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He inherited his seat from his father, Ichiro, a former agriculture minister who killed himself in a Sapporo hotel room in 1983, aged 57.
他从他父亲那里继承了职位。他的父亲中川一郎,是日本前农业部长。他于1983年在札幌酒店自杀,时年57岁。A recent report from the Bank of Japan showed their numbers have mushroomed in the otherwise depressed northern city of Sapporo.
根据日本银行最近的一份报告显示,在一片萧条的北方城市札幌妓院数量增长迅速。Seven residents of a nursing home for the elderly in Sapporo, Hokkaido, died in a fire early Saturday morning, Japanese media reported.
据日媒报道,日本北海道札幌市一家养老院13日凌晨发生火灾,造成7人死亡。But I' d say that for general quality of living, cities of neither too large nor too small, like Sapporo where I live, are better choices.
但是我认为对于一般的生活品质,既不能太大或太小,像札幌在我住的地方,是较好的选择。The Sapporo Snow Festival is held every year at Odori Park , which stretches through the center of Sapporo .
贯穿札幌市中心的大通公园,每年的「札幌雪节」都在这里举行。The streets are checkerboard Sapporo layout, sleek, the whole city surrounded by green, the eyeful solarized lush and green, rose-briar.
札幌的街道呈棋盘布局,井然有序,整个城市被绿色环绕,满眼望去郁郁葱葱、花香四溢。The Japanese market is dominated by four big drinks companies (the other two are Asahi and Sapporo, a smaller rival).
日本市场由4家大饮料公司所控制。(另外两家朝日和札幌竞争力相对较弱。)Before the Chinese fly out of Sapporo, Hokkaido's capital, they splurge on items like medicines and rice cookers.
在这些中国人飞离北海道首府札幌(Sapporo)之前,他们会疯狂采购诸如药品和饭锅之类的物品。Prince Hotel and Employees's Dormitory, Sapporo.