







汉语拼音:chén yù








  1. Bottled water, he said with a somewhat melancholy air, was held "in a different light, almost as a savior to the population. "


  2. Then he resumed his monotonous and lugubrious tramp, which troubled the dreams of the sleeping man beneath HIM, and awoke HIM with a start.


  3. It was noticed that there was a moment when his countenance became very sombre.


  4. Jean Valjean was of that thoughtful but not gloomy disposition which constitutes the peculiarity of affectionate natures.


  5. The origin of melancholy can be traced as far back in Chu poems and Han music verses that centered on sad content.


  6. The emotion of his poem is deep, rich, with a melancholy style.


  7. He had Gray hair, a serious eye, the sunburned complexion of a laborer, the thoughtful visage of a philosopher.


  8. And it is always if your cat or dog begins vomiting, acting depressed, or breathes rapidly. Don't delay! Take them to the vet.


  9. The Fifty-ninth WHA opened in a sombre mood following the sudden death on Monday morning of Dr LEE Jong-wook, WHO Director-General.


  1. 沉郁与矛盾

    Depressed and Contradictory.

  2. 大家沉郁地低下了头。

    All dropped their heads with a gloomy air.

  3. 沉郁伤感的影片, 小说等。

    a mushy film, book, etc

  4. 心情沉郁了我只认树叶。

    Leaves are all my darket mood.

  5. 黑色是收敛的, 沉郁的, 难以琢磨的。

    Black is restrained, depressive and hard to ponder.

  6. 在他阴暗沉郁的脑海里闪耀亮光。

    Glows and grows in the murk of his brain.

  7. 节日的气氛把他沉郁的心情一扫而光。

    The festive atmosphere swept his melancholy thoughts clean away.

  8. 没有了原动力,生活便会沉郁无光。

    What makes life dreary is the want ochu nvf motive.

  9. 远离沉郁的大地,于天堂之门颂吟。

    From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate.

  10. 她用沉郁的嗓音演唱了这些中世纪民谣。

    She has lent her gravelly voice for the medieval ballads.

  11. 我们已经约略描绘过这个沉郁的小人儿的形象。

    We have already given a sketch of that sombre little figure.

  12. 有些猪尚能维持警觉,另一些猪则表现沉郁。

    While some pigs may remain alert, others show signs of depression.

  13. 症状包括精神沉郁, 腹泻, 啄肛以及不同得死亡率。

    Symptoms include depression, diarrhea, vent picking, and variable mortality.

  14. 症状包括精神沉郁,腹泻,啄肛以及不同的死亡率。

    Symptoms include depression, diarrhea, vent picking, and variable mortality.

  15. 一排排沉郁的三层楼高的灰色楼房通向市中心。

    Grey rows of grim houses, three storeys high, led into the town centre.

  16. 这个女人沉郁的样子看起来与四周愉快的人群格格不入。

    Her sullen mood seems at odds with the jubilant crowd around them.

  17. 他的作品笔墨灵逸,畅快淋漓,劲健繁茂,沉郁秀雅

    His brushstrokes are fluid, vigorous and elegant.

  18. 大家注意到他的神色在某一时刻显得非常沉郁。

    It was noticed that there was a moment when his countenance became very sombre.

  19. 他沉郁地向我细诉自己那乏味而机械化的生活。

    He plaintively told a tale of boredom bumping along in the rut of routine.

  20. 田园小镇处于文明边缘,满是沉郁,孤立而且狐疑的镇民。

    Rural towns exist on the fringe of civilization, filled with sullen, insular and mistrustful citizens.

  21. 其表温柔敦厚其里沧桑沉郁 试论孙犁晚年散文的文体特色

    On the Style feature of Sun Li'Prose Written In his Later Yerrs

  22. 他坐在扶手椅上,那双沉郁的眼睛注视着窗外积聚的乌云。

    He settles down in an armchair and fixes his mournful eyes on the storm clouds gathering behind the window.

  23. 沉郁的渊源可以追溯到楚辞和汉乐府那里,以悲为核心内容。

    The origin of melancholy can be traced as far back in Chu poems and Han music verses that centered on sad content.


  1. 问:沉郁拼音怎么拼?沉郁的读音是什么?沉郁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉郁的读音是chényù,沉郁翻译成英文是 depressed; gloomy; down, low, subdued, melancholy, b...



沉郁 chényù [depressed;gloomy;upset] ①沉闷忧郁心绪沉郁|沉郁的脸色②深沉蕴藉李白诗飘逸杜甫诗沉郁 一种诗歌风格的评价梁代的文论家钟嵘在诗品序中曾经称赞梁武帝萧衍体沉郁之幽思文丽日月赏究天人足见沉郁的显要地位 陈廷焯说所谓沉郁者意在笔先神余言外它要若隐若见欲露不露反复缠绵终不许一语道破匪独体格之高亦见性情之厚白雨斋词话卷一第八节这对我们是有启发的我们认为沉郁就是指情感的深厚浓郁忧愤所谓沉是就情感的深沉而言所谓郁是就情感的浓郁忧愤而言陈廷焯云沉郁则极深厚白雨斋词话卷...