




对着,朝着,与“背”相对:~背(bèi )。~北。目标,意志所趋:志~。方~。偏袒,袒护:偏~。近,临:~晚。秋天漠漠~昏黑。从前:~日。~者。从开始到现在:~例。一~。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhì xiàng







  1. 亦作“ 志乡 ”。志向。

    宋 真德秀 《直前奏事札子》:“陛下以苟安为志乡,则国埶日削,人心日媮,虽弱虏仅存,不能无外忧。”《续资治通鉴·宋宁宗嘉定七年》引作“志嚮”。 明 李东阳 《封孺人杨母墓志铭》:“其识见志嚮,殆非常女妇可及。”

  2. 指关于立身行事的意图和决心。

    《太平御览》卷九二八引 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《幽明录》:“﹝ 桂阳 罗君章 ﹞梦得一鸟卵,五色杂耀,不似人间物,梦中因取吞之。於是渐有志向,遂勤学,读‘九经’,以清才闻。”《新唐书·诸夷蕃将传·论惟贞》:“ 惟贞 名 瑀 ,以字行。志向恢大。” 明 李贽 《与耿司寇告别书》:“其餘诸年少或聪明未启,或志向未专。” 郭沫若 《屈原》第一幕:“我的志向就是一心一意地要学先生,先生的学问文章我要学,先生的为人处世我也要学。”



  1. Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.


  2. For Mr Vajpayee, who once said that his life's ambition was to see India take its place as a great nation, it must be very dispiriting.


  3. Although I said yesterday was a great failure, but I do not lose yesterday although I, but I am full of ambition.


  4. Juventus coach Didier Deschamps says he's not at all unhappy over demands from his star players to know their summer market ambitions.


  5. But in the beginning, his knowledge was as poor as his thoughts were shallow, so he ran into snags and was foiled everywhere.


  6. Except in the case of a few highfliers and a somewhat larger number of inveterate slackers, college is a stressful experience.


  7. "Many European countries still believe that students have different destinations that should be met with different expectations, " he said.


  8. American universities currently seem to be the best, judging from the flow of ambitious students.


  9. If he is still lazy, he would not realize his ambition which is to be a doctor.


  1. 浅薄的志向

    jerkwater notions.

  2. 你志向太低。

    You aim too low.

  3. 林肯志向远大

    He had a huge ambition.

  4. 志向真远大,孩子

    Way to shoot for the stars, kid.

  5. 王同志向你问候。

    Comrade Wang asked after you.

  6. 志趣是指志向和兴趣。

    Zhi Qu means ambition and interest.

  7. 远大的志向鞭策着他。

    The great ambition is spurring him on.

  8. 她从事电影工作的志向

    her aspirations to a movie career

  9. 青年人应有远大的志向。

    Young people should have lofty aspirations.

  10. 我得志向是飞得更高。

    My aspirations take a higher flight.

  11. 一个具有祟高志向的人

    a man of noble aspiration

  12. 你志向万千, 从未妥协丝毫

    You want it all and you settle for nothing less

  13. 志向的贫穷是真正贫穷的悲剧。

    The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations.

  14. 黑桃您的志向遭到反对。

    Spade there is opposition to your ambitions.

  15. 我的志向是飞得更高。

    My aspirations take a higher flight.

  16. 他是一个毫无志向的人。

    He is a person of no ambitions.

  17. 说真的,我的志向是非常纯正的。

    Truly I have been very pure in my ambitions.

  18. 并不是只有他们聪明, 有志向。

    They were not the only ones to have brains and ambition.

  19. 我是说,这就是我的远大志向。

    And, I mean, that was my sort of goal.

  20. 决定高尚的志向时不要踌躇。

    Never falter in noble resolution.

  21. 不过,我们的国家志向不是偏狭的。

    Our national aspirations are, however, not parochial.

  22. 说真得,我得志向是非常纯正得。

    Truly I have been very pure in my ambitions.

  23. 人无志向,像迷途的盲人一样。

    He who has no aspiration will be like a stray blindman.

  24. 具有坚定志向的人一定会成功。

    He who has constancy of purpose will succeed.

  25. 中日小学生成才志向比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Aspirations of the Chinese and Japanese Pupils to Grow Up to Be Somebody

  26. 在于坚定不移的志向, 坚定不懈的努力。

    Be diligent, work hard, and focus on your goals.

  27. 第二个现实是更高远的志向。

    The second reality is higher aspirations.

  28. 裘得志向是想轰轰烈烈地大干一番。

    Jo's ambition was to do something very splendid.

  29. 裘的志向是想轰轰烈烈地大干一番。

    Jo's ambition was to do something very splendid.

  30. 她有成为一个大作家的志向。

    She has aspirations to become a great writer.


  1. 问:志向拼音怎么拼?志向的读音是什么?志向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:志向的读音是zhìxiàng,志向翻译成英文是 ambition


