







汉语拼音:qǐ xiān








  1. 发端,起始。

    《初学记》卷四引 汉 崔寔 《四民月令》:“正旦进酒次第,当从小起,以年少者起先。”

  2. 开始;最初。

    《古今小说·沉小霞相会出师表》:“ 李万 将昨日往毛厠出恭,走慢了一步,到 冯主事 家起先如此如此,以后这般这般,备细説了。” 赵树理 《李家庄的变迁》二:“他们谈话的材料很多:起先谈的是三爷怎样阔气,怎样厉害;后来又谈到谁家闺女漂亮,那个媳妇可以。”



  1. At first, I read in the living room, do not know Fall in love with my orchids, nodding his head in a pot peck.


  2. She threw at me a very naughty look, so naughty that I would not kiss her good-night at first.


  3. He thought you were standing between them. When she said she was happily married, well, he shifted his sights to the husband.


  4. Pug did not know why he was back in her good graces, or why he had fallen out in the first place.


  5. He saw him first as a dark shadow that took so long to pass under the boat that he could not believe its length.


  6. However, the longer I stayed in the US, the more I got to know things that I did not understand at the beginning.


  7. I first tested Tab Candy on OS X, where these shortcuts don't (yet) work, but I gave it a try and the shortcuts do indeed work in Windows.


  8. First it was dark as a shoal in the blue water that was more than a mile deep. Then it spread like a cloud.


  9. At first, the agent guarantee deposit and supervision finance did not exist, when the bank broke up, the people lost everything.


  1. 起先它们不生长

    First they don't grow.

  2. 起先我感到很寂寞。

    At first I felt very lonely.

  3. 起先华勃非常高兴。

    At first Whopper was very pleased.

  4. 起先,这些动物喜欢水。

    At first, the animals love the water.

  5. 这起先并不舒服。

    It wasn't relaxing at first.

  6. 他起先是一个小学生。

    He first was a little schoolboy.

  7. 这起先并不舒服。

    I really got into the hotstone treatments.

  8. 起先我以为他们在骗我。

    At first I thought they were winding me up.

  9. 起先两个棋手互相试探。

    At first two chess players probe mutually.

  10. 起先,我不同意这封信。

    At first, I didn't agree with this letter.

  11. 起先我对这个地方不熟悉。

    At first the place was strange to me.

  12. 起先,他问我是不是犹太人。

    He first asked me if I was a Jew.

  13. 他回忆起先前的日子。

    He cast back his mind to the earlier days.

  14. 起先他不知道发生了什么。

    At first he do not know what have happen.

  15. 或许我起先就应该那样的。

    Maybe that's what I should have done in the first place.

  16. 起先他反对,后来才同意了。

    At first he was opposed to the idea, but later he came around.

  17. 他们起先拒绝,但我说服了他们。

    At first they refused but I managed to bring them round.

  18. 他起先几乎忘记了这扇门。

    He had almost forgotten that door.

  19. 起先我们平均一小时行进0。5英里

    Early on, we averaged 0. 3 miles per hour.

  20. 进入前起先取下您的帽子。

    Please take off your hat before entering.

  21. 进入前起先取下您得帽子。

    Please take off your hat before entering.

  22. 起先我不理解他说的意思。

    At first I couldn't perceive what he meant.

  23. 起先我以为你昨天会来的。

    In the beginning, I thought you could come yesterday.

  24. 给你点时间让你单独起先哀悼。

    You need time alone with your thoughts.

  25. 起先, 达拉遵从了古老的风俗。

    AtMs. Dhara tried to follow the old custom.

  26. 起先,达拉遵从了古老得风俗。

    AtMs. Dhara tried to follow the old custom.

  27. 起先,我试图顺应新时代的潮流。

    I tried at first to roll with the new age.

  28. 起先, 我以为这只是简单的自杀。

    At first, I thought this was just a simple suicide.

  29. 起先,它似乎成功地挫败了攻击

    At first, it seems like I successfully thwarted the attack...

  30. 起先他感到棘手, 后来就习惯了。

    At first he felt it awkward, but by and by he got used to it.


  1. 问:起先拼音怎么拼?起先的读音是什么?起先翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起先的读音是qǐxiān,起先翻译成英文是 the beginning


词目:起先拼音:qǐ xiān基本解释[at first] 最初;开头起先我有些想不通,表示在此事发生之前的时刻。1. 发端,起始。《初学记》卷四引 汉 崔寔 《四民月令》:“正旦进酒次第,当从小起,以年少者起先。”2. 开始;最初。《古今小说·沉小霞相会出师表》:“ 李万 将昨日往毛厕出恭,走慢了一步,到 冯主事 家起先如此如此,以后这般这般,备细说了。” 赵树理《李家庄的变迁》二:“他们谈话的材料很多:起先谈的是三爷怎样阔气,怎样厉害;后来又谈到谁家闺女漂亮,那个媳妇可以。”