







汉语拼音:dī jiàn









  1. 低下卑贱。指出身或社会地位。

    朱自清 《生命的价格--七毛钱》:“我们的孩子所以高贵,正因为我们不曾出卖他们,而那个女孩所以低贱,正因为她是被出卖的。” 老舍 《柳家大院》:“我倒不是说拉洋车就低贱,我是说人就不应当拉车;人嘛,当牛马?”

  2. 指卑鄙下贱。

    萧乾 《一本褪色的相册》九:“一种低贱的冷酷的笑由他们嘴角溢出。”



  1. It is not a covenant between a superior and an inferior, but a covenant of the body with each of its members.


  2. I perceive that we inhabitants of New England live this mean life that we do because our vision does not penetrate the surface of things.


  3. It was inexplicable that she had been subject to a man so paltry in mind, so despicable in character.


  4. What may make one not be able to think: The noblest activity uses the thinking mode comes from the humblest activity unexpectedly.


  5. The once proud Padawan had been reduced to a lowly slave, toiling away for her uncle, Pol Secura.


  6. It is out of perceiving one another as less than God Goddess that humans compromise one another and fail to honor.


  7. I hope you can understand that if you do not study hard, you will be as useless as the old gardener who can only do this humble job!


  8. So they miss the prince, Second, they all of those not pure-blooded beneath them, so I said "proud" !


  9. Not worthy to untie - Unloosing the latchets of the sandals of their masters was the work of the lowest slaves.


  1. 他出身低贱。

    He was born low.

  2. 地位低贱的人

    a man of low degree

  3. 总觉得它们很低贱

    I really thought they were so beneath me.

  4. 但这样做, 好像很低贱。

    But it sounds cheap doing so.

  5. 机器这个词现在还很低贱。

    Machines are a dirty word now.

  6. 而你,我的爱人,卑微低贱。

    And you, my Love, as humble and as low.

  7. 他永远低贱,无时不可笑。

    He is ever contemptible and uninterruptedly ridiculous.

  8. 我不想让他觉得我很低贱。

    I don't want him to think I'm sleazy.

  9. 因为他们低贱,这里是贬义,以及便宜。

    Because it's cheap, in the pejorative sense, as well as inexpensive.

  10. 他又回去做他那相当低贱的工作了。

    He had gone back to his rather plebeian job.

  11. 像是墓中的死穴, 冰冷, 深藏, 低贱。

    Each like a corpse within its grave, until.

  12. 拜托,别跟我说你们有一样低贱的自尊。

    Please don't tell me you have low selfesteem.

  13. 有时候,微小低贱的东西,却显得更厉害啊。

    Thereare times when the small and lowly are the strongest to do mischief.

  14. 其实我们说它低贱, 有时候也是证据不足的。

    In fact, sometimes there is insufficient evidence to judge them how nidering they are.

  15. 不管多么低贱的杂活只要有报酬他都愿意干。

    He is prepared to accept any remunerative chore, however demeaning.

  16. 通过乱交寻求满足或得到子女, 只是低贱得卖淫。

    It is base halotry to seek either gain or offspring by promiscuous intercourse.

  17. 有些雇主看待一个总部低贱, 宁愿不要一个实际高中文凭。

    Some employers look upon a GED as inferior, preferring instead an actual high school diploma.

  18. 忽然,他让低贱的乌云连同丑恶的云影奔上他神圣的面颊

    Anon permit the basest clouds to ride eith ugly rock on his celestial face

  19. 我觉得让他来做这样低贱的工作实在是太可惜了。

    I think he is far too qualified for such a menial position.

  20. 贫民窟里最低贱的人们

    the sweepings of the gutter

  21. 爱是高贵的, 情欲是低贱的。

    Love is noble, lust is nidering.

  22. 她因出身低贱而受到蔑视。

    She was despised because she was of humble origin.

  23. 一个低贱的平民进入元老院?

    A lowly pleb in the senate?

  24. 但随后大叫我们是低贱的女人。

    But then he started screaming at us that we were low women.

  25. 所有低贱的生命都可以在那里找到。

    All the low life can be found there.

  26. 出身高贵的人可能价值低,出身微贱的人可能价值高。

    A man of high birth may be of low worth and vice versa.

  27. 真正的对立存在于高贵与低贱之间。

    The real antithesis exists between noble and humble.

  28. 她憎恶洗锅擦盘之类低贱的工作。

    She hated such menial tasks as washing the pots and pans.

  29. 我现在才明白,其它礼物是多么低贱与卑劣!

    How poor and cheap and mean I know those others now to be.

  30. 从你的话中,我只能看到你的愚蠢和低贱!

    From your words I can only see how stupid and cheap you are!


  1. 问:低贱拼音怎么拼?低贱的读音是什么?低贱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低贱的读音是dījiàn,低贱翻译成英文是 humble

  2. 问:低贱的拼音怎么拼?低贱的的读音是什么?低贱的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低贱的的读音是,低贱的翻译成英文是 niddering






【基本解释】 品质低劣或卑劣的。