


郊外,村外:~外。~景。~游。~趣。~餐。~战。四~。郊~。界限,范围:分~。视~。指不当政的地位,与“朝(cháo )”相对:朝~。下~。在~。~史。不讲情理,没有礼貌:~蛮。粗~。巨大而非分的欲望:~心。不受约束:心玩儿~了。不是人工驯……


1. 葛 [gé]2. 葛 [ɡě]葛 [gé]多年生草本植物,茎可编篮做绳,纤维可织布,块根肥大,称“葛根”,可制淀粉,亦可入药(通称“葛麻”):~布。~巾(葛布做的头巾,古人不分贵贱常服)。~履。表面有花纹的纺织品,用丝做经,棉线或麻线……



汉语拼音:yě gě






  1. 即钩吻。常绿灌木,缠绕茎。根、茎、叶有剧毒。也叫葫蔓藤、断肠草、大茶药。

    汉 王充 《论衡·言毒》:“草木之中,有巴豆、野葛,食之凑懣,颇多杀人。” 唐 罗隐 《宿纪南驿》诗:“不知 无忌 姦邪骨,又作何山野葛苗?” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草六·钩吻》:“此草虽名野葛,非葛根之野者也…… 广 人谓之胡蔓草,亦曰断肠草,入人畜腹内,即黏肠上,半日则黑烂,又名烂肠草。 滇 人谓之火把花,因其花红而性热如火也。 岳州 谓之黄藤。”



  1. Methods Puerarin was determined by HPLC from different growth years of Pueraria lobata.


  2. CONCLUSION Base on the molecular characters, P. thomson ii may be taken as variant of P. lobata, but P. montana is independent species.


  3. They might have kudzu at their table or they might have a western table.


  4. The Northern United States bases no threat from kudzu. Harsh winters kill it off.


  5. there is no one to work the fields, Kudzu soon takes over.


  6. Kudzu is a plant that "can serve as a 'host' for the fungus that causes the disease, " APHIS said.


  7. Objective: To establish HPLC fingerprint of Radix Puerariae[Pueraria lobata(Willd. )Ohwi].


  8. Are you familiar with kudzu-- a prolific vine that wraps itself around other vegetation, strangling the life out of it?


  9. Another very well-known natural estrogen is the essence of Thailand and Pueraria lobata.


  1. 野葛浸出物

    poison ivy extract

  2. 野葛超敏反应

    poison ivy hypersensitivity

  3. 野葛地下器官的解剖学研究

    Anatomical studies on the underground organs of pueraria lobata

  4. 拔除入侵的野葛是否值得一试?

    Is pulling up invasive kudzu worth the effort.

  5. 野葛主要营养和药用成分的分析

    Analysis on the Major Nutrient and Medical Contents in Wild Pueraria

  6. 野葛植物学特征与生物学特性观察

    Observation on botanical and biological characteristics of wild kudzu

  7. 野葛愈伤组织诱导及分化的研究

    Study on the Callus Induction and Differentiation of Pueraria lobata

  8. 江西野葛种质资源的收集和研究

    Collection and Study of Wild Pueraria Germplasm Resources in Jiangxi Province

  9. 他为占据了废弃建筑的野葛而烦恼不已。

    He frets over the kudzu that is devouring abandoned buildings.

  10. 法测定野葛中葛根素含量的不确定度分析

    Puerarin content uncertainty analysis in pueraria lobata ohwi

  11. 桌上可能会有野葛,他们可能会有一张欧式桌子。

    They might have kudzu at their table or they might have a western table.

  12. 野葛在南方大部分地区蔓延,并且正在向北方扩展。

    The Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North.

  13. 不同采集时间野葛不同部位总黄酮和葛根素含量比较

    Comparison on contents of flavonoids and puerarin from different parts of Pueraria lobata in different gathering time

  14. 要想摆脱职业野葛的缠绕,可将以下忠告付诸行动。

    You can cut through career kudzu by putting the following advice into action.

  15. 野葛对红壤坡地水土保持和改良土壤效应的研究

    Effect of Wild Pueraria on Soil and Water Conservation and Soil Amelioration of red Soil in Hilly Land

  16. 说野葛对于美国北方并不会产生威胁,因为严酷的冬天会。

    The Northern United States bases no threat from kudzu. Harsh winters kill it off.

  17. 说野葛对于美国北方并不会产生威胁,因为严酷得冬天会。

    The Northern United States bases no threat from kudzu. Harsh winters kill it off.

  18. 野葛及百喜草对红壤坡地水土保持及土壤改良的效应

    Effects of wild pueraria and bahia grass on soil and water conservation and soil amelioration in red soil of hilly land


  1. 问:野葛菌绒孢拼音怎么拼?野葛菌绒孢的读音是什么?野葛菌绒孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:野葛菌绒孢的读音是yěgéjūn róngbāo,野葛菌绒孢翻译成英文是 Mycovellosiella puerariae