


1. 侧 [cè]2. 侧 [zè]3. 侧 [zhāi]侧 [cè]旁:~面。~影。~门。~室。~翼。~记(关于某些活动的侧面的报道)。斜着:~重(zhòng )(偏重)。~射。~卧。~枝。~芽。辗转反~。卑陋:~陋(a.偏僻简陋;b.指……


人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:cè shēn








  1. 倾侧其身,表示戒惧不安。

    《诗·大雅·云汉序》:“遇烖而惧,侧身修行。” 孔颖达 疏:“侧者,不正之言,谓反侧也。忧不自安,故处身反侧。” 汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·救匮》:“故 公孙丞相 、 倪大夫 侧身行道,分禄以养贤,卑己以下士。” 宋 司马光 《乞罢修感慈塔札子》:“陛下当此之际,所宜侧身刻意,降服损膳,以救其患。”《明史·陆昆传》:“伏望侧身修行,亟屏 永成 辈以絶祸端。”

  2. 向侧面转体。

    汉 张衡 《四愁诗》:“我所思兮在 太山 ,欲往从之 梁父 艰,侧身东望涕霑翰。” 唐 韩愈 《汴泗交流赠张仆射》诗:“侧身转臂著马腹,霹靂应手神珠驰。” 洪深 《电影戏剧的编剧方法》第五章:“或如屋面有瓦落下,只须侧身躲避。”

  3. 厕身,置身。

    《后汉书·马援传》:“往时 子阳 独欲以王相待,而 春卿 拒之;今者归老,更欲低头与小儿曹共槽櫪而食,併肩侧身於怨家之朝乎?” 唐 杜甫 《将赴成都草堂途中有作先寄严郑公》诗之五:“侧身天地更怀古,回首风尘甘息机。” 宋 王安石 《送石赓归宁》诗:“侧身朝市间,乐少悲惭多。” 徐迟 《凤翔》:“他多么光荣,能侧身于伟大的人民共和国的开国工作中!”



  1. If it's difficult, lie down on your left side, raise your knees up to your chest , then do it.


  2. When we reached Njoro's boma he led me to his wife's hut, then called Kamari's worried mother out and stood aside as I entered.


  3. He was lying on his side in an alley nearby. His tongue hung out in the dirt and only the tip of his tail moved when he saw me.


  4. The old man sidled the little boat up to the place where the passengers could get out.


  5. I edged closer to the cloaks , compelled by the dream to see whatever thing or person they were examining with such intensity.


  6. In a huge sideways jumps called a grand jete, a skillful ballet dancer seems to float fro an impossible length of time.


  7. Now they stretched themselves out on their elbows and began to puff, charily, and with slender confidence.


  8. She sidled away from me while was talking to a neighbour, and I didn't notice that she had left.


  9. Then he went into the kitchen, and before bending over the trash he turned around, to be on the safe side.


  1. 侧身走过隘口

    walk sideways through a narrow opening

  2. 战士们侧身匍訇前进。

    The soldiers advanced crawling on their sides.

  3. 侧身坐在椅子上

    sit crosswise in a chair

  4. 法老像侧身细部

    Detail of Profiles of Pharaoh

  5. 他侧身穿过人群。

    He sidled through the crowd.

  6. 她只能侧身过门。

    She had to turn sideways to get through the door.

  7. 她只能侧身过门。

    She had to turn sideways to get through the door.

  8. 让她侧身睡了吗

    Put her on her side?

  9. 他沿着峭壁侧身移动。

    He edged along the cliff.

  10. 侧身西望常咨嗟。

    But I still face westward with a dreary moan.

  11. 他们让他侧身躺下。

    They had laid him on his side.

  12. 侧身穿过狭窄的门道

    sidled through the narrow doorway.

  13. 侧身躺下,双手抱膝。

    I need you to lie on your side, and hold your knees.

  14. 他侧身挤到了人群前头。

    He edged to the front of the crowd.

  15. 攀登者沿着悬崖边侧身移动。

    The climbers edged along the cliff.

  16. 她侧身倚在情人的手臂上。

    She leaned on her lover's arm.

  17. 再侧身。好,左右交替。尽量伸展。

    Take it side again OK, and switch. Stretch it out.

  18. 他侧身挤出, 赶紧把门关上。

    He eased out, closing the door quickly.

  19. 亨利在学校学会了侧身翻。

    Henry learned how to turn cart wheels at school.

  20. 侧身站一下,方便后面旅客入座。

    Pleased stand inside, let other passengers behind you go convenience.

  21. 他们侧身一步步走下楼梯。

    They stepped sideways down the stairs.

  22. 请侧身一下,让其他旅客先过。

    Would you give way to other passengers please?

  23. 他们把病人身体转向侧身躺着。

    They turned the patient on his side.

  24. 他拉开工作服,看她白皙的侧身。

    He pulled the overalls aside and studied her smooth white flank.

  25. 网球正手侧身攻落点变化的训练

    The Training on Forehand Sideways Attack a Placement Shot of Tennis

  26. 老虎一中弹, 就侧身翻倒在地。

    The moment the tiger got shot, it fell over on its side.

  27. 洞口太窄, 我们只能侧身而进。

    The mouth of the cave was so narrow that we had to edge in.

  28. 被埋葬时,他侧身向左,脸朝北。

    He was buried on his left side with his face to the north.

  29. 阿根廷得帕勒默侧身凌空射门。

    Argentina's Palerno smashes at goal with a side volley.

  30. 阿根廷的帕勒默侧身凌空射门。

    Argentina's Palerno smashes at goal with a side volley.


  1. 问:侧身拼音怎么拼?侧身的读音是什么?侧身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侧身的读音是cèshēn,侧身翻译成英文是 turn sideways

  2. 问:侧身攻拼音怎么拼?侧身攻的读音是什么?侧身攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侧身攻的读音是cè shēn gōng,侧身攻翻译成英文是 pivot attack; forehand attack from backhand co...

  3. 问:侧身匍匐拼音怎么拼?侧身匍匐的读音是什么?侧身匍匐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侧身匍匐的读音是cè shēn pú fú,侧身匍匐翻译成英文是 Creep on Side

  4. 问:侧身反攻拼音怎么拼?侧身反攻的读音是什么?侧身反攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侧身反攻的读音是cè shēn fǎn gōng,侧身反攻翻译成英文是 inquartata

  5. 问:侧身平衡拼音怎么拼?侧身平衡的读音是什么?侧身平衡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侧身平衡的读音是cè shēn píng héng,侧身平衡翻译成英文是 side scale

  6. 问:侧身投球法拼音怎么拼?侧身投球法的读音是什么?侧身投球法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侧身投球法的读音是cèshēn tóuqiúfǎ,侧身投球法翻译成英文是 set up position

  7. 问:侧身钩式滑垒拼音怎么拼?侧身钩式滑垒的读音是什么?侧身钩式滑垒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侧身钩式滑垒的读音是cè shēn gōu shì huá lěi,侧身钩式滑垒翻译成英文是 hook slide




【拼音】:cè shēn

【词意探源】: (1)指倾侧身体;忧愁不安。 《晋书·孙惠传》:“侧身昏谗之俗,跼蹐(音:局击)凶谄之间。” (2)指置身。 按:著名词典学家王光汉《词典问题研究--《现代汉语词典》推荐词形检讨》指出:此义当读cì。“侧”通“厕”。《广雅·释言》:“厕,间也。”《玉篇·广部》:“厕,杂也,次也。”《广韵》音为“初吏切”。“侧”通“厕”。 杜甫《将赴成都草堂途中有作五首》:“侧身天地更怀古。”