







汉语拼音:bǔ xí






  1. 在业余或课外学习,以补足某种知识。

    洪深 《青龙潭》第四幕:“[ 林师母 :]学堂里几个补习的小学生,这两天一个不来了。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部八:“ 陶阿毛 羡慕 张学海 的幸福家庭生活,关心 巧珠 在学校里的功课成绩,如果数学方面有啥不懂的地方,他可以给她补习一下功课。”



  1. If you put it off until the end of the week or until right before a test, you wil have too much catching up to do.


  2. So today when Alen told me that he was the best in his maths re enforcement class, I poured scorn on his words.


  3. As summer holiday is around the corner, a great number of children will have to devote themselves into cram schools.


  4. May I trouble you to help me with my maths ?


  5. This isn't all that will be covered, but it is a guideline to what will be discussed in the course of the tutorial.


  6. For that reason, parents take the language subject seriously. Some engage tutors to help their children at home.


  7. She had a party when it was the last day of the summer school.


  8. Then dry little Mr. Cram came, leaving large Mrs. Cram to sit in. No one asked Arnold to get up and he was unable to rise.


  9. No matter recently, so VHDL tutorial for a few days, with cpld to achieve a rapid conversion of JTAG board.


  1. 私人补习社

    private tutorial centre.

  2. 私人补习学校

    private tutorial school.

  3. 职业补习教育

    vocational remediation education

  4. 补习性辅导

    remedial instruction.

  5. 是否要补习汉语

    Do you need a supplementary course in Chinese

  6. 实业补习普通学堂

    ordinary schools taking industry continuation education

  7. 我去补习学校了

    I am going to cram school now

  8. 其中补习汉语时间

    Length of time needed for supplementary course in Chinese

  9. 我上的是补习学校。

    I goa cram school.

  10. 家境清寒的他从未补习。

    Coming from a poor family, he never attended cram school.

  11. 有啊, 她星期二补习了。

    Yes, she did. She studied with her tutor on Tuesday.

  12. 丹麦之高等补习学校运动

    Danish People's High School Movement

  13. 我愿意帮助李军补习英语。

    Will help Li Jun with his English.

  14. 去美国前我必须补习英语。

    I must brush up my English before going to America.

  15. 我认为补习不是唯一的方法。

    I don't think going to cram school is the only way.

  16. 朵娜晚上在补习班学英文。

    Donna studies English at a tutoring class in the evening.

  17. 这是一个要求补习的马塞洛。

    This is a requested tutorial for Marcelo.

  18. 麻烦你帮我补习一下数学好吗?

    May I trouble you to help me with my maths.

  19. 在补习社,这些都是不包括在内。

    In the tutorial these are not included.

  20. 他为了考试及格, 必须补习拉丁文。

    He had to tutor in Latin in order to pass.

  21. 假期将是他补习功课的好机会。

    The holidays will be a good time for him to catch up on his studies.

  22. 我帮你补习,你只落下几节课

    I'll help you catch up. You only missed a few classes.

  23. 她今天早晨要过来帮我补习数学。

    She's coming over this morning to help me with my math.

  24. 补习始于一个简单的四部分机翼。

    The tutorial begins with a simple foursegment airfoil.

  25. 有些学校的重点放在文化补习方面。

    Some of the schools focus on remedying the insufficient education of former schooling.

  26. 我真的很感谢你过来帮我补习数学。

    I really appreciate you coming over to help me with my math.

  27. 顺便告诉海伦我会帮她补习功课的。

    By the way, tell Helen I'll help her with homework, please.

  28. 再见,星期三补习英文,你可不要忘了!

    Bye. don't forget our English lesson on wednesday.

  29. 你第一天给我补习的时候,也是这么盘的。

    You wore it that way the first day you tutored me.

  30. 想乘工作之余帮附近的小朋友补习英语。

    Im willing to teach English for the children nearby during my leisure time.


  1. 问:补习拼音怎么拼?补习的读音是什么?补习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:补习的读音是bǔxí,补习翻译成英文是 take extra lessons

  2. 问:补习班拼音怎么拼?补习班的读音是什么?补习班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:补习班的读音是bǔxíbān,补习班翻译成英文是 continuation class, supplemetary class, reenfo...

  3. 问:补习教育拼音怎么拼?补习教育的读音是什么?补习教育翻译成英文是什么?

    答:补习教育的读音是bǔ xí jiào yù,补习教育翻译成英文是 compensatory education

  4. 问:补习班#台湾拼音怎么拼?补习班#台湾的读音是什么?补习班#台湾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:补习班#台湾的读音是,补习班#台湾翻译成英文是 Buxiban




拼音:bǔ xí词义:一般指考学或其他的晋级的测试没有通过的情况下又因为一些原因不放弃,就重新学习,希望下次可以过关的事