







汉语拼音:pàn luàn








  1. 背叛作乱。多指武装叛变。

    《后汉书·西羌传·滇良》:“ 友 ( 贯友 )以 迷唐 难用德怀,终於叛乱,乃遣驛使搆离诸种,诱以财货,由是解散。”《北史·侯莫颖传》:“先是 稽胡 叛乱,輒略边人为奴婢。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈故二·蒙古表》:“逆贼 吴三桂 相率叛乱,军民极其荼毒。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第六章:“事到如今,只有赶快镇压叛乱,才能够保住 商洛山 。”



  1. But he took a tough line on the worsening Islamist insurgency in the north Caucasus, promising to "exterminate the bandits" .


  2. It would be up to Iraqi government forces to thwart any plans by insurgents to resume their violence once U. S. forces begin to depart.


  3. This may be enough to deter hostile governments, but insurgents and militias might be less worried.


  4. The writ of the state does not run in nearly a quarter of its territory, with much of that area afflicted by violent insurrections.


  5. Infiltration into the Afghan military has long been a major concern for authorities in the war zone.


  6. Paying for a program to encourage Taliban insurgents to give up their fight is expected to be one of the main Afghan demands.


  7. But if pro-Qaddafi insurgents manage to kill just a few foreign oil workers, international investors could shy rapidly away.


  8. By the next evening, the conspirators were holed-up in an engine house.


  9. Of his speeches, perhaps the best known are those he made against Catiline, whose uprising he foiled.


  1. 叛乱的实例叛乱

    An instance of rebellion an insurgence.

  2. 北疆突厥叛乱

    Turk Rebellions.

  3. 暴政引发叛乱。

    Tyranny begets rebellion.

  4. 镇压一场叛乱

    put down a mutiny

  5. 镇压一次叛乱

    repress a reBellion.

  6. 叛乱被镇压了。

    The rebellion was stifled.

  7. 我必得预防叛乱。

    I must anticipate revolt.

  8. 叛乱已经平定了。

    The revolt has been got under

  9. 军队镇压了叛乱。

    The army put down the rebellion.

  10. 叛乱被迅速平息。

    The rebellion was quickly quashed.

  11. 叛乱者被迫投降。

    The rebels were forced to give in.

  12. 叛乱头目众叛亲离。

    The rebelion chieftain was opposed by the masses and deserted by his followers.

  13. 一度可能发生叛乱。

    For a while mutiny seemed a probability.

  14. 军队出动镇压叛乱。

    Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion.

  15. 叛乱使国家四分五裂。

    The revolts dismembered the country.

  16. 叛乱被镇压下去了。

    The revolt was got under.

  17. 策划叛乱或处于叛乱的。

    disposed to or in a state of mutiny.

  18. 政府军未能遏止叛乱。

    Government forces have failed to contain the rebellion.

  19. 叛乱者包围了城堡。

    The rebels besieged the fort.

  20. 叛乱分子朝她开枪

    insurgents popping off shots at her.

  21. 他们已镇压住叛乱。

    They have stamped out a revolt.

  22. 军队已平息了叛乱。

    The army has put down the revolt.

  23. 一队叛乱的乌合之众

    a ragtag band of rebels.

  24. 镇压反政府的叛乱

    to squash a rebellion against the government

  25. 残暴统治激起了叛乱

    tyranny that spawned revolt.

  26. 叛乱的性质或情况

    The quality or circumstance of being rebellious.

  27. 叛乱是否已受到遏止?

    Has the revolt been contained ?

  28. 英国叛乱和内战史

    The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England

  29. 叛乱是否已受到遏制?

    Has the revolt been contained?

  30. 他们被指控煽动叛乱。

    They were charged with sedition.


  1. 问:叛乱拼音怎么拼?叛乱的读音是什么?叛乱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱的读音是pànluàn,叛乱翻译成英文是 revolt

  2. 问:叛乱的拼音怎么拼?叛乱的的读音是什么?叛乱的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱的的读音是,叛乱的翻译成英文是 insurrectional

  3. 问:叛乱者拼音怎么拼?叛乱者的读音是什么?叛乱者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱者的读音是pànluànzhě,叛乱者翻译成英文是 insurgent

  4. 问:叛乱份子拼音怎么拼?叛乱份子的读音是什么?叛乱份子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱份子的读音是,叛乱份子翻译成英文是 insurgent

  5. 问:叛乱团体拼音怎么拼?叛乱团体的读音是什么?叛乱团体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱团体的读音是pàn luàn tuán tǐ,叛乱团体翻译成英文是 insurgent body

  6. 问:叛乱战争拼音怎么拼?叛乱战争的读音是什么?叛乱战争翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱战争的读音是pàn luàn zhàn zhēng,叛乱战争翻译成英文是 Insurgent War

  7. 问:叛乱状态拼音怎么拼?叛乱状态的读音是什么?叛乱状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱状态的读音是pànluànzhuàngtài,叛乱状态翻译成英文是 insurgency

  8. 问:叛乱船舶拼音怎么拼?叛乱船舶的读音是什么?叛乱船舶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱船舶的读音是pàn luàn chuán bó,叛乱船舶翻译成英文是 insurgent vessel

  9. 问:叛乱集团拼音怎么拼?叛乱集团的读音是什么?叛乱集团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱集团的读音是pàn luàn jí tuán,叛乱集团翻译成英文是 rebellious clique

  10. 问:叛乱武装部队拼音怎么拼?叛乱武装部队的读音是什么?叛乱武装部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叛乱武装部队的读音是pàn luàn wǔ zhuāng bù duì,叛乱武装部队翻译成英文是 Rebel Armed Forces