




1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……



汉语拼音:róng tōng







  1. 融合通达。

    南朝 梁 任昉 《齐竟陵文宣王行状》:“公道识虚远,表里融通。” 明 宋濂 《<白云稿>序》:“经乃圣人所定,实犹天然日月星辰之昭布,山川草木之森列,莫不繫焉,覆焉,皆一气周流而融通之。”



  1. Chapter II analyzed Zhu Xi's "up and down link up" in philosophical system and his "Competent and Factoring" philosophy of courses.


  2. Upon termination of the Facility, any outstanding indebtedness by the Customer shall forthwith be repaid to the Company.


  3. "Duo-Certificate integration, Production-and-Study Combination" is one of the leading styles of training high vocational personnel.


  4. The following day, Longtop said in a terse statement that it would not announce fourth quarter and annual results on Monday as planned.


  5. The seller request that the bank finance business by buying the draft.


  6. Deloitte resigned as Longtop's auditor earlier this year after discovering alleged accounting improprieties at the company.


  7. The administrative public property must be restricted for its circulation, and collection, for the goal limit and the certain condition.


  8. as a result , the mechanism for mobilising domestic savings on the mainland is less than , perhaps even far from , optimal.


  9. Interaction shares and integrates information resource, coordinating and perfecting operational mechanism.


  1. 对立与融通

    opposition and harmony.

  2. 融通汇票。通融汇票

    accommodation draft

  3. 融通新蓝筹


  4. 应收账款融通

    to melt funds on account

  5. 动产抵押资产融通

    Chattel mortgage financing.

  6. 无抵押融通汇票

    Accommodation bill of exchange without mortgage

  7. 长期资金融通方式

    permanent funding activities

  8. 备用后偿贷款融通

    standby subordinated loan facility

  9. 篆刻与按摩的融通

    Integrity Between Seal Cutting and Massage

  10. 融通基金管理有限公司。

    Rong Tong Fund Management Co., Ltd bbs. Chinahrlab. Com.

  11. 空头票据。空头支票。融通票据。欠单

    accommodation note

  12. 语言与钢琴教学的融通及交汇

    On Association and Interlink of Language and Piano Teaching

  13. 国际收支的逆差必须进行融通资金。

    Deficits on the balance of payments have to be financed.

  14. 北京国永融通系统集成有限公司。

    Beijing Great Road System Integration Co., Ltd.

  15. 作为向证券金融事业转融通证券之担保。

    As collateral to refinance securities a securities finance enterprise.

  16. 实验教学与科学研究融通体系研究与实践

    Study on establishing and practice of the combination and transformation system for experimental teaching and scientific research

  17. 跨国公司的企业文化及文化融通问题的分析

    Appear to concern a symptom differently according to not congenial tumour, but the show that has amenorrhoea more.

  18. 论科学教育与人文教育在现代教育中的融通

    Talking About How to Blend Scientific Education Well with Humane Studies in Modern Education

  19. 种子资金融通的来源是谁?他们寻找什麽?

    Who are the sources of seed financing and what are they looking for ?

  20. 实施资金融通战略,政府税收政策等战略。

    Carry out a funds congenial strategy, the government revenue from tax policy waits strategy.

  21. 二, 作为向证券金融事业转融通证券之担保。

    As collateral to refinance securities from a securities finance enterprise.

  22. 种子资金融通的来源是谁?他们寻找什么?

    Who are the sources of seed financing and what are they looking for?

  23. 种子资金融通得来源是谁?他们寻找什麽?

    Who are the sources of seed financing and what are they looking for ?

  24. 论科学理性和人文理性的分殊与融通

    On the Differentiation and Fusion between Scientific Reason and Humanistic Reason

  25. 目前,国内已经有融通仓、仓单质压融资业务。

    At present, China has financing warehouses business and warehouse receipt hypothecation financing business.

  26. 论西方管理理性主义和管理经验主义的分歧与融通

    On the Difference and Integration of Western Managerial Rationalism and Empiricism

  27. 探寻生命与宗教精神融通的至境论无名氏的小说

    Searching for Terminal Ambit of Lifes Mingling with Religious Spirit On Novels by Anonym

  28. 融通个性与标准 地方台播音主持语言应用策略与方法

    The Application Strategy and Methods of Regional Station Broadcast Management Language

  29. 融通利率、手续费费率及以年百分率揭示之总费用。

    Financing interest rate, processing fee rate, and the total cost expressed as an annual percentage rate.

  30. 客户偿还融通款项,证券商将担保品拨还客户之方式。

    Method by which the securities firm will return collateral to a customer that has repaid loaned funds.


  1. 问:融通拼音怎么拼?融通的读音是什么?融通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通的读音是róngtōng,融通翻译成英文是 circulate; harmonize

  2. 问:融通物拼音怎么拼?融通物的读音是什么?融通物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通物的读音是róng tōng wù,融通物翻译成英文是 merchantable things

  3. 问:融通业务拼音怎么拼?融通业务的读音是什么?融通业务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通业务的读音是róng tōng yè wù,融通业务翻译成英文是 accommodation line

  4. 问:融通欠账拼音怎么拼?融通欠账的读音是什么?融通欠账翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通欠账的读音是róng tōng qiàn zhàng,融通欠账翻译成英文是 accommodation charge

  5. 问:融通票据拼音怎么拼?融通票据的读音是什么?融通票据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通票据的读音是róng tōng piào jù,融通票据翻译成英文是 accommodation paper

  6. 问:融通背书拼音怎么拼?融通背书的读音是什么?融通背书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通背书的读音是róng tōng bèi shū,融通背书翻译成英文是 accommodation indorsement

  7. 问:融通贷款拼音怎么拼?融通贷款的读音是什么?融通贷款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通贷款的读音是róng tōng dài kuǎn,融通贷款翻译成英文是 accommodation loan

  8. 问:融通额度拼音怎么拼?融通额度的读音是什么?融通额度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通额度的读音是róng tōng é dù,融通额度翻译成英文是 line of credit

  9. 问:融通票据关系人拼音怎么拼?融通票据关系人的读音是什么?融通票据关系人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通票据关系人的读音是róng tōng piào jù guān xì rén,融通票据关系人翻译成英文是 accommodation parties

  10. 问:融通票据承兑人拼音怎么拼?融通票据承兑人的读音是什么?融通票据承兑人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通票据承兑人的读音是róng tōng piào jù chéng duì rén,融通票据承兑人翻译成英文是 accommodation acceptance

  11. 问:融通票据背书人拼音怎么拼?融通票据背书人的读音是什么?融通票据背书人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:融通票据背书人的读音是róng tōng piào jù bèi shū rén,融通票据背书人翻译成英文是 accommodation indorser