


1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……


给人东西同时从他那里取得别的东西:交~。对~。~工。~文。兑~。更改,变:变~。更(gēng )~。~马(喻撤换担负某项职务的人,含贬义)。~样。~气。~言之(换句话说)。……





汉语拼音:gǎi tóu huàn miàn





指表面上改变一下,实质 上跟原来的一样。唐寒山《寒山诗》二一三首:“改头换面孔,不离旧时人。”



  • 【解释】:原指人的容貌发生了改变。现多比喻只改外表和形式,内容实质不变。
  • 【出自】:唐·寒山《诗三百三首》第二一四首:“改头换面孔,不离旧时人。”
  • 【示例】:冤债原从隔世深,相逢便起杀心。~犹相报,何况容颜俨在今。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义


  1. The Liberty brand seems to be reinventing itself by working with musicians, artists and designers.


  2. Slang is nothing but a dressing-room where the tongue having some bad action to perform, disguises itself.


  3. Somehow, just a century after his grandfather's deposition, the Habsburg Empire had reconstituted itself as the United States of Europe.


  4. Our interior decorator really went to town in remodeling our living room. I'm afraid to ask how much it's going to cost.


  5. The prize is a state that, by 2015, could look rather different to the bloated, top-heavy Leviathan bequeathed to the coalition a year ago.


  6. Part of the problem, says Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute, is that the hard line sometimes takes on a life of its own.


  7. Evidently he made a public apology to everyone he'd hurt saying he wanted to do good from then on.


  8. "The monumental energy price increases will be a 'game change' for Asia, " the bank said in a research note.


  9. The first Makeover Challenge was very telling and a good kickoff competition for the beginning of the season.


  1. 他已彻底改头换面。

    Whatever he once was like he has cleaned up his act.

  2. 因此能源系统需要改头换面

    So it needs refurbishment.

  3. 对,但她为什么要改头换面?

    Yeah, but not why she changed her identity?

  4. 运输层应负责不成改头换面。

    The Transport Layer should be responsible for fragmentation and reassembly.

  5. 改头换面的科技世界谁能生存?

    Who Will Survive in a Reconfigured Tech World

  6. 他以前很懒,但他已经改头换面。

    He used tobe quite lazy, but he has turned over a new live.

  7. 也许现在正是改头换面的时机呢。

    Perhaps it's time you made the jump.

  8. 这需要超过一包的技巧和改头换面。

    And this takes more than a bag of tricks and a makeover.

  9. 谢谢,当你有钱时要改头换面很容易。

    Thanks, but it's easy to clean up when you got money.

  10. 他们将老调子改头换面,又端出来了。

    They're dishing up the usual arguments in a new form.

  11. 我的牙医能让丑陋不堪的牙齿改头换面。

    My dentist can work wonders for ugly teeth.

  12. 官方历史就这样不声不响地改头换面了。

    An official revision of history was quietly taking place.

  13. 如今兴起了互联网,再次使促销宣传改头换面。

    Today the Internet is once again transforming promotion.

  14. 结果是改头换面, 换汤不换药的技术和产品成堆。

    As a result, redundant products flood the market.

  15. 结果是改头换面,换汤不换药得技术和产品成堆。

    As a result, redundant products flood the market.

  16. 投自由民主党的票不过是改头换面投工党的票。

    A vote for the Liberal Democrats is just a Labour vote in disguise.

  17. 在小木屋呆了几天后, 我经历了改头换面。

    After a couple of days at the cabin I was a convert.

  18. 许可证计划不过是改头换面的配额制度而已。

    Mandelson didn't have the political capital to block the licensing scheme, which is a quota in another form.

  19. 那块毗邻废墟经历了一次彻底的改头换面。

    The blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover.

  20. 那块毗邻废墟经历了一次彻底的改头换面。

    The blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover.

  21. 那块毗邻废墟经历了一次彻底得改头换面。

    The blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover.

  22. 这里没什么新花样, 只是些改头换面得旧玩意儿。

    There is nothing new here, just the same old ideas in a new guise.

  23. 这里没什么新花样,只是些改头换面的旧玩意儿。

    There is nothing new here, just the same old ideas in a new guise.

  24. 杰克想改头换面, 于是他把头发染成蓝色。

    Jack felt like doing something totally different, so he colored his hair blue.

  25. 然而,一次偶然的机遇让他改头换面,重新做人。

    However, a fortuitous opportunity to let him a new leaf.

  26. 不论你如何改头换面,在他人眼里,你始终是华人。

    You can have whatever makeovers you can imagine,but in the eyes of other people,you remain a Chinese.

  27. 这里没什麽新花样, 只是些改头换面得旧玩意儿。

    There is nothing new here, just the same old idea in a new guise.

  28. 这里没什麽新花样,只是些改头换面的旧玩意儿。

    There is nothing new here, just the same old idea in a new guise.

  29. 你的所有观点只不过是把他的理论改头换面而已。

    All your ideas are just variations.

  30. 愤怒,我的老朋友,又改头换面,已新的姿态回来了。

    Anger, my old friend, has come back in a new guise.


  1. 问:改头换面拼音怎么拼?改头换面的读音是什么?改头换面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改头换面的读音是gǎitóuhuànmiàn,改头换面翻译成英文是 make superficial changes

  2. 问:改头换面地作品拼音怎么拼?改头换面地作品的读音是什么?改头换面地作品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改头换面地作品的读音是,改头换面地作品翻译成英文是 rehash

  3. 问:改头换面地重复拼音怎么拼?改头换面地重复的读音是什么?改头换面地重复翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改头换面地重复的读音是,改头换面地重复翻译成英文是 rehash



改头换面,谓只在表面上有所改动,其内容却依然如故。出处 唐 寒山 《诗》之二一三:“可畏轮回苦,往复似翻尘。蚁巡环未息,六道乱纷纷。改头换面孔,不离旧时人。”《朱子语类》卷一○九:“今人作经义,正是醉人说话。只是许多说话,改头换面,说了又说,不成文字。”