




1. 洗 [xǐ]2. 洗 [xiǎn]洗 [xǐ]用水去掉污垢:~脸。~涮。~涤。~澡。~心革面(喻彻底悔改)。清除干净:清~。像水洗一样抢光,杀光:~劫。昭雪冤枉:~雪。~冤。照相的显影定影:冲~。~印。玩牌时把牌搀和整理:~牌。基督教……



汉语拼音:zǎo xǐ






  1. 沐浴;盥洗。

    《山海经·西山经》“ 华山 之首曰 钱来之山 ,其上多松,其下多洗石” 晋 郭璞 注:“澡洗可以石磢体去垢圿。”《北史·真腊传》:“以右手为浄,左手为秽,每旦澡洗,以杨枝浄齿。” 元 周达观 《真腊风土记》:“所泊之家,有女育子,备知其事,且次日即抱婴儿同往河内澡洗。”



  1. You have no way of knowing that the wisest thing to do is to be patient and to finish the shower.


  2. Khun ssolution yes but wanted to take a shower first.


  1. 这个澡洗得真痛快。

    I had a very refreshing bath.

  2. 你不知道最聪明的办法就是耐心地把澡洗完。

    You have no way of knowing that the wisest thing to do is to be patient and to finish the shower.

  3. 你多长时间洗一次澡或者洗一次淋浴?

    How often do you take a bath or shower?

  4. 而且我澡也没洗。

    And I didn't even take a shower.

  5. 我洗了个澡,还洗了头。

    I had a bath and shampooed my hair.

  6. 我想洗个澡。

    I'd like a bath.

  7. 你洗个澡吧。

    Go and wash yourself.

  8. 我去洗个澡。

    I have to take a shower.

  9. 我先洗个澡。

    Well,I'm going to take a shower.

  10. 昨天我洗了澡。

    I took a bath yesterday.

  11. 我打算洗个澡。

    I am going to take a bath.

  12. 替魔鬼洗个澡。

    See that Lucifer gets his bath.

  13. 你洗过澡了吗?

    Have you had a wash?

  14. 你得洗个澡了。

    You need to have a bath.

  15. 哦,我去洗个澡。

    Ohh. I have to take a shower.

  16. 给病人洗过澡吗?

    Has the patient been bathed

  17. 你愿意洗个澡吗?

    Do you feel disposed for a bath?

  18. 看来你想洗个澡。

    You look as if you could do with a bath.

  19. 这里洗海水澡很安全。

    The bathing here is safe.

  20. 你几天洗一次澡?

    How often do you take a bath?

  21. 他每周洗一次澡。

    He has a bath once a week.

  22. 他夏天经常洗冷水澡。

    He always has a cold tub in summer.

  23. 我在等他洗完澡

    I'm waiting for him to get out of the shower.

  24. 到楼上去洗个澡。

    Go upstairs and wash yourself all over!

  25. 他刮了脸,又洗了澡。

    He had a shave and a bath.

  26. 洗个澡不足以养精蓄锐

    It's gonna take more than a hot bath to recharge.

  27. 洗个澡不足以养精蓄锐。

    It's gonna take more than a hot bath to recharge.

  28. 他洗过澡后感到清新。

    His bath refreshed him.

  29. 我们需要先洗个澡吗

    Do we need to hit a shower first

  30. 我洗完澡后感觉最好。

    I feel best after the shower.