







汉语拼音:gǒng shǒu







  1. 两手相合以示敬意。

    《礼记·曲礼上》:“遭先生於道,趋而进,正立拱手。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·渭水三》:“此神尝与 鲁班 语…… 班 于是拱手与言。” 宋 徐铉 《稽神录·姚氏》:“举身长毛,拱手而立。”《警世通言·老门生三世报恩》:“众人拱手听命。” 李栋 王端 《彩云归》:“ 魏芝圃 听了 圆觉 的话……拱手致谢。”

  2. 谓无为而治。

    《战国策·秦策一》:“大王拱手以须,天下徧随而伏,伯王之名可成也。” 宋 苏轼 《御试制科策》:“拱手垂裳而天下嚮风,动容变色而海内震恐。”亦谓帝王权力旁落。《新唐书·上官仪传》:“由是天下之政归於后,而帝拱手矣。”《三国志平话》卷下:“天下之权尽归 司马 , 少帝 拱手而已。”

  3. 极言轻易。

    《战国策·秦策四》:“ 齐 之右壤,可拱手而取也。” 汉 贾谊 《过秦论上》:“於是 秦 人拱手而取 西河 之外。” 晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·光武帝纪六》:“令 延岑 出 汉中 ,定三辅, 天水 、 陇西 拱手自得。” 鲁迅 《二心集·非革命的急进革命论者》:“譬如在帝国主义的主宰之下,必不容训练大众个个有了‘人类之爱’,然后笑嘻嘻地拱手变为‘大同世界’一样。”

  4. 犹束手。谓无能为力。

    《魏书·天象志三》:“及 齐王 殂而 西昌侯 篡之, 高武 子孙所在棊布,皆拱手就戮。” 后蜀 何光远 《鉴戒录·诛利口》:“遂使贼将寒心,谋夫拱手。” 宋 苏洵 《上韩枢密书》:“若决 河 ……及其崩溃四出,放乎四百里之间,拱手而莫能救也。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷四:“有一少年新娶,未几发疹,徧身皆肿,头面如斗,诸医拱手。”



  1. "No publisher in their right mind would sign up to give away 10 percent of Web-based revenues, " he said.


  2. Coming up to date, you are experiencing the result of your own desires and intentions where you have given away your authority to others.


  3. The traitor delivered the town up to the enemy.


  4. Therefore, what I can do is just waiting, quietly. It seems like Im giving the right of fulfilling my desire to others.


  5. Ironically, if you choose not to follow up, there's a chance the position will be lost to someone else because you failed to act.


  6. Viewership and advertising at the website have declined as it has ceded its once-dominant position among online social networks to Facebook.


  7. In short, having lost their ability to control their monetary policy, voters may have to lose control over their fiscal policies as well.


  8. Without it, they just get permanently shut out of the Chinese market, leaving the door open to Chinese copycats.


  9. Simultaneously think, part but favour arch hand way: "Match the friend on the word, but Long Shan Wu old shopkeeper under charge? "


  1. 单髻拱手俑

    holding hands figure.

  2. 他冲我抱拳拱手。

    He congratulated me.

  3. 是别人拱手送来的

    It's like a forfeit.

  4. 我不想拱手送上

    I am not going to giftwrap the two people.

  5. 他绝不会拱手认输。

    He would never, never give up.

  6. 我国传统的拱手行礼。

    Chinas traditional salutes smartly.

  7. 我国传统得拱手行礼。

    Chinas traditional salutes smartly.

  8. 城堡已拱手让给敌人。

    The fortress was delivered up to the enemy.

  9. 你就拱手让给他了吗

    with some crap about mortality and old men?

  10. 我不会把我丈夫拱手让人。

    I'm not letting my husband go without a fight.

  11. 我不会把我丈夫拱手让人。

    I'm not letting my husband go without a fight.

  12. 我绝不会把王位拱手交给你。

    I will never renounce my throne to you.

  13. 我绝不会把王位拱手交给你。

    I will never renounce my throne to you.

  14. 把这种基础的人类能力拱手让出

    this fundamental human capacity.

  15. 我们只得把城堡拱手让给了敌人。

    We had to give up the castle to the enemy.

  16. 你一定是把钱拱手交给矿泉水业。

    You've got to hand it to the bottled water industry.

  17. 它并不拱手向朱庇特大神祈祷。

    It does not clasp its hands and pray to Jupiter.

  18. 我们只得把城堡拱手相让交给了敌人。

    We had to give up the castle to the enemy.

  19. 我不能把它拱手让给对任何人。

    I shall not give it up to anyone.

  20. 他还把叙利亚的财富拱手让人!

    He secedes the wealth of syria to a foreign power!

  21. 这算不上胜利,是别人拱手送来的

    I didn't win this. It's like a forfeit.

  22. 把我辛苦挣得的生意拱手让人吗?

    Give someone else my hard earn business.

  23. 统治阶级不会拱手交出其财富和权力。

    The ruling class will not surrender its wealth and power.

  24. 他们从根本上将自己团队的决策权拱手让于他人。

    They essentially relinquish their decisionmaking authority to the group.

  25. 你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会。

    Re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you.

  26. 从那以后不久,他们把这错城镇拱手让给了苏维埃。

    Soon thereafter, they relinquished the town to the Soviets.

  27. 丰田去年将全球汽车销量冠军的宝座拱手让给了通用。

    Toyota last year relinquished the title of top seller of vehicles globally to GM.

  28. 西班牙会向德国拱手交出其国内最大得电力公司么?

    Will Spain retreat and allow a German takeover of its biggest electricity firm?

  29. 西班牙会向德国拱手交出其国内最大的电力公司么?

    Will Spain retreat and allow a German takeover of its biggest electricity firm ?

  30. 这在实际上将是他们第一次自愿拱手交出一个附庸政权。

    It would be virtually the first time they had voluntarily relinquished a client regime.


  1. 问:拱手拼音怎么拼?拱手的读音是什么?拱手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拱手的读音是gǒngshǒu,拱手翻译成英文是 cup one’s hands


