


1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……





汉语拼音:xìng wèi







兴味 [xìng wèi]
  1. 趣味;兴趣。

    五代 齐己 《残春连雨中偶作怀故人》诗:“不知何兴味,更有好诗题。” 宋 梅尧臣 《睡意》诗:“四时自得兴味佳,岂必鏘金与鸣玉。” 元 张寿卿 《红梨花》第一折:“我此一来,专为要见 谢金莲 而来,不想他嫁了人。哥哥便留我在书房中安住,也没什么兴味。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许广平》:“她和我谈的,大抵是二三十年前的和邻居的事情,我不大有兴味,但也只得听之。”



  1. Usually he looked as if he saw things, was full of life, and warm.


  2. Next to her, three other vampires with golden eyes stared at me with open curiosity.


  3. I shall use the benefit concealer that I do not know what the Chinese name has interest to the counter asked, a little blue Pinger.


  4. He was still an interested factor in the merry-makings of the world, while she -- but she did not pursue the thought.


  5. If you can see everything with a sense of humor, you are an interesting person, and people will never feel dull together with you.


  6. He looked at me with some amusement.


  7. I have always been interested in medicine and I believe to be a doctor is really right up my alley.


  8. He is so handsome, so that each girl had met him deeply in love with him, yet there is no one girl can lead to his interest.


  9. "I am a rather busy man, Mr. Gibson, " said he, "and I have no time or taste for aimless conversations. I wish you good morning"


  1. 饶有兴味的闲聊

    a delicious bit of gossip

  2. 使兴味索然, 使不关注

    To divest of interest.

  3. 使兴味索然,使不关注

    To divest of interest.

  4. 我吃得很极有兴味。

    He eats with great relish.

  5. 这个问题使我兴味盎然。

    The subject is full of interest to me.

  6. 她小有兴味地等待着。

    She waited with mild interest.

  7. 他饶有兴味地看着我。

    He looked at me with some amusement.

  8. 感激您与哈姆林的兴味。

    Thank you for your interest with Hamlin.

  9. 骄奢淫逸的兴味,放纵,欲望等。

    voluptuous tastes, indulgences, urges, etc

  10. 不幸的婚姻使我们兴味索然。

    The unhappy marriage disgusted us.

  11. 人们饶有兴味地等待着结果。

    The result is awaited with interest.

  12. 她孤零零地吃着早餐,兴味索然。

    Her solitary breakfast did not taste nice.

  13. 调查结果令人读起来饶有兴味。

    The results of the survey made fascinating reading.

  14. 他兴味盎然地瞅着那幅肖像。

    He stares at the portrait with uncommon interest.

  15. 是这闷热得天气使我兴味索然。

    It is the heavy weather and heat that make me dull.

  16. 是这闷热的天气使我兴味索然。

    It is the heavy weather and heat that make me dull.

  17. 他生动的笔法给故事增添了兴味。

    His vivid touch added salt to the story.

  18. 他的朋友们回家后, 他感到兴味索然。

    He felt very flat after his friends had gone home.

  19. 地方色彩给这部小说增加了兴味。

    Local colour lends peculiar interest to the novel.

  20. 这个领域内的国家实践是饶有兴味的。

    State practice in that field was interesting.

  21. 他们代表着兴味派的不同作家类型。

    They represent different types of writers in Xingwei School.

  22. 他慢慢地点头,一副饶有兴味的神态。

    Slowly, with an air of amusement, he nodded.

  23. 这个问题即使你兴味盎然,我也是兴味索然。

    The subject may be full of interest to you, but it holds no interest for me.

  24. 她想, 骄傲是个兴味无穷的恶习。

    She thought that pride was a delicious sin.

  25. 如果我们计算开销,就会搞得兴味索然。

    It takes all the fun away if we count the cost.

  26. 可你为何对那位老太太那么感兴味呢?

    But why are you so interested in the old woman?

  27. 社交聚会使他兴致勃勃,可她似乎兴味索然。

    Parties switched him on but they seemed to switch her off.

  28. 社交聚会使他兴致勃勃,但似乎使她兴味索然。

    Parties switch him on, but they seem to switch her off.

  29. 苏轼的嗜石兴味与宋代文人的审美观念

    Su shi's interest in stones and literati's aesthetic standards in the song dynasty

  30. 他没完没了地谈论政治,使整个晚上兴味索然。

    He spoilt the evening by talking politics all the time.


  1. 问:兴味拼音怎么拼?兴味的读音是什么?兴味翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴味的读音是xìngwèi,兴味翻译成英文是 interest