


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……





汉语拼音:fēn shén









  1. 请托时的客套话,犹费心。京剧《将相和》第四场:“明日我府宴请 廉老将军 ,敢烦作一知宾,替我分神周旋,俾使满筵增辉。”

  2. 分散注意力。如:看书时不能分神。



  1. He is still reserved and in his shyness, he wears his hair long over his eyes so he isn't distracted by his fans' looking at him.


  2. When you are relaxed yet slightly distracted, your mind is often at its best.


  3. I thumped my head against the steering wheel, trying to distract myself from the sharper pain.


  4. Still, some users said they found it distracting to see other queries pop up as they were typing.


  5. The period of less satisfaction seems to overlap with the period of raising children, during which other things really take a focus.


  6. His lawyer says he wasn't distracted by the visiting executives and that the crew could have asked for his help at any time, but never did.


  7. "Shiftiness" could also be the result of being nervous, angry, distracted or sad.


  8. LJ's phone vibrates. Kellerman and Hale key in on the sound, but a man at the entrance of the lot honks his horn, distracting them.


  9. Suddenly, he heard a cry, "Help! " The cry distracted him from his work.


  1. 蚊子让我分神。

    The mosquitoes drive me to distraction.

  2. 这件事使他分神。

    It called away his attention.

  3. 喊声让他工作分神。

    The cry distracted him from his work.

  4. 专心驾车,切勿分神。

    Don't be distracted while driving a car.

  5. 一个伟大的溃烂分神

    One great big festering neon distraction

  6. 请分神照顾一下这孩子。

    Would you mind keeping an eye on the child?

  7. 那海滩太让我分神了

    Because the beach is so distracting.

  8. 请分神照看一下这个箱子。

    Would you mind keeping an eye on the box?

  9. 我知道, 所以我先让你分神。

    I know. that's why I distracted you first.

  10. 别让我分神。我要专心学习。

    Do not distract me. I an trying to concentrate on my studying.

  11. 要全神贯注,不能有丝毫分神。

    Total concentration is required with no distractions.

  12. 我希望成功 不想被舌头分神

    and I really w so I can't be, distracted by things like tongues.

  13. 哪个男人不会被这尤物分神呢?

    What man wouldn't be distracted by such beauty?

  14. 我不能因为那些事情让自己分神。

    I can't let myself be distracted by those things.

  15. 麻烦您分神帮我讲一讲这句话。

    Can I trouble you to help me with this speech?

  16. 麻烦您分神帮我讲一讲这句话。

    Can I trouble you to help me with this speech ?

  17. 想入非非的因浪漫的感情而迷乱或分神的

    Dazed or distracted with romantic sentiment.

  18. 但是他一直分神而忘了数的数字。

    But he kept getting distracted and losing count.

  19. 突然,他听到一声救命!喊声让他工作分神。

    Suddenly, he heard a cry, Help! The cry distracted him from his work.

  20. 这个黑色幽默让我分神, 这种干扰减轻了疼痛。

    The dark humor distracted me, and the distraction eased the pain.

  21. 我们不必为这个观点的谬误之处分神。

    Why that was wrong need not detain us.

  22. 她的不耐烦和明显的分神使她的母亲放弃了希望。

    Her impatience of examinations and obvious distraction make her mother give up hope.

  23. 不要受干扰,注意那些会让你分神的事物。

    Dont let yourself procrastinate and beware of things that would sidetrack you.

  24. 如今, 诱惑让极权统治精英分神分心, 他们到处旅游。

    These days other temptations distract the elite, which travels widely.

  25. 布朗夫人飘逸的碎花短裙和大风让我分神了。

    I got distracted by the battle between Sarah Brown's floaty floral skirt and the stiff breeze.

  26. 埃利森长期不在办公室, 可以分神的原因有很多。

    Much is also made of Ellison's long absences from the office and his distractedness.

  27. 开车中我试着调整, 但一分神车子就差点失去了控制。

    I tried to adjust them while driving, but I nearly lost control of the car as I was distracted.

  28. 真的。这会让人因担心裙子在打斗之中飞起来而分神。

    Joshua True. It would be distracting to worry about your skirt flying up in the middle of a fight.

  29. 我将头用力砸在方向盘上, 想要分神不再想那剧烈的疼痛。

    I thumped my head against the steering wheel, trying to distract myself from the sharper pain.

  30. 几乎没有什么事情能使牧师在准备每周的布道时分神。

    Few things distracted the Pastor from the preparation of his weekly sermons.


  1. 问:分神拼音怎么拼?分神的读音是什么?分神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分神的读音是fēnshén,分神翻译成英文是 give some attention to


