




小,细小:细~。轻~。~小。~型。~观。~雕。~积分。~电脑。~量元素。谨小慎~。~乎其~。少;稍:稍~。~笑。~调(tiáo )。衰落;低下:卑~。~贱。精深;精妙:~妙。精~。~言大义。隐约;不明:~茫。~词(隐晦的批评)。隐匿:“白公……



汉语拼音:dī wēi










  1. 低廉。


  2. 低下,不足道。

    《水浒传》第五七回:“ 呼延灼 见他本事低微,纵马赶上山来。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第一编第一章第五节:“那时候,生产力非常低微,人们借以生活的工具,仅仅是石器以及后来出现的弓箭。”

  3. 指微薄。

    王西彦 《风雪》一:“从公务人员待遇的低微,他开始谈论到世态的炎凉和人情的浇薄。”

  4. 卑下,微贱。指身份或地位。

    《三国志平话》卷中:“ 周瑜 笑曰:‘我闻 诸葛 出身低微,元是庄农。’”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“况且我既为官,做我配的须是名门大族, 焦 家不过市井之人,门户低微,岂堪受朝廷封誥,作终身伉儷哉?” 丁玲 《阿毛姑娘》:“﹝ 阿毛 ﹞不安于她那低微的地位,不认命运生来不如人,然而她却并不真真的认识了什么。”

  5. 指声音细小微弱。

    巴金 《家》四:“虽然声音很低,却是无所不在,连屋角里也似乎有极其低微的哭泣。” 碧野 《没有花的春天》第九章:“从那群大兵中间,传来一阵低微的女人的呻吟。”



  1. All the stories can seem to play down the fact: the female lead could be as low, but it must be beautiful, and temperament to be different.

  2. It's one of the places the party goes when it's in trouble, "he said. " A lot of us are holding our breath to see how this plays out.

  3. At a neighboring table, a man obviously drunk, began in a low but penetrating voice to direct a stream of unprintable comment at him.

  4. Mr Casely, who said he could find no link to Prince William's bride-to-be, claimed John Middleton's origins were both "obscure and humble" .

  5. For the master spirit of the earth shall not sleep peacefully upon the wind till the needs of the least of you are satisfied.

  6. A small slow voice rose from the shade of the fireside, as if out of the earth.

  7. Postures, head handle everything to do 100 points, even if it made further small, low, do not do too much, not grandiose.

  8. To be low man on the totem pole is to have an inferior place in the hierarchy .

  9. Raised in a humble home, St. Helena is later canonized for her pious works and her relentless search for christian relics.


  1. 低微的声音

    a weak voice.

  2. 低微的薪水

    chicken feed.

  3. 工资低微。

    The pay is dreadful.

  4. 工资低微。

    The pay is dreadful.

  5. 出身低微的人

    A man of humble birth.

  6. 工资低微的工人

    sweated labor

  7. 职位低微者

    bottle washer.

  8. 林肯出身低微

    Abraham Lincoln was a man of humble birth.

  9. 地位低微的工作

    jobs with low prestige

  10. 他出身低微。

    He is a man of low birth.

  11. 以低微的声音抱怨

    bleat a complaint

  12. 低微的人出身或现状低微的人。

    A person of humble birth or condition.

  13. 我们低微到不能再低微了!

    We go as low as the dough will allow!

  14. 他是个出身低微的人。

    He is a man of low birth.

  15. 他是位出身低微的人。

    He is a man of low birth.

  16. 他虽出生低微,却胸怀大志。

    He flew high though he was of humble origin.

  17. 我的职位低微, 大家都不理我。

    My office was so low that people avoided me.

  18. 我得职位低微,大家都不理我。

    My office was so low that people avoided me.

  19. 低微的人有钱也会成为绅士。

    Jack would be a gentleman if he had money.

  20. 他以生活节俭来低微的收入。

    He offsets his small salary by living economically.

  21. 以如此低微的工资, 他如何度日?

    Haw can he get by on such low wages ?

  22. 他并不以自己出身低微为耻。

    He was not ashamed of his lowly origins.

  23. 我们不能瞧不起那些出身低微的人。

    We couldn't disregard those of low birth.

  24. 盈利低微给了公司裁减冗员的借口。

    Low profits gave the company an excuse to clean out the dead wood.

  25. 努力奋斗以战胜贫穷或低微的身份。

    Engaged in a struggle to overcome especially poverty or obscurity.

  26. 这里没有平凡, 没有懒散, 没有贫困, 也没有低微。

    It was above the common mass, above idleness, above want, above insignificance.

  27. 他出身低微, 后来经过努力而取得成功。

    He started life at the bottom of the ladder and worked his way up to success.

  28. 之后他还做过许多低微的工作来糊口。

    Later on, Twain did many small jobs to make a living.

  29. 对于自己引起的低微笑声, 他感激地笑了。

    He smiled appreciatively at the murmur of laughter he'd provoked.

  30. 开始试用,本人愿以低微的薪金工作数月。

    I am willing to sere on trial for some months at a small salary.


  1. 问:低微拼音怎么拼?低微的读音是什么?低微翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低微的读音是dīwēi,低微翻译成英文是 low; insignificant



读法 dīwēi 英语 low

近义词:微弱 解释 ①微弱、细小。

【例】声音~。 ②微薄。

【例】收入~。 ③旧指人的社会地位低下。
