







汉语拼音:gāo kàng










  1. 刚强爽直。

    《左传·文公五年》“高明柔克” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“高明,谓人性之高亢明爽也。” 宋 曾巩 《<洪范>传》:“人之为德高亢明爽者,本於刚,而柔有不足也;故济之以柔克,所以救其偏。” 王统照 《沉船》:“她那高亢坚强的性格往往蔑视她丈夫的怯懦怕事。”

  2. 刚正戆直。

    《东观汉记·杜林传》:“及至 汉 兴,因时宜,趋世务,省烦苛,取实事,不苟贪高亢之论。”《魏书·李彪传》:“而窃名忝职,身为违傲,矜势高亢,公行僭逸。” 宋 林逋 《隐居秋日》诗:“高亢可能称独行,穷空犹拟赖斯文。”《明史·郑履淳传》:“高亢暌孤,乾坤否隔。”

  3. 指地势高。与“低洼”相对。

    明 蒋一葵 《长安客话·顺义县》:“或谓县城地位高亢,如磨盘然。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·农功》:“地属高亢,则宜多种赤米。”

  4. 昂扬,响亮。

    明 吴宽 《<石田藁>序》:“古今诸体,各臻其妙。溪风渚月,谷靄岫云,形蹟若空,姿态倐变,玩之而愈佳,揽之而无尽。所谓清婉和平高亢超絶者兼有之。” 巴金 《家》十七:“甚至 淑英 清脆的女音也并未溶化在 觉民 的高亢的男声里。”



  1. The effect of his overenergetic prose style also becomes wearying: every other noun seems to be in italics.

  2. "I thought he would come, " said Voldemort in his high, clear voice, his eyes on the leaping flames. "I expected him to come. "

  3. The British have been a people trying desperately to hold back a booming rendition of God Save the Queen.

  4. If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise.

  5. He longed to speak out from his own pulpit at the full height of his voice, and tell the people what he was.

  6. Master Xu is a woman , but she created the loud and sonorous style to describe Baoyu 's happiness , excitement and his sadness , despair .

  7. Last March, with the MVP chants at their loudest, he stared at a room full of silent friends.

  8. On the back seat the thing in the basket began to cry; the air raid siren wail of the newly born. High.

  9. She spoke of the depravity of the natives in a voice which nothing could hush, but with a vehemently unctuous horror.


  1. 高亢的歌声

    sonorous singing

  2. 高亢的音乐使我紧张。

    Loud music makes me tense.

  3. 她的声调高亢而得意。

    Her tone was loud, exultant.

  4. 他讲话时音调很高亢。

    He has a high-pitched voice.

  5. 喇叭吹奏部分高亢的声音

    The bright sound of the trumpet section.

  6. 从远处传来高亢的歌声。

    Sonorous singing came from the distance.

  7. 笛子演奏的声音太高亢、尖锐。

    Flute is too high and too squeaky to play.

  8. 北方的梆子腔高亢嘹亮。

    Northern opera is defined by very loud and sonorous singing.

  9. 北方的梆子腔高亢嘹亮。

    Northern opera is defined by very loud and sonorous singing.

  10. 自信, 有力和高亢感漫溢。

    Feelings of self confidence, power, and euphoria pervade.

  11. 乐曲时而激越高亢, 时而像瀑布飞泻。

    The melody surged and spoke like waterfalls.

  12. 吠, 叫喊发出尖利, 高亢的犬吠声叫喊

    To emit a sharp, high pitched barkyelp.

  13. 高亢的是心灵的呐喊,激烈的是生命的燃烧。

    The resounding cry is the soul, Intense burning of life.

  14. 连以前高亢得声音,现在也变得低沉。

    Is this happening to you, too?

  15. 啊,伟大的来生,啊,你笛声的高亢的呼唤!

    Great Beyond, O the keen call of thy flute!

  16. 连以前高亢的声音,现在也变得低沉。

    Is this happening to you, too ?

  17. 啊,最远的尽头,啊,你笛声的高亢的呼唤!

    Farthest end, O the keen call of thy flute!

  18. 呵,最远的尽头,呵,你笛声的高亢的呼唤!

    O Farthest end, O the keen call of thy flute!

  19. 犬吠声,叫喊声尖利高亢高吭的狗叫声,叫喊声

    A sharp, high pitched barka yelp.

  20. 我当时因为吗啡心情高亢得像风筝一样

    I was high as a kite on morphine.

  21. 像小铃发出的声音一样短促、高亢、清脆。

    Like the short high ringing sound of a small bell.

  22. 青春如歌,亦如随波而流,时而低沉,时而高亢。

    Cantabile youth, as well as and flow, sometimes low, sometimes sonorous.

  23. 另外,也可留意一下意中人中的那高亢的唱腔。

    Also look out for soaring vocals on The Right Man.

  24. 在一片寂静之中,它的声音显得格外的高亢有力。

    In a hush, its sound appears all the more sonorous and strong.

  25. 孙女高亢的嗓音响彻整个大厅,那么清晰,那么真切,音调完美。

    Our granddaughters magnificent soprano voice soared, clear and true, in perfect pitch.

  26. 京胡发音清脆高亢,有西皮,二簧,娃娃调和拔子多种。

    Types Xi Pi, Er Huang, the Baby tune and bo Zi.

  27. 你更像一首优美而高亢的诗歌,一个美丽而动人的传奇。

    You are more like a resounding ballad, telling us a moving legend.

  28. 你更像一首优美而高亢的歌谣,一个美丽而动人的传奇。

    You are more like a resounding ballad, telling us a moving legend.

  29. 他的声音高亢而冷酷,但是愤怒和恐惧在内心灼烧。

    His voice was high and cold, but fury and fear burned inside him.

  30. 高亢的福音曲调之后,是对好莱坞文化这个怪兽的激烈驳斥。

    An uplifting gospel tune with a ferocious polemic on the monstrosity of Hollywood culture?


  1. 问:高亢拼音怎么拼?高亢的读音是什么?高亢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高亢的读音是gāokàng,高亢翻译成英文是 resounding