




1. 观 [guān]2. 观 [guàn]观 [guān]看,察看:~看。~止(赞叹所看到的事物极端完美,无以复加)。~风(a.暗中察看动静,以定行止;b.观察民间风俗习惯,生活状态)。~阵。~赏。~察。~感。参~。看到的景象或样子:~瞻……





汉语拼音:tiě guān yīn






  1. 一种著名乌龙茶。

    刘平 《赤胆忠心·初见邓子恢同志》:“ 张龙地 觉得人家当老师的总不吃次茶,就顺手拿了包最好的‘铁观音’递给他。”



  1. Has long been used in folk An Xi Tie Guan Yin treatment of diarrhea and stomach pain practice.

  2. Tieguanyin with traditional brunet wrapped, foursquare pursuit of a pack of, top stick red note, write "gourmet oolong" a few words.

  3. Anxi County, Fujian Province, the national tea, one of the main producing areas, Tie Guan Yin tea, gold, gui hometown.

  4. Hi ! I just brewed this Tieh-Kwan-Yin , please give it a try .

  5. Anxi Ti Kwan-yin tea is passionately adored by people all over the world and Anxi tea culture activities are held frequently.

  6. And green tea, compared Tieguanyin tender and fragrant tea can be eaten directly, Tieguanyin Securinega bitter, not suitable for chewing.

  7. Varieties This concept of fujian tieguanyin tea with different.

  8. Thus, drinking Tie guan yin people without dental caries preventive effect on people who have had role in the treatment of dental caries.

  9. Tea of this kind, like the famous "Iron Goddess of Mercy, " drunk in Fukien, is made very thick.


  1. 铁观音栗子排骨汤

    Chop Soup with Tea and Chestnut

  2. 铁观音茶饮料的研制

    The development of tieguanyin tea drink.

  3. 铁观音施肥效应的研究

    Effect of fertilization on yield and quality of Tieguanyin.

  4. 主营铁观音, 普洱茶全国各地茗茶。

    Main Items Anxi Tie Guan Yin Tea, Puer Tea, and other kinds of China Tea.

  5. 饮铁观音能保护人的造血机能。

    Drinking TieGuanYin can protect the hematopoiesis.

  6. 饮铁观音可以预防老年性白内障。

    Drinking TieGuanYin can prevent senile pearl eye.

  7. 安溪铁观音制作严谨, 技艺精巧。

    Tie GuanYin oolong tea rigorous production techniques and intricate.

  8. 铁观音,茶人又称红心观音、红样观音。

    Tie Guan Yin, Guan Yin tea, also known as Red, red like Guanyin.

  9. 在南方的话,以铁观音为主,以毛尖为辅。

    In the South, mainly to Tieguanyin as a supplement to tip.

  10. 铁观音中含有不少对人体有益的微量元素。

    Tieguanyin contains a lot of useful microelements.

  11. 福建铁观音茶园土壤及茶叶中的铁含量

    Iron in the soil of Tieguanyin tea plantations in Fujian and its transfer into tea leaves

  12. 铁观音茶香枕,系原生态健康睡眠产品。

    Tieguanyin tea pillow, ecological health will sleep products.

  13. 提高铁观音产量、品质的施肥技术研究

    The yield of sulfuric acid raised; Effect of fertilizer on productivity and quality of Tie Guanyin Oolong tea

  14. 东方美人茶和铁观音香气成分的比较研究

    Comparison of Aroma Constituents between Oriental Beauty Tea and Tieguanyin Tea

  15. 好的铁观音滋味醇厚,喝过之後回甘持久。

    Tie Guanyin of high quality taste mellow and the sweet after taste lasts long.

  16. 高山清香翠绿型铁观音乌龙茶采制新技术初探

    New technique of plucking for the oolong tea Tieguanyin with high aroma and green color

  17. 安溪铁观音的产销行为与可持续发展的研究

    Study on The Production, Marketing and Sustainable Development of Anxi Tie Guan Yin

  18. 远红外萎凋与遮阳萎凋对铁观音品质的影响

    The effects of quality of Oolong tea with far infrared withering and visor withering

  19. 福建铁观音茶园土壤中的镍及其向茶叶的转移

    Nickel in Tieguanyin tea plantation soils and its transfer to tea leaves in Fujian Province

  20. 这些产物赋予了大红袍和铁观音焦糖香、焙烤香。

    All these volatiles given the Dahongpao and the Tieguanyin caramel and baking fragrant.

  21. 我们将一如既往把最好铁观音茶叶快速送到你们的手中。

    We will, as always, the best Tieguanyin tea quickly to your hands.

  22. 这可是1000多元一斤的极品铁观音啊, 不来可不要后悔哦!

    This is 1, 000 yuan a catty, but the Acura Tie Guan Yin ah, not to be not regret it Oh!

  23. 在安溪民间早有采用铁观音治疗痢疾和肚子痛的做法。

    Has long been used in folk An Xi Tie Guan Yin treatment of diarrhea and stomach pain practice.


  1. 问:铁观音拼音怎么拼?铁观音的读音是什么?铁观音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铁观音的读音是tiěguānyīn,铁观音翻译成英文是 Tie Guanyin, a variety of oolong tea