






1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……


1. 般 [bān]般 [bān]样,种,类:这~。那~。百~。~配。暴风雨~的掌声。古同“班”,散布,分布。同“搬”。……



汉语拼音:rú cǐ zhè bān






  1. 行文中交代已经叙述过的事情或下文要叙述的事情时的省略语。有使行文简练或引起悬念的作用。多用于白话小说。

    《儒林外史》第二七回:“次日, 归姑爷 来讨信, 沉天孚 如此这般告诉他。”《儿女英雄传》第十六回:“我想莫如把他如此这般的一办,岂不更完成一段美事?”



  1. But under such American pressure, it seems they will have to stay on the offensive in Swat, at least for a bit.


  2. This kind of up to a year slimming, he again to travel around.


  3. Having done it a few times, I know that I can learn a new language, or improve in a language I already speak well, including my own.


  4. So am I wrong to follow #4? Is it a waste of self-control to monitor my eating like this, without getting the pay-off of weight loss?


  5. So, alas, would a more nuanced view on public-service reform, since much of the party never signed up to the Blairite agenda.


  6. Breast achievement women like this body, and its beauty and health is up to you.


  7. Less than a year old, I played a small the story of a crow, and so it goes for her analysis of a small crow of filial piety.


  8. No beginner, it seems to me, can possibly describe a scene or a character really vividly unless he sees it thus in his mind.


  9. Facing such a disaster which is beyond the manpower, You and I, such fragile!


  1. 你就如此这般回答。

    You answer like with like.

  2. 有如此这般原因就有如此这般的结果。

    Such and such results will follow from such and such causes.

  3. 有如此这般的原因就有如此这般的结果。

    Such and such results will follow from such and such causes.

  4. 如此这般,我却不能忘记你。

    Such and such, I can not forget you.

  5. 方案甲有如此这般疗效和风险。

    A has these benefits, and these risks.

  6. 而后就是找到下一步,再下一步,如此这般。

    Then the next step will be revealed, then the next and so on.

  7. 为什么长颈鹿有如此这般长的脖子?

    Why does a giraffe have such a long neck?

  8. 如此这般资本主义就进化成全球化。

    And so capitalism evolved into globalisation.

  9. 第二次念移是如此这般开始的。

    The second time was like this.

  10. 如此这般的天气或许正适宜兰的生长

    Maybe such wet weather is just suitable for orchid to grow

  11. 那个铂原子核就是如此这般得一个骗子。

    That platinum is such a trickster.

  12. 那个铂原子核就是如此这般的一个骗子。

    That platinum is such a trickster.

  13. 如果情况是如此这般,那我别无选择。

    If that's the case, I have no choice.

  14. 是甚麽促使如此这般尖利和不公的反应?

    What may have motivated such a reaction?

  15. 如此这般坚持了一年, 他再次周游列国。

    This kind of up to a year slimming, he again to travel around.

  16. 眼下, 各地有不少人正在如此这般争权夺利。

    Think not the Cause of God to be a thing lightly taken, in which any one can gratify his whims.

  17. 没有一个五月如此这般地繁花盛开。

    There have been other Mays in other years, but never has there been so much blossom..

  18. 我们知道卢梭多疑,写过如此这般的书。

    We learn that Rousseau was distrustful and wrote certain books.

  19. 一个有权势又有成就的男人声称如此这般。

    Take a mighty accomplished man to claim that.

  20. 他如此这般地描绘了整个事故的发生经过。

    He described the whole accident thus and so.

  21. 我不总是做演讲。你演讲,我们得看你,如此这般。

    And I didn't give the talk always. You did, and we had to watch you, and so forth.

  22. 如此这般地掌握了加法之后,他们又转向减法。

    Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction.

  23. 方案乙有如此这般疗效和风险。你想怎么治?

    B has these benefits, and these risks. What do you want to do?

  24. 他们对我说,有个如此这般的人来找过我。

    They told me such and such a person had come to see me.

  25. 事实上,屈服看起来能缓解如此这般极端的状况。

    In fact, the submission appears to stop short of taking such an extreme position.

  26. 事实上,屈服看起来能缓解如此这般极端的状况。

    In fact, the submission appears to stop short of taking such an extreme position.

  27. 接着,在远程机一端,将看到如此这般的东西。

    And in remote machine someone will be see something like this.

  28. 由是, 龙树言道, 所有得如此这般得关联, 虚幻耳。

    Therefore, all such relations, nagarjuna arguesare illusory.

  29. 如此这般春风红杏的传统被一直带进了现代。

    The tradition of seduction carried forward into modern times.

  30. 如此这般以至于我们不满任何挫伤我们兴奋之情的人。

    So much so that we resent anyone who dampens our excitement.



“如此这般”是个多义词,它可以指如此这般(词语), 如此这般(迈克尔·道格拉斯主演喜剧电影)。