


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……





汉语拼音:nèi kē







  1. 医疗机构中主要用药物而不用手术来治疗内脏疾病的一科。

    明 吴朝宗 《赠医师郭徽言序》:“疡医世称外科,谓与内科不通。”



  1. There was no evidence of a link between nurse staffing levels and overall in-hospital morbidity among medical or surgical patients.


  2. During the late '80s, physicians began to realize that the simple act of starting a baby on penicillin could change all that.


  3. written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient.


  4. The NT Rights of the Terminally III law has left physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications.


  5. Medical patients keep their own medical records in the form of a booklet issued by the hospital after you register to see a doctor.


  6. The career of a physician will allow me to balance an intellectual curiosity with my desire to help those in need.


  7. Nagao was the son of a physician and he studied medical science, because his father wanted him to become a doctor.


  8. David grew up to be a physician, an aviator who could land on the deck of a carrier in the middle of the night, and a shuttle astronaut.


  9. Cancer Partners UK medical director Prof Karol Sikora said the message had to be "drink occasionally, but not regularly" .


  1. 内科胸腔镜

    Medical thoracoscopy.

  2. 常见内科疾病

    Internal medicine disease.

  3. 中兽医内科

    Chinese traditional veterinary internal medicine.

  4. 内科护理学

    medical nursing.

  5. 詹内科坐标

    Janecke coordinate.

  6. 我在内科工作。

    I work in Internal Medicine Division.

  7. 心脏科,内科,整形科

    You know, cardio, general, ortho.

  8. 内科医生或外科医生

    A physician or surgeon.

  9. 口腔内科护理学

    Medical Nursing of the Oral Cavity

  10. 您看内科还是外科

    Are you a medical or surgical case

  11. 你看内科还是外科?

    Do you want to see a physician or a surgeon?

  12. 荷兰内科学杂志

    The Netherlands Journal of Medicine

  13. 内科医生,牙医或兽医

    A physician, dentist, or veterinarian.

  14. 外科或内科用胸衣

    corset , surgical or medical

  15. 他既学外科又学内科。

    He studied medicine as well as surgery.

  16. 内科医师专于内科的医生

    A physician specializing in internal medicine.

  17. 内科杂病治疗八法

    Eight therapeatic methods for internal miscellaneous diseases

  18. 马老年医学内科与外科

    Equine Geriatric Medicine And Surgery.

  19. 你最好去找内科医生。

    Youd better go to see a doctor of internal medicine.

  20. 内科冲洗器或灌洗器承载器

    medical carrier or douche irrigator

  21. 专攻血管学的内科医师。

    a physician who specializes in angiology.

  22. 我要内科医生,不是精神病医生。

    I need a physician, not a psychiatrist.

  23. 我们学习政治, 内科, 外科等等。

    We study politics , medicine , surgery , and so on.

  24. 德国植物学家,内科医生。

    Fuchs, leonhard German botanist and physician.

  25. 现在最好去找内科医生看看。

    Now you had better consult with a physician.

  26. 这医院有内科病房和外科病房。

    The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.

  27. 这是一个内科尔方块。

    It's a Necker cube.

  28. 桂枝茯苓丸内科应用体会

    The bolus of cassis twig poria at internal medicine of application realize

  29. 他是位享有名的内科医师。

    He has a good reputation as a physician.

  30. 它发表在内科医学年鉴上。

    It was published in the'Annals of Internal Medicine'.


  1. 问:内科拼音怎么拼?内科的读音是什么?内科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科的读音是nèikē,内科翻译成英文是 internal medicine

  2. 问:内科病房拼音怎么拼?内科病房的读音是什么?内科病房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科病房的读音是nèikē bìngfáng,内科病房翻译成英文是 medical ward

  3. 问:内科学拼音怎么拼?内科学的读音是什么?内科学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科学的读音是nèi kē xué,内科学翻译成英文是 internal medicine

  4. 问:内科宁拼音怎么拼?内科宁的读音是什么?内科宁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科宁的读音是Nèikēníng,内科宁翻译成英文是 Nekkonen

  5. 问:内科拉拼音怎么拼?内科拉的读音是什么?内科拉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科拉的读音是Nèikēlā,内科拉翻译成英文是 Nekola

  6. 问:内科克萨拼音怎么拼?内科克萨的读音是什么?内科克萨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科克萨的读音是Nèikēkèsà,内科克萨翻译成英文是 Nekoksa

  7. 问:内科切阿拼音怎么拼?内科切阿的读音是什么?内科切阿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科切阿的读音是nèikēqiē'ā,内科切阿翻译成英文是 Necochea

  8. 问:内科医师拼音怎么拼?内科医师的读音是什么?内科医师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科医师的读音是,内科医师翻译成英文是 internist

  9. 问:内科医生拼音怎么拼?内科医生的读音是什么?内科医生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科医生的读音是nèikēyīshēng,内科医生翻译成英文是 internist

  10. 问:内科尔尼拼音怎么拼?内科尔尼的读音是什么?内科尔尼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科尔尼的读音是Nèikē'ěrní,内科尔尼翻译成英文是 Nekolný

  11. 问:内科尔纳拼音怎么拼?内科尔纳的读音是什么?内科尔纳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科尔纳的读音是Nèikē'ěrnà,内科尔纳翻译成英文是 Nekolná

  12. 问:内科治疗拼音怎么拼?内科治疗的读音是什么?内科治疗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科治疗的读音是nèi kē zhì liáo,内科治疗翻译成英文是 medical treatment

  13. 问:内科洛娃拼音怎么拼?内科洛娃的读音是什么?内科洛娃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科洛娃的读音是Nèikēluòwá,内科洛娃翻译成英文是 Nekolová

  14. 问:内科瓦日克拼音怎么拼?内科瓦日克的读音是什么?内科瓦日克翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科瓦日克的读音是Nèikēwǎrìkè,内科瓦日克翻译成英文是 Nekovařík

  15. 问:内科瓦若娃拼音怎么拼?内科瓦若娃的读音是什么?内科瓦若娃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科瓦若娃的读音是Nèikēwǎruòwá,内科瓦若娃翻译成英文是 Nekovářová

  16. 问:内科解剖学拼音怎么拼?内科解剖学的读音是什么?内科解剖学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科解剖学的读音是nèi kē jiě pōu xué,内科解剖学翻译成英文是 anatomia medica

  17. 问:内科透热法拼音怎么拼?内科透热法的读音是什么?内科透热法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科透热法的读音是nèi kē tòu rè fǎ,内科透热法翻译成英文是 medical diathermy

  18. 问:内科与牙科的拼音怎么拼?内科与牙科的的读音是什么?内科与牙科的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内科与牙科的的读音是nèi kē yǔ yá kē de,内科与牙科的翻译成英文是 medicodental