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《儿女英雄传》第二一回:“讲到我朝,自开国以来,除小事不论外,开首办了个前三藩的军务,接着办了一个后三藩的军务。”《花月痕》第七回:“开首撰一小序,每人名下,各繫一传,传后各缀一诗。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章:“就在 小刘 和 韦珍 开首谈话的时候, 老阎 和 梁建 正在那个小小的茅草房里吃饺子。”
For just a few opening minutes, it looked as though this could not be a Tim Burton film.
看了影片开首数分钟,只觉得它没可能是添布顿的电影。A total of eight works of music, each movement is the beginning of his musical recitation.
作品共有八个乐章,每个乐章的开首均有配乐朗诵。Normal mode at the beginning, night vision mode at the later portion.
开首部份为正常模式,后半部则为夜视模式。and should start with the given opening sentence: "The desire for good health is universal. "
而且应该开始用这个给出的开首句:“渴望好的健康是普遍的”In 2005, cerebral palsy children come to the orphanage infirmary, orphanage each month to pay 200 yuan for each child.
2005年开首,孤儿院的脑瘫儿连续来养息,孤儿院每月为每位孩子付出200元。Start the article with a short sentence, not more than 8 words.
文章开首用短句,不要跨越8个字。Two different scenarios. Both started the same.
两个不同的情景,由同一个开首所引起。We haudio-videoe initiated add using whole new method to cement plug.
我们依然开首利用一种新方法打水泥塞。I stayed till sunset! when it did startistic to rain.
我一直呆到太阳下山,那时天开首下雨了。这个电影, 开首挺平淡, 越往后看越精彩。
The beginning of the film is very flat, but then it gets more and more interesting.
The beginning of the film is very flat, but then it gets more and more interesting.
作品共有八个乐章, 每个乐章的开首均有配乐朗诵。
A total of eight works of music, each movement is the beginning of his musical recitation.
描述一个好的开首段落的元素, 及使用标题的重要性。
Describe the elements of a good lead paragraph and the use and importance of headlines.