


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……



汉语拼音:dāng zhèng






  1. 掌握政权或权力。



  1. Whatever party comes to power, all that Britain can sensibly expect during the next parliament is a feel-bad recovery.


  2. It was hard not to feel a bit nostalgic for the days when grown-ups were in charge.


  3. Mr. Aso, whose previous two successors resigned after just a year each in office, attempted Thursday to assert strong leadership.


  4. But under Barack Obama, after a cordial start, slights have been building up for a while.


  5. AMONG the consequences of Silvio Berlusconi's long ascendancy over Italy is the numbing of his compatriots' democratic sensibilities.


  6. The president-elect has stated his desire to forge a bipartisan consensus on all major initiatives undertaken during his administration.


  7. The more active the local Tories are, the more the "folklore of the terrible years of Thatcher is fading" , says Mr Bebb.


  8. Thinking about Mao in power gives Kissinger the chance to circle back to some of the themes with which he opened his variations.


  9. Those leaders, he said, came to power "either by a military coup or with backing from foreign forces. "


  1. 当政的君主

    the reigning monarch.

  2. 保守党在当政。

    The Conservatives are in.

  3. 他当政时,国泰民安。

    When he was in power the state was prosperous and the people were at peace.

  4. 那时是保守党当政。

    The Conservatives were then the governing party.

  5. 那一个联邦政府当政?

    Which federal political party is in power?

  6. 对于诸葛亮何时当政有争议。

    Is in power when regarding Zhuge Liang has the dispute.

  7. 保守党新政府开始当政。

    The new Conservative government took office.

  8. 过去六年, 一直由绿党当政。

    The Green party has been in office for the last six years.

  9. 过去六年,一直由绿党当政。

    The Green party has been in office for the last six years.

  10. 雷根当政时美国的经济繁荣。

    America prospered with Ronald Reagan in the saddle.

  11. 在雷根当政期间, 新保守主义盛行。

    Neoconservatism prevailed in the Reagan era.

  12. 因为当政权依据实力确立时

    Because it makes sense when regimes rise.

  13. 你以诗歌竞选,用白话文当政。

    You campaign in poetry and govern in prose.

  14. 在富豪当政的国家里,人们见利忘义。

    Financial, not moral, considerations will prevail in a plutocracy.

  15. 布莱尔当政后的北爱尔兰和平进程

    The peace process of northern ireland since blair in power.

  16. 他一旦当政,将占据王位一直到死。

    Once he is crowned, the king will reign until he dies.

  17. 共和党当政12年之后,1993年美国民主党开始执政。

    After12 years of Republican presidents, the US went Democratic in1993.

  18. 自从权力移交后,民主党人一直当政。

    The Democrats have been in since the handover of power.

  19. 这些政客一旦当政,就大把大把地花钱,大肆挥霍。

    Once those baby kissers get in office, they spend, spend, spend.

  20. 在他当政期间, 他做了许多有利于人民的事。

    While he was in office, he did many good things that benefited people.

  21. 当你记起那时谁当政时, 这个迷就一清二楚了。

    The whole mystery falls in place when you remember who was in power at the time.

  22. 大流士一世当政时,琐罗亚斯德教定为国教。

    Darius I, when in power, Zoroastrian as the state religion.

  23. 不论公平与否, 选民将华尔街的乱局归咎于当政的党派。

    Fairly or not, voters blame the incumbent party for the mess on Wall Street.

  24. 在他当政期间,保证白人成年公民选举权的州越来越多。

    An increasing number of states granted white manhood suffrage during his administration.

  25. 现在我们的方针还是以国民党当政者为谈判的对手。

    It is still our principle to negotiate with those in power in the Kuomintang.

  26. 布什说,萨达姆是危险的,没有萨达姆当政,世界变得更加安全。

    He says Saddam was dangerous and the world is safer without him in power.

  27. 新建了许多定居点,包括自沙龙当政以来的40个定居点。

    Many new settlements have been established, including40 since Sharon came to power.

  28. 新建了许多定居点,包括自沙龙当政以来得40个定居点。

    Many new settlements have been established, including38 since Sharon came to power.

  29. 之后,这将转化为当政者提倡和指导的一套活动。

    This will should then be translated into a set of activities promoted and guided by the authorities.

  30. 有哪一个反对党不被它的当政的敌人骂为共产党呢?

    Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as Communistic by its opponents in power?


  1. 问:当政拼音怎么拼?当政的读音是什么?当政翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当政的读音是dāngzhèng,当政翻译成英文是 be in power



当政 dāngzhèng [be in power] 执掌政权;把持政权