


1. 椅 [yǐ]2. 椅 [yī]椅 [yǐ]有靠背的坐具:~子。坐~。木~。躺~。椅 [yī]落叶乔木,木材可以制器物。亦称“山桐子”。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:yǐ zi






  1. 有靠背的坐具。

    南唐 尉迟偓 《中朝故事》:“ 崇文 曰:‘君非久在卑位也。’指己座下椅子谓之曰:‘此椅子犹不足与君坐。’”《朱子语类》卷八七:“今却在车上用椅子坐。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第三幕:“ 四凤 ,你把那张好椅子拿过来。”



  1. Kim was trying to read the letter and Sammie had just sat on a chair like she was in shock.


  2. On reaching home she sat down in a chair and fixed her eyes upon me.


  3. The branch manager had not said a word during all of this, and her silence continued as I sat back in my chair.


  4. I stood up from the bench; a little taller than I was when I sat down.


  5. He took the Browning and the Swinburne from the chair and kissed them. Just the same, she told me to call again, he thought.


  6. Dobbins fingered his book absently for a while, then took it out and settled himself in his chair to read!


  7. Raine stretched, arching his back to shake off the effects of hours sleeping crumpled up in a chair albeit a fairly luxurious one.


  8. He sat back in the chair, took a book and began to read, looking rather at ease.


  9. Sitting in a chair or riding a bicycle on a regular basis signals the brain to set the length of the muscles about the hips for flexion.


  1. 匈牙利椅子

    Breuer chair.

  2. 一排椅子。

    For objects grouped in rows, e. G.

  3. 王子和椅子

    The Prince and the Chairs.

  4. 双杠椅子顶

    chair pyramid atop shoulders.

  5. 拖把椅子过来

    to pull up a chair

  6. 精雕细刻的椅子

    ornately carved chairs

  7. 柳条椅子柳条鸟笼

    a wicker chair a wicker birdcage.

  8. 倒在椅子里

    slump into a chair.

  9. 瘫在椅子上

    to sink into a chair

  10. 给我张椅子。

    Get me a chair.

  11. 给我张椅子。

    Get me a chair.

  12. 把椅子弄翻。

    overturn a chair

  13. 把椅子弄开

    Scoot that chair over.

  14. 大椅子之歌

    Songs From The Big Chair.

  15. 倚靠在椅子上

    lie back

  16. 给他椅子坐。

    Give him a chair to sit on.

  17. 树,椅子,女孩。

    Tree. Chair. Girl.

  18. 她跳下椅子。

    She jumped down off the chair.

  19. 把椅子竖起来

    set a chair upright

  20. 拉把椅子过来。

    Pull up a chair.

  21. 把椅子搬上去。

    Hand up the chair.

  22. 这椅子歪歪倒倒。

    This chair is rather rickety.

  23. 折叠式添座椅子

    pew chair

  24. 我没有椅子坐。

    I have no armchair to sit in.

  25. 他在刷洗椅子。

    He is brushing the chair clean.

  26. 重压下的椅子

    His weight shifts on the wobbly chair

  27. 靠近桌子和椅子。

    Near the table and chair.

  28. 带有便桶的椅子

    A chair enclosing a chamber pot.

  29. 将椅子置于墙角。

    Stick the chair in the corner.

  30. 给椅子装椅面

    to bottom a chair.


  1. 问:椅子拼音怎么拼?椅子的读音是什么?椅子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椅子的读音是yǐzi,椅子翻译成英文是 chair

  2. 问:椅子上拼音怎么拼?椅子上的读音是什么?椅子上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椅子上的读音是yǐzi shàng,椅子上翻译成英文是 on the chair

  3. 问:椅子架拼音怎么拼?椅子架的读音是什么?椅子架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椅子架的读音是yǐ zǐ jià,椅子架翻译成英文是 seat stand

  4. 问:椅子竹拼音怎么拼?椅子竹的读音是什么?椅子竹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椅子竹的读音是yǐzizhú,椅子竹翻译成英文是 Dendrocalamus bambusoides

  5. 问:椅子竹组拼音怎么拼?椅子竹组的读音是什么?椅子竹组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:椅子竹组的读音是yǐzizhú zǔ,椅子竹组翻译成英文是 Sect.; Bambusoidetes



“椅子”是个多义词,它可以指椅子(罗马尼亚诗人马林·索列斯库创作的诗歌), 椅子(法国戏剧作家尤奈斯库创作的作品), 椅子(日常生活家具)。