


1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……




给人东西同时从他那里取得别的东西:交~。对~。~工。~文。兑~。更改,变:变~。更(gēng )~。~马(喻撤换担负某项职务的人,含贬义)。~样。~气。~言之(换句话说)。……


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:gǎi tiān huàn dì





也说改地换天。比喻彻底 的大规模的变革。常用来指自然或社会的根本变革。



  • 【解释】:彻底改变原来的面貌。指改造社会,改造自然。
  • 【出自】:丁玲《杜晚香》:“外边的惊天动地,改天换地,并没有震动过这偏僻的山沟。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;指改造社会,改造自然


  1. And all this against three decades of momentous social, political and economic change.


  2. We human urgently call for a new civilization, which can be regarded as a thorough value revolutionary in the real sense.


  3. This is a transformational budget. This is the first budget I have seen since the Reagan era. . .


  4. This is anachronistic, given how different the world looks today, and it is not working.


  1. 换地权益书

    Land Exchange Book.

  2. 乙种换地权益书期龄轮候制度

    Letter B Tender Vintage System

  3. 如果遇到一些树根和大石头,非常难搞出来,换地。

    Few tree roots or large rocks, which can be very difficult to dig up and extract.

  4. 埋地换热器

    underground heat exchanger.

  5. 她不断地换舞伴。

    She flits from one dance partner to another.

  6. 他不停地换座位而扰乱了课堂。

    His constant shifting disrupted the class.

  7. 他不停地换座位而扰乱了课堂。

    His constant shifting disrupted the class.

  8. 我可以从一个潜藏地换到另一个潜藏地吗?

    Can I move from hiding place to hiding place?

  9. 天才的漂泊者敏捷地换到左边的电梯中。

    The gifted drifter swiftly shifted to the left lift.

  10. 改天我换马甲来这里删掉。

    Gai day wo change majia come here delete!

  11. 青年飞快地换好灰袍,然后看向黑袍人。

    The young man did so quickly and faced the other man.

  12. 将重物不时地换一换胳膊, 会好搬一些。

    Shifting the load onto your other arm from time may help you to carry it.

  13. 他若换其事地参加会议。

    He attended the meeting as if nothing had happened.

  14. 男人喜欢不停地换台,这会让一些女人抓狂。

    Men like to zap the TV channels, something that can drive certain women berserk.

  15. 另外一个解决褶皱难题的好办法是简单地换个角度。

    Another winning solution to the pleat puzzle is simply taking a new angle.

  16. 埋地换热器土壤内热湿迁移与地表能源特性研究

    Study on Heat and Moisture Transfer in Soil Around the Underground Heat Exchanger and the Earth Energy Performance

  17. 后来辗转地换了几次工作,最后在一个酒店当服务员。

    Later he altered his jobs for several times and finally became a waiter in a hotel.

  18. 他因为上班快迟到了所以火速地换好衣服冲到办公室去。

    Almost late for work he scrambled to get into his clothes and raced to the office.

  19. 一年内, 就频繁地换了七个男朋友, 短至一日, 长也不过三个月。

    Within a year, they frequently changed seven boyfriend, short day length also less than three months.

  20. 地埋换热器

    Buried ground exchange.

  21. 他们看上去没有把握,站在那儿左右脚换来换去不安地晃着。

    They looked unsure and shifted uneasily from foot to foot.

  22. 我刚大学毕业时只是漫无目得地不断换工作。

    I just aimlessly from job to job when I graduated from the college.

  23. 我试探性地建议换个地方工作她可能会更开心。

    I tentatively suggested that she might be happier working somewhere else.

  24. 改天我们再确切地谈一谈。

    Later on we will talk more definitely.

  25. 她不时地给婴孩换尿布。

    She changed the baby often.

  26. 诚实地说我换方向退后了。

    I backed up and went the other direction, to be honest with you.

  27. 她当时漫不经心地说要换工作。

    She remarked casually that she was changing her job.

  28. 他们立刻很安静地走去换衣服。

    They went with great composure, that very instant, to change their dress.

  29. 不断地催促步兵团换防易站,换装填。

    And ever the hastening of infantry shifting positions, batteries.

  30. 不停地表演,换来的只是那一刻的虚荣。

    Kept on performing, just for that moment of vanity.


  1. 问:改天换地拼音怎么拼?改天换地的读音是什么?改天换地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改天换地的读音是gǎitiānhuàndì,改天换地翻译成英文是 to transform heaven and earth; to change the...



发音 gǎi tiān huàn dì 释义(1)彻底改变原来的面貌。指改造社会,改造自然.(2)从根本上改造大自然,也比喻巨大变革。 出处 朱敏《深情忆念傻子周伯伯》:“站在我面前的正是两位扭转乾坤,改天换地,领导我党我国人民推翻了三座大山,缔造了社会主义新中国的伟大领袖、历史巨人。” 事例 理直气壮,猛然回击,坚持了革命的战斗。郭小川《登九山》