







汉语拼音:lěng fū







  1. 治疗方法之一。用冰袋或冷水浸湿的毛巾敷在病变部位的皮肤上以减轻疼痛或炎症。发高烧的病人,头额和颈后可用冷敷以降低局部温度和减轻不适感觉。



  1. The smell of the vinegar used to cool his mother's brow floated in the heavy air.


  2. I shall apply a cold compress to his sprained ankle .


  3. after surgery on the local wound pressure bandage or cold packs, but the pressure should not be large, so as not to damage the eyes.


  4. If you are bitten put a cold pack on the bite to reduce inflammation and avoid scratching to reduce the risk of an infection.


  5. Objective Discuss the effect of different length of cold dressing treatment time on the acute wrick of anklebone.


  6. Like ice for a burn or a lozenge for a cough, a cup of hot tea is an age-old balm for sniffles, sneezing and stuffiness .


  7. Get the patient out of the direct sun and cool them down by applying cold compresses and fanning.


  8. Light damage of eyes may be treated with a washing of clean water or cold compress.


  9. There was less evidence for the reverse technique, cold therapy, though many doctors swear by it.


  1. 冷敷感应熔涂

    induction cladding with cold pressing.

  2. 用冷敷来减少疼痛。

    Apply cold compresses on it to alleviate the pain.

  3. 冷敷能帮你减轻疼痛。

    A cold compress can alleviate your pain.

  4. 冷敷常会减轻疼痛。

    A cold compress often alleviates pain.

  5. 可以用冷敷或者药物治疗。

    Both can be treated with cold raps wraps and medication.

  6. 热敷与冷敷都可以缓解症状。

    Hot packs and cold compresses ease symptoms.

  7. 冷敷皮肤以减轻肿胀及疼痛。

    Apply a cold compress to the skin to relieve the swelling and pain.

  8. 冷敷消除了她腿上的肿块。

    The swelling on her leg was compresses.

  9. 感谢收看怎样进行冷敷视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video how to make a cold compress.

  10. 我要给扭伤的脚脖子冷敷。

    I shall apply a cold compress to his sprained ankle.

  11. 头24小时内可以冷敷,有利于止血消肿。

    You can cover operated area with ice bag in first 24 hours.

  12. 芒硝冰袋冷敷减轻创伤肿痛的研究

    Effect of cold compress of mirabilite ice pack on relieving the swelling pain of wound

  13. 生理盐水冷敷辅助治疗压疮的效果观察

    Effect of Cold Normal Saline Compression on Pressure Ulcer

  14. 如接种部位出现红肿情况,可冷敷接种处。

    If the injection site becomes red and swollen, cold compress can be applied.

  15. 术后即刻冷敷3小时, 减轻术后水肿, 淤斑。

    The periorbital fat and bulbar artery were dissected.

  16. 冷敷在重睑成形术中的应用效果观察

    Observation on effect of applying cold compress for patients undergoing construction of double eyelid

  17. 颈部冷敷带的制作及临床应用

    Preparation and Clinical Application of Neck Cold Compress

  18. 把小颗粒摇到冷敷袋的下部

    Shake the tiny particle and arrive and have a cold compress the underpart of bag.

  19. 这些症状都可以用冷敷和药物来治疗。

    Both can be treated with cold wraps and medication.

  20. 你最好用冰块来冷敷你肿胀的脚踝。

    You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice.

  21. 我用冻蛋饼,冻猪肉和冻豆子冷敷了下

    Oh, I iced it with frozen quiche.

  22. 好吧,也许待会能用冰淇淋也冷敷一下

    Okay, well, maybe we could take it out for ice cream later.

  23. 说明冷敷对于术后的功能恢复有促进作用。

    Note cold compress for the promotion of functional recovery after effects.

  24. 他说,在烧伤处冷敷冰块实际上可能有害。

    Using ice on a burn could actually do harm, he said.

  25. 冷敷常会减轻疼痛。这药片会帮你减轻病痛。

    The pills can help to relieve you from pain.

  26. 新型颈部冷敷固定带的研制及临床应用

    Design and Clinical Application of a New Type of Cold Compressive and Fixed Band for Neck

  27. 轻轻摇动冷敷袋, 使内容物充分混和。

    Is it have a cold compress bag to wave gently, make the things inside totally mix together.

  28. 目的探讨更有效的减轻创伤肿痛的冷敷方法。

    Objective To discuss the more effective method to relieve the swelling pain of wound.

  29. 这两种情况都可以通过冷敷和药物来治疗。

    Both can be treated with cold wraps and medication.

  30. 目的探讨急性踝关节扭伤不同冷敷时间的效果。

    Objective Discuss the effect of different length of cold dressing treatment time on the acute wrick of anklebone.


  1. 问:冷敷拼音怎么拼?冷敷的读音是什么?冷敷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷敷的读音是lěngfū,冷敷翻译成英文是 cold compress

  2. 问:冷敷沥青拼音怎么拼?冷敷沥青的读音是什么?冷敷沥青翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷敷沥青的读音是lěng fū lì qīng,冷敷沥青翻译成英文是 cold process asphalt



冷敷lěngfū[cold compress] 冷敷冷敷法,治疗方法之一。用冰袋或冷湿毛巾敷于头额、颈后或病变部位皮肤上。敷于病变部位,主要目的是促使局部血管收缩,控制小血管的出血和减轻张力较大肿块的疼痛,达到消肿止痛之功效;高热病人,敷于头额、颈后可降低体温、改善不适感。功能:冷敷可使毛细血管收缩,减轻局部充血,可使神经末梢的敏感性降低而减轻疼痛,降温退热,可减少局部血流,防止炎症和化脓扩散。可将体内的热传导发散,增加散热,降低体温。冷敷适用于扁桃体摘除术后、鼻出血,早期局部软组织损伤、高热病人及中暑者、牙痛及脑外伤病人。冷敷可用小毛巾在冷水或冰水中浸湿,拧成半干,敷于局部,每隔1-3分钟更换一次,持续15-20分钟。也可用冰袋裹上毛巾敷于局部,但要注意避免冻伤。