不~卷。佛教创始人释迦牟尼的简称,后泛指佛教:~氏。~教。~子(和尚)。~藏(zàng )(佛教经典的总……



思念,想念:~念。~旧。~乡。~古。缅~。包藏:~胎。心~鬼胎。胸~壮志。~瑾握瑜。~才不遇。胸前:~抱。抱在~里。心中意:心~。胸~。正中(zhòng )下~。耿耿于~。安抚:~柔。归向,使降顺:“~敌附远,何招而不至?”……



汉语拼音:shì huái








  1. 抒发情怀。

    唐 李翱 《<释怀赋>序》:“读《党錮传》,哀直道之多尤不容,作《释怀赋》。”

  2. 放心,无牵挂。

    乔信明 《背负着方志敏同志的遗志前进》:“在监狱里,他所耿耿不能释怀的,就是党的事业, 中国 人民抗 日 救国的事业。”



  1. She is let off at the next city and the train company advises her to stay in a certain hotel overnight.


  2. Even though his parents came to live with him and his mother ensured a diet of entirely Andalucian food, he never beat his homesickness.


  3. Know you were mad at him for what he had done. But , it has been five years . Get over it.


  4. Child , you know this way I can feel relieved to your my love. only like this.


  5. The existing state and let me down the heart to love the heat, so the pain, how can it get?


  6. Do baby however very simple love let you not dare explain the heart thinking of you being able to let me go and make a guess on you quietly?


  7. Thankfully , eventually, she did let it go and made a pact with Lisa to reunite in heaven.


  8. She was a little put out but I got them each an extra scoop of ice cream so all was forgiven.


  9. and I had never believed that something could help us shake off the shadow of fear, but Santorini did that for me, ultimately.


  1. 释怀前行的自信。

    The confidence to move on.

  2. 释怀前行的自信。

    The confidence to move on.

  3. 那消息使她释怀。

    The news assured her.

  4. 我永远也无法释怀

    I'll never get over that.

  5. 让我有点无法释怀

    kind of blew me off.

  6. 我很高兴你释怀了。

    I'm so happy that you're moving on.

  7. 我很高兴你释怀了。

    I'm so happy that you're moving on.

  8. 不是我还不能释怀。

    You know,it's not that I haven't forgiven you.

  9. 直到现在我都无法释怀

    I haven't been able to get past it.

  10. 但你该试着释怀了。

    But just try to let it go.

  11. 直到现在我都无法释怀。

    I haven't been able to get past it.

  12. 我们能做的恐怕只有释怀。

    Im afraid sth have been primitively programmed.

  13. 离开。释怀。很短暂。又重来。

    Leave. Release the bosom. Very brief. again again.

  14. 她有句话叫我难以释怀

    There's one thing she said I can't get out of my head.

  15. 听上去你已经对他释怀了。

    Well, sounds like you are well rid of him.

  16. 听上去你已经对他释怀了。

    Well, sounds like you are well rid of him.

  17. 我将永难释怀你的离去。

    I will never be relieved of your departure.

  18. 无法释怀的眼凝视着这个世界。

    With eyes that watch the world and can't forget.

  19. 唯一不能让我释怀的。是我的女儿。

    The only thing left to me nowis my daughter.

  20. 释怀昨日, 享受今日去梦想明日吧。

    Let yesterday rest, live for today, hope and dream for your tomorrows.

  21. 而且,你很高兴我释怀了,对吗?

    Yeah, and remember, you're happy I've moved on, right?

  22. 无法释怀得眼凝视着这个世界。

    With eyes that watch the world and can't forget.

  23. 要释怀对挚爱的感情总是很难的。

    It's hard for anyone to let go of someone they love.

  24. 画家充满关爱的手,释怀了所有的痛苦。

    Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.

  25. 有那么一个令我难以释怀的春节。

    So I have a strange Spring Festival.

  26. 画家充满关爱得手, 释怀了所有得痛苦。

    Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.

  27. 如果释怀我们感受到的恐惧和悲伤?

    How do we rationalize the fear and sorrow that each one of us feels?

  28. 他与我讲述起难以释怀的烦恼。

    With my little friends new and old I had happy times exploring the great holdings, to the annoyance of the gardeners.

  29. 我知道这听起来有点傻 我有点难以释怀。

    I know this sounds silly, it kind of bugged me.

  30. 有一种爱,明明想放弃,却无法释怀。

    There is a love, obviously want to give up, but can not be relieved.


  1. 问:释怀拼音怎么拼?释怀的读音是什么?释怀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:释怀的读音是shìhuái,释怀翻译成英文是 to relief; to release; to dismiss from mind



“释怀”是个多义词,它可以指释怀(微电影), 释怀(袁咏琳演唱歌曲), 释怀(汉语词语), 释怀(张卫健演唱歌曲)。